The Adventures of the AMAZING Soap Factory Event!

Just thought I would save people some work by posting interesting tidbits or pictures that people have been posting about this that I have been obsessively searching the internetwebs for:!/TheSoapFactory

I had a blast this weekend and I am going to go ahead and share some of my favorites:
1) That Tavern was AMAZING. I LOVED having a dedicated Tavern staff, you could go in the Tavern and never be lonely!
2) The Oracle - We need that in our pub!! - Speaking of which - Opheila and I were each punished, me in the table with the rats and Opheila was turned into a pig for 10 minutes!
3) The masks! THEY ARE SO COOL!
4) All the amazing people that came and volunteered. I made a lot of new friends and I am hoping next weekend we will see a lot of new faces!
5) Hanging out in the tavern with Ophelia.
6) Yelling at Evi to stop dying (yes I did slightly encourage Charlotte toward that name hehe)
7) The big epic battle in the parking lot, the holds in the parking lot (the cop and I am not entirely sure what happened with the "artists" but Dave's reaction cracked me up!)
8) The half-naked requirement by the campfire
9) The EPIC battle at the Walker
10) All the people taking pictures at the Walker, I felt like a celebrity! lol
11) Ben falling in love with Ophelia - I am bummed the Corporate Wizard never ate any of those peanuts!
12) Getting my palm read
13) All the neat dinner plates - I wanted Lexi's plate (the unicorn barfing the rainbow! lol)
14) The eggs Dan made for us Saturday morning
15) The deer-kin hunt
16) The Role-Playing, THAT is what I mainly come to LARP for (aside from the people of course)!
17) Urt killing everybody and everything
18) The cute little fairies
19) The guy who honked his horn at us and said, "You are my people!"
20) Getting to cast the same spell twice in a row with an ugly troll doll ;)
21) Feeling important and actually somewhat useful to the Celestial Guild for once...I am actually learning my spells now ^^;;
22) Dave Glaeser and Erik Ullanderson

I know I forgot some...but the point is, THANK YOU! And I had a blast!

- Denise / Len
What an exhausting weekend! (In a good way). Although I missed out a lot early Friday and before 4pm on Saturday with wedding things, I thought there was so much uniqueness about this event. So here are my favorites from when I was there, in no particular order:

- The tavern! That was such a cool area and became 5x as awesome when I saw what it looked like before construction.
- The mask, all were amazing but I think my favorite goes to the Tiki head mask with glowing lights.
- The Basement Trap mod! Urk, Izz, Thor and I getting through that basement and doing zombie operation. That was exactly the mod I've been craving to do.
- Peter's Gypsy (can't remember the name) and his interpretive dance during the Corp Wizard interview. Also watching a Gypsy curse for the first time, that felt so cool to witness.
- My OOG groomsmen flower being turned into a Dark Elf declaration of proposal of marriage between 11 people or so. Ophelia + Allendra= trouble
- The Corporate Wizard during the Sat night battle. "Spell Strike...*hop* *skip* jump* *pause* Death!
- The Tavern Crew: Order Elemental was so well done, Ted/Fire/Water/Doug looked awesome, Necro looked amazing and his dance was so bizarre and different It didn't sink in until long after it was over.
- Seeing my new job's mentor and supervisor show up as spectators 3 minutes after I get into costume. There goes keeping that hobby a secret from work :p
- Hearing "You here for that LARD event?" while at my car and turning around to find Steven saying it.
- All the NPCs who came out and all the spectators. I'm hoping we have a bunch of people come out next weekend or for September event.
- More when I think of it.
I totally forgot about the flower Asher/Ryan! That was AWESOME lol!! :funny:
"We've got all the different Elves married now!"-Ophelia and Allendra jumping hapily after Harlequin accepted the flower.
lol yes xD it was truely a great event :3 I'll need to think of more things Len and Ophelia can get themselves into for next event!
Darkcrescent said:
- My OOG groomsmen flower being turned into a Dark Elf declaration of proposal of marriage between 11 people or so. Ophelia + Allendra= trouble

That it was a Dark Elf proposal makes it all the funnier...if it hadn't have been so stuffy and my brain wasn't so mushy that RP experience would have become so much crazier...
by the way... Ophelia did not actually accept Izz'Rak's proposal ._. Not sure how I would feel if I was married to a Dark Elf >_< BUT I wouldn't mind being married to Len <3
ah the flower from a dark one thought it was odd that he gave a PLANT CREATURE a flower? one is worried about cross-pollination here???? and yes, if it wasnt for the heat there would have been much much more fun to be had.
hopefully this weekend wont be as hot and we can RP a little better with things :) Who knows, maybe the marriage flower will come back? *shifty eyes*
Oh my, :oops: That does sound rather like York doesn't it?
thats what popped into my head, you should totally respond, lol
Yah York go for it. at least its not the drunk woman at the feast.