The 2019 Minnesota Alliance Schedule


All Weekend Events will be $75 or $60 if preregistered, and for NPC's it will be $25 or $15 if preregistered.

One Days will be $25 or $20 if preregistered, and for NPC's it will $10 or $5 if preregistered.

There will be discounts for folks who preregister; details of which will be in each event’s prereg post on the forum.

We will be hosting 6 Weekend Events this year:

April 20th, Saturday only, noon to 7:00 PM - Sacajewea Day Camp

May 10th Weekend - Gamehaven Scout Reservation

June 14th Weekend - Gamehaven Scout Reservation

July 19th Weekend - Stearns: Heritage & Gagner Lodges

August 16th Weekend - Fred C Anderson: Swanson Lodge

September 14th Weekend - Gamehaven Scout Reservation

October 19th Weekend - Parker Scout Reservation: Miller Castle

Pay no Play option (available until July 19th):

Pay No Play Season Pass: $60 - Get all of our event dates credited to a character of your choice. If you attend an event which overlaps with this pass, we will credit you with 60 goblin stamps.

Payments can be sent over Paypal to You should use the "Send to a Friend" option when you do this. In the notes include your name, the purpose of your payment, your character name, and the chapter the character is housed in.

Questions may be sent to

Game Location Addresses:

Sacajewea Day Camp (5121 McAndrews Road, Apple Valley, MN 55124)

Gamehaven Scout Reservation (5015 Simpson Rd SE, Rochester, MN 55904)

Stearns: Heritage & Gagner Lodges (3303 Co Rd 44, South Haven, MN 55382)

Fred C Anderson: Swanson Lodge (189 Andersen Scout Camp Road, Houlton, WI 54082)

Parker Scout Reservation: Miller Castle (21930 Paradise Dr N, Nisswa, MN 56468)
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NPC rate?
If you purchase a season pass pre-April 20th will it cover the one day event?
Monthly Blankets for 2019 Year: $60 - Get all of your monthly blankets covered for the 2019 year. This can only be purchased for characters that are housed in the Minnesota Alliance LARP chapter.

If someone is already blanked, say, through April, would they only get May-December? Or would it carry over into 2020 for a full 12 months?
If someone is already blanked, say, through April, would they only get May-December? Or would it carry over into 2020 for a full 12 months?

If they are already blanketed through April, it would carry over into 2020 for a full 12 months.