The Cage / Five Bridges Prison



We were able to speak in good faith with the nobility of Rathfall to help gather information about the Prison break at the cage some years ago. As part of this, we have been asked to gather a list of individuals who were arrested by the former sheriff and the crimes of which they were accused in order for the nobility to consider reparations for their false imprisonment.

If you were imprisoned wrongly by the sheriff, please provide your name and the crime to which you were accused. This can be posted below or sent to me in private at (budnikbj12 at

Likewise, if you recall the individual who assisted us in finding the hidden entrance, please also send that to my private roost. It is imperative that you do not post that information here, due to the nature of the information.

Thank you for your assistance,

Binar Blooddrinker
Hi~ It's me, Lorelei

I was arrested for just existing. An adventurer was told they would be paid a couple of silver for each body they turned in and so I was arrested for coin. As I was brought to the jail, I witnessed the person who was watching over the jail at the time hand the adventurer coin. (forgive me, I do not remember what the Sherriff looked like and I don't know if it was the sheriff or there was a warden at the time) I was able to escape by convincing the guard that I had been there for a long time and had fully served my sentence (terrible guard) and I believe I witnessed a prisoner's corpse just rotting in their cell. Definitely not a good place 0/10, would not return.

I don’t remember his name, but I was one of the code breakers for the secret back entrance. I know what he looked like, but cant recall the name. Sorry that doesn’t really help anything.
Warlord Blooddrinker,

Akin to Goodfolk Riese, I too have a vivid sense memory of the individual in question and also recall they introduced themselves, however the name eludes me and I did not keep careful records of the encounter. If it is your desire, I would be open to a properly bounded, guided recall session with one of biata heritage to assist in creating a picture of the person.

The Council also requested a series of reform request to the state of their penal system. Will you be spearheading this endeavour or does that fall to Lady Bunchberry-Birch?

On a related note, you comported yourself admirably during the Tribunal. The community was well-served by your responses, composure, and restraint. I also feel the Council acted in good faith and, in the most part, pursued accuracy and proper culpability in the matter. Do you feel so as well?

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove

I do feel they acted in good faith in these matters and the conclusion was better than can be expected.

I would put a general reminder that information about how we got in should be sent privately in order to not compromise the response. I can be reached at the above address to gather those particular responses.


While I was not there I do not what you list to be missing something. you first state seem that you need a 1) "list of individuals who were arrested by the former sheriff and the crimes of which they were accused." But then you request 2) "If you were imprisoned wrongly". Do you already have a list of whom was correctly imprisoned?

Who was the member of our community that arrested you should they not face some penalty for being complicity and arresting an innocent person?

Aramis Seablade
As far as I am aware, no adventurer was rightly imprisoned by the sheriff, as no trials were held before people were swiftly incarcerated.

Those following the orders of the sheriff are not in question at this time. There had been other tribunals for the guards/officials for the prison and we were not tasked with assisting in the information gathering on those subjects. At this time, I believe us gathering that to be outside the scope of our task.


Honestly, no. I think that it wasn’t meant to be serious and when we realized it was, they proceeded to help me escape. I am not even seeking reparations (though would take it if given) but I am just calling attention to the broken system that lead us to the jail break.


You should know that the nobility seemed to agree that our reasoning for the prison break was, overall, justified. We were given no punishment whatsoever for the actions we took. We were, however, provided an opportunity to help prevent further damage from our actions by assisting to apprehend anyone we broke out who have committed subsequent crimes, which I (and Lady Beryl) both agreed to be the right thing to do.

There have been serious reformations to the prison and former sheriff Rockwell has been taken into imprisoned exile for his involvement.

Note: This is your last chance to step forward and put your name on the list of those who were wrongfully imprisoned. If you wish to be included, I need to know now.
