The Faldric Forest


First of all, many sincere thanks to those who were able to show up to help sing for the forest or protect those who were singing. Without you, Eldandiril and I would not have been able to successfully renew the protection and cleanse all the remaining chaos. I am completely wiped out now. I've been on edge for the past few months thinking about how my people could have been dying one by one of starvation or sickness and I couldn't do a thing about it, and with every hour during the market day Elle and I weren't in the forest performing the ritual was another doubt, I wondered if the adventurers had forgotten about the Mystic Wood Elves after the cats were cleared out, had forgotten that Eldandiril is the protector of this particular forest and would have noticed if the forest was completely cleaned, if maybe it was a lost cause and my people were doomed to die a death most horrible for Mystic Wood Elves, trapped in their own city.

But many long hours after the sun had set, we finally did it.

However, the ritual brought up some new questions.

For starters, I never died, nor did my body dissipate, which is how the ritual has ended in the past. I was intending all this time to sacrifice a small piece of my spirit to the forest, learn my true name, and receive a weapon intended for the protector of the Faldric Forest, but none of it happened. The leaf and flower used in the ritual disappeared, and Elle could feel that the forest is completely clean now, so the ritual was successful, but that's all we know. Elle even has the protector's weapon still spirit linked to her.

What does this mean? Is the magic different now? Is Eldandiril still the Chosen One even after we were told her time as such was over? Are we both the Chosen One? Am I the Chosen One, but just don't know it yet? We don't know.

Elle, Shar and I will be heading into the central city to see how many of us are still alive, tend to the sick and injured, and most importantly, bring food to them. Once I'm sure I have done all that I can and the Mystic Wood Elves are on their way back to the good health and mirth we are known for, I will talk to people, I will read any books I can get my hands on with promising contents, anything I can do to see if I can find something, anything that might tell us what happened and perhaps even why it happened. I expect this will take a while, so don't expect me to show up to the next market day. If anyone manages to find something out, please let us (Shar, Elle and I) know. I know it's difficult for some adventurers to speak up and let things be known, but it may be easier in these dreams, and anything, really anything could be helpful to Elle and I. Likewise, if I find anything out, I will say so. I may not give all the details, as this information might not be something that should leave the Faldric Forest or its people, but I will tell everyone if I find out who the current Chosen One is, or if I wake up with a new weapon stuck to my body.
So, I found out why nothing seemed to happen to me, it seems I have a task I must complete to be considered the Chosen One.

If anyone hears anything about an old sword called Glitter, please let me know.

I'm already planing on talking to the Gryphon about a sword called Hathelas so I'll ask about Glitter.
I'd recommend visioning it. Or trying to summon it directly. Although you will only have five days if you choose the later, that maybe enough to do what you need to do with it.

Order of the Emerald Flame
I have a vision you can use, if need be.

Artifacts tend to have a mind of their own. If you're looking for it, it's probably somewhere that both makes sense but, presents a challenge. Artifacts want to be wielded by the worthy, it's their purpose. But to prove worth, usually you need to be tested.

I would look for stories about the blade in your people's archives. There used to be magics that let you contact those long dead. I wouldn't be surprised if someone knows how to do that still. Prehaps try to use that to contact one of the wielders, or an elder.

I'm familiar with Feldric but, I not specifics of your people inside of it. Perhaps there's a place that is both special and dangerous somewhere in the forest?

Here is what I do know:
  • This sword has not been seen for quite some time.
  • There really isn't an archive to search. Believe me, I checked. It's rather unfortunate, but books just don't seem to be common anymore thanks to the will of those who sought to wipe out magic.
  • Thankfully, there are still those old enough to know stories or to even remember something. I learned that I needed to find Glitter through an old Mystic Wood Elf named Tanilen Mitharil. I'll probably be taking to him this market day, because even if he doesn't know where Glitter is, I suspect he'll know of someone who might. If that fails, I'll rely on visions.
  • The protection that surrounds the forest still isn't there. I need to find Glitter as soon as I am able, as it will symbolize my becoming the guardian of the Faldric Forest, and then I must meet with the spirit of the wood. Then, in theory, the Faldric Forest will be protected again.
In case people don't know, Glitter is in the Broken Lands, so I wasn't able to look for it this market day, so unfortunately I can't really look for it until spring, when adventurers seem to find themselves in one place again. Until then, I'll be in the Faldric Forest most of the time. If anyone plans on visiting for whatever reason, let Eldandiril or myself know privately or here in the dreams, as she'll be coming soon to spend the winter.