The future of the Oregon game


I think a few of you (or maybe many of you) may be aware that there is a plan to finish up the current Oregon campaign/storyline in the course of the next year. To help kinda keep rumor mill /fear building down, I figured I should let y'all know what I know, more or less.

Marc has mapped out the remainder of the story he and his team have scripted out. I believe it is slated to wrap up around fall of next year. At that point, I'll be taking over as Head of Plot with a team of my own. As far as I know, everyone currently on Plot has expressed either a desire to start playing more often, or will not be able to participate in Plotting in Oregon. The team is current set to be myself, Holly, and Cymryc. I'm looking for one more person who basically thinks differently from at least myself, if not all of us. Any prospective plotsters need to know in advance I do have a tendency to be a bit dictatorial about how events should flow during the planning phases, though (monthly or, ideally, weekly meetings in a conference room with whiteboards, maps, the whole nine will be part of it). :) I have roughly a dozen potential events sketched out, what I need is someone to help us fill in the gaps, bulk out events, and give good ideas on refining what's in store.

The new campaign will occur on a new island, however, elements from the current campaign, including some backstory, off-board contacts and the like, will be carried through and play a part of the new campaign. I don't want to just poo-poo on what people have worked hard to accomplish, but at the same time, I feel that there is a certain proprietary feel to all the hard work Marc and his team have invested into the game. Part of how I plan to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible will involve me being up here for the last few games they run, introducing the elements that will kick off the new campaign, and getting as much knowledge and documentation on what they've done as possible.

Obviously, a lot of the above is vague in details. Part of that is because I still need to work them out with Cymryc and Marc, part of it is because I don't want to spoil any surprises, and a third bit is because I simply haven't fully scoped out what it will look like.

Anywho, there's some info. If you have questions, let me know. if you have complaints, should probably let Cymryc know. :)