The Corrupt


The last year has been spent achieving little against the corrupt as a whole. I think it's time we step up the game. If you really wish to see an end to the corrupt then I advise you to contact me by the banquet of Gaden.

- D'rezz
I am wondering, is this a call to those who wish to try and find new and better ways to fight the corrupt, or is this a meeting where some new important information that will help us against the corrupt is revealed?

-Thorador Boulderfist
It warms my heart to see this avenue reopened from the very earliest days of hope's reach. I will make sure to join this venture and bring my notes from the first two of three research attempts on the corrupt.
My most excellent D'Rezz,

Due to a recently received clue, I have rekindled my search for Simon Maerwith, and if I can find him (which should be easier than before, considering I now know a definite lead), I will be able to give the town the crucial corrupt-destroying information the he recorded in his log. Hopefully I should be able to find him soon, and hopefully before you make any escapade into Corrupt land.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
I helped you once search for him, it failed if I recall. I hope this lead, as you say, gets us somewhere as we could make great stride with his log.
I have no intention of just jumping into corrupt lines.

- D'rezz
The lead we received, in my estimations, was quality and will most likely produce some progress. I would like to take part in any attempt to find Simon Maerwith.
What information we received I believe should remain off the public dream realm as the wrong person could take note.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
Thorador said:
The lead we received, in my estimations, was quality and will most likely produce some progress. I would like to take part in any attempt to find Simon Maerwith.
What information we received I believe should remain off the public dream realm as the wrong person could take note.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist

After I follow this new information, if there is another place we must head, I will make sure to bring you along.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft