The Eternal Quest for Foam


So, 5/8ths inch foam. Anyone have an idea of where to get it? I just some for a few claws, and edged weapons. Noni suggested '' however they may have discontinued it, I couldn't find it on their site.

Does anyone have a link or a super secret spot around Ypsi to get some?

On a related note, everyone still doing 1/2" CPVC for short swords/ultralights, and 3/4" CPVC for long swords? Or is PVC the preferred material?

Thanks again,

AhHA! Thank you. I was searching for 5/8th's inch foam. I should have been looking for 1/2" with 5/8th wall.

Thanks for the links.

If you have an Ace Hardware nearby they usually have 5/8" wall foam, both 1/2 and 3/4 inner diameter. The other good option is pool noodles, which are starting to pop up at department stores and Toys R Us this time of year. Some of those either have very small inner diameters so you have to kinda ream it out or they are kinda thick so you have to shave down the sides a bit, but they work and they're cheap.
Thanks for the help everyone. I should be good for the event.
