The ABC's of Adventuring- Heroes Week

I present the Dreaming Edition of The ABC’s of Adventuring

Thank you to all the excellent writers and artists who supported this edition.

Please send any articles, news, events, stories, opinions, and other content to me here in the Dreaming, my publishing house on Atupul [Discord @Cuthburt#0119], or by pigeon [].

I am looking for any artists who would like to send their work [photographs, drawings, paintings, etc. High resolution PNG preferred].

I am specifically looking for articles on the below topics, but feel free to also submit anything else you feel should be included in this edition:

  • Blackmoon Sentinels Sting Operation
  • Sky Pearls
  • Kore’s First Ritual
  • The Heist
  • Key’s 2 and 3
  • The Assault at Noxfell
  • Wallamog
  • Art Contest
  • Mauve Tigers
  • Theater Contest
  • Tentacle Monster and the Island Battle
  • Mushrooms

Amos Bartholomew Cuthburt

Carpe Diem Publishing


Cuthburt I would be happy to send in an article about the theater contest as well as an opinion piece as well. Is there a due by date?


I will send you my reflection as I think upon my ritual and what I experienced and learned through the experience.

Korē Morleth
Cuthburt I would be happy to send in an article about the theater contest as well as an opinion piece as well. Is there a due by date?

Thank you so much! I will be visiting Rathfall next weekend and am hoping to bring a copy of the Gavarian issue with me. So I would like to have any submissions by Monday.

I will send you my reflection as I think upon my ritual and what I experienced and learned through the experience.

Korē Morleth
That would be wonderful! I know the vision might not be something you want to share across the land, but I feel our readers would love to know about the experience. Many artists have already started to try to capture the scene as well!