Cerulean Jax
So, I've heard both pros and cons of the Earth guild... anyone have any opinions, either for or against, the Guild?
An earth guild in general is needed for the health of a town or city. They guide the dead back to the living, and care for the remains of those who can not return to life anymore. They also care for the health of the people of the town to some extent.Cerulean Jax said:So, I've heard both pros and cons of the Earth guild... anyone have any opinions, either for or against, the Guild?
Rhekere Hruia said:You left quite a bit of room for interpretation there.
Why exactly are you compling a list such as this?
Are you looking to become a member of or reasons to support said Guild or trying to find ways and reasons to get rid of it?
The people at the Guild help to keep our spirits in circulation and our bodies in this Realm.
Is that "pro" enough for you?
Kauss said:An earth guild in general is needed for the health of a town or city. They guide the dead back to the living, and care for the remains of those who can not return to life anymore. They also care for the health of the people of the town to some extent.
Now our earth guild has had a rough history, and is now under new ownership. The people in charge of it (from what I know and have learned form time with them) are good people who want to help the guild flurish.
Does that answer your question? And if you want to know about the "rough" history of the earth guild in the past, feel free to ask me in person. Its something of a long story, and would be best told face to face.
Cerulean Jax said:The room was intentional. I wanted to know your opinion. Thank you for sharing it.
Rhekere Hruia said:It wasn't so much of an opinion as questions that I ask and you've now ignored.
Perhaps you are hard of hearing or mearly just not as educated as to understand my words?
I was asking about your true motives behind the question. There was such an implication there to suggest them, therefor i would like to request that you share them.
Because just plain curiosity is a bit hard to take concidering the way you've already acted towards some of the people involved with the Guild.
So if my words are hard to take this time, let me know and ill once again dull it down for you so that you might beable to understand.
Rhekere Hruia said:It wasn't so much of an opinion as questions that I ask and you've now ignored.
Perhaps you are hard of hearing or mearly just not as educated as to understand my words?
I was asking about your true motives behind the question. There was such an implication there to suggest them, therefor i would like to request that you share them.
Because just plain curiosity is a bit hard to take concidering the way you've already acted towards some of the people involved with the Guild.
So if my words are hard to take this time, let me know and ill once again dull it down for you so that you might beable to understand.
MoonKitten said:The Earth Guild of Andar is a Kingdom run organization. That tends to have local members placed in charge of running the chapter houses in the towns they live in. The purpose of the guild is to offer aid, healing, tending of the sick, midwife duties, conseling, defending the town against undead and what other help they can give to the citizens of the town. As well, as seeing to resurrections of people's spirits. It can also provide teaching of Earth Magic, Healing Arts, First Aid, as well as Reading and Writing, and what other various skills members are able to teach. The Earth Guild is about the people, the citizens, helping them and protecting. It is not about personal gain.
The Earth Guild here has had a very rocky past and history. Put we are trying to rebuild it. It is slow, but it is happening. And I am very grateful for the support and help those have given us in the effort of trying to rebuild it here in the Crossroads.
Marlann said:Mael,
How would you like it if I started asking the town thier opinions on why your race seems to be bitter most of the time. Let the man ask, and if it bothers you, don't answer.
Earth Guild
Etheri sculpter
Rhekere Hruia said:*crackling laughter*
I dont recall where it says i have to ask permission to speak.
You really shouldn't speak so ill of a race you will never grasp the concept of. Especially when there are so many of us around now adays you never know who you might offend. I certainly wouldn't make insults to an entire race, but then, I tend to like my head. Funny that.
Your words are dripping with distain. And you clearly have allowed emotion to over-flow and flood your common sense.
So offended by your brash words, I am not.
My reasons for asking my questions don't need to be known to you.
But I'll certainly give said reasons to the same person I was speaking with before your rude interruption if they ask. And since you're presesnts in this conversations only make things more diffacult and invasive, I would apprechaite it, Marlann, if you would exclude yourself from it before it turns into an argument. Where its not ment to be one.
Just a polite suggestion.
But your certainly not forced to comply.
And Jax,
"Apparently subtle nuances, such as ignoring the hostility of your words, are lost on you."
My words are not hostile in the least. I was making a polite offer to dull my lingo since it appeared that you were having a hard time fallowing. Did I make a mistake?
Hostile words are things such as threats and insults. Neither of which was my intent to make. Besides, empty threats are beneith me. And instulting others simply just isn't worth my time.
I mearly speak the harsh truth, which in-and-of itself may seem insulting to some. But that is their choice to take said offense.
"I'm not aware of any intentional offense to anyone who belongs to the Earth Guild, but if you belong to the Earth Guild and you're hoping to sway my opinion in favor of those like you, you've done a remarkable job so far."
You've acted rather brash and hot-headed to some when you first came about. But it's their choice completely how they feel to take that.
I am not part of any said Earth Guild personnally. But thoes close to me may be.
"Not knowing anything at all about the Earth Guild, i was looking for information i could sift through to try and find the truth behind certain things i've heard about it, both good and bad. Apparently my desire to have an INFORMED opinion is too offensive and threatening for some people to stomach."
Well i think you should look at the way your acting when even the slightest inclination is made that you have alterior motives behind the question.
You jump into fits. So of chorse I'm going to be weary of the things you say. You've shown no reason to be other wise.
I dont find you threatening to me, you are indeed indeed of much training still. I know several who can help you with that if you so desire.
Though now I dont wish to have this conversation over the dreaming this way.
You can contiune on, and by all means i hope that you find whatever answers you are looking for.
But as far as trying to touch your words so that you understand better, you'll have to seek me out in person.
Rhekere Hruia said:*crackling laughter*
I dont recall where it says i have to ask permission to speak.
You really shouldn't speak so ill of a race you will never grasp the concept of. Especially when there are so many of us around now adays you never know who you might offend. I certainly wouldn't make insults to an entire race, but then, I tend to like my head. Funny that.
Your words are dripping with distain. And you clearly have allowed emotion to over-flow and flood your common sense.
So offended by your brash words, I am not.
Diera said:I think that's quite enough, from all sides.
Yes, the Earth Guild has had a rocky history in the Crossroads. Perhaps some of that can be attributed to the very name of the town itself.
When I first came to the chapterhouse, there had been a quick turnover of several Guild Masters due to unfortunate incidents. During my tenure as a simple member, the necromancer Raphael Brunaleski was slain. I received his position thereafter. The guild halls had nothing, not one clipped copper to their names after that.
As the Guild Mistress, I did what I could. There was much information that I did not reveal to the general populace about the inner working of guild politics. Perhaps, in hind sight, I should have.
Some of you may have heard about the unfortunate incident with the last Healer General. Suffice to say, the corruption tracked to that font, and beyond.
If you have specific questions of the history of the Earth Guild in it's present incarnation, I highly recommend you ask them in as forthright a manner as possible. I assure you, the answers you will receive will be as truthful and honest as can be desired.
~Diera Turak
Earth Guild of Andar