The Fellowship of WOE-Southland


Your words ring true... news is travelling of what happened that night. You have our allegiance.

the 20 men I promised has quickly swelled to a 100. It seems crates of some curious, but nourishing food, as well, as a store of potions was delivered late in the night. the food crates have a small spider etching on th side.. curious but no matter to us. All 100 workmen and women are prepared to help with the earthworks and warworks of the upcomming fight for Briarpass. They were loaded down with enough food and supplies to be no burden to you for a few months at the least.

As for us, we are taking your words to heart but with our own minds. Weve planted some crops which can be reaped quickly and keep us fed in case the war turns west of Thargosia. As soon as we get a chance, we will start fashioning some basic weapons to repel the undead should they set their sights on us again.

The only thing that remains is finding a way to deal with the Trolls should they return. Whiplash died once but will remain a thorn in our side for sure. Perhaps you can arrange a hunt for your next market day or can give us the means with which to fell such a foe.

You have this one village's help, and the help of our kin... its not much but If rumors of the battle with the brotherhood are true....all help will be needed.

James- Co Elder of Brightswheat Village

The men and women have arrived as promised, please let us know soon what it is you'd like help with.

Some of the children came back from the woods the other day and said they were pursued by some of Whiplashe's trolls. John Harven's son told us they heard sounds of battle as they entered the village but when we went to look... there was nothing there. Some of our local trappers thought they could make out footfalls and other signs of fighting...but someone cleaned it up.

On the other hand, most of the villagers here in this part of our Regency are trapped. Our regent stepped up patrols... but mostly nearer the trade routes....

Can you or anyone else help us deal with the Troll Threat and send it back to Thargosia with this message:

"The Southron Villages of Southfield side with Briarpass and its peoples."

James of Brightwheat
James of Brightwheat,

I shall see to the trolls. I am currently speaking with many of my allies and friends. I continue to call in what seems to be all of the favors I hold. I can assure you that I shall keep your towns safety always close to mind.

Anyone who goes to aid d'ese folk, lemme know. Bein' a celestial mage of some not-inconsiderable skill an' someone who jus' happen to own a sword d'at is infused with flame, ah'm downright death on trolls, yah? In fact, someone gimme d'rections toward where d'ese attacks be happ'nin an a'll head d'at way an' rendezvous with an'body else in de area. Assumin' you folk don' mind gypsy folk comin' to de rescue?

~Raif Dandelion
Well put Raif I will back pack you to make sure their reign ends and these people are free once more

I will of course lend my sword, spell and arrow to helping out.

Regent Fallingstar, Masters of Wayside.

Thank you for comming to our aid, The trolls have worn away and it seems the mysterious strangers have dissapeared from our lands. We will need to shore up our own defenses so any troops you can spare would be helpfull. Southlanders by nature tend to want to guide their own future and defend their own perhaps next market day you could find the time to send some teachers to instruct some of ours on how to fight?

In the meanwhile, any spare warriors you can send to hold the line would be great.

James of Brightswheat.
Goodman James of Brightswheat,

I am glad that the trolls are no longer at your steps. I will see about the troops, but, I am not sure what I will be able to spare. I will send someone to you teach you and your peoples next marketday. Please stay safe.

Regent FallingStar
Um... if you need an extra teacher for some stuff, I could probably lend my paw to help. I mean, if you guys are OK with that and all...

I am able to teach healing magics and weapon makings, but unable to teach the use of weapons.

As a dwarf, please notify me immediately of any troll up risings, I would very much like to meet this troll....."Lipstick" you speak of.

While they fellowship can definately use more training and supplies, I'm afraid it would be hard to find more then a handleful of ashes of the troll necromancer anymore. The regent herself saw fit to slay the beast.

-Enan Bluewater
Master Bluewater,

Their leader may be gone but some trolls still exist. With those mysterious dark elves gone all we have guarding us at night is the crazed red creature and our stronger villagers with clubs and pitchforks. Killing a troll is hard enough.... but have you ever had one revive in your hands while you carried him to the fire?

Were holding our own, not the like Arborians, theyre doomed but we need training and we need it now.

James of Brightswheat.