The Gathering and Dividing of Treasures


Greetings, my friends!

Over the last few months, I've often been involved in the collecting and dividing of items, gold, and useful things that have been found on the field of battle, or in a location where we adventurers have been doing what needs doing for the good of all. Apparently, when one enjoys carrying advanced-pockets, one is used to carry things in those pockets.

As I'm sure more than a few of you know, this is generally a very tedious process. Names must be collected, values must be determined, high-value items such as scrolls and magic items must be auctioned into a pot that can be then divided between participants. This often occurs in the late evening when many are tired, and have retired, assuming that others will ensure that they'll get their fair share.

Other things that influence this are:

1) People who don't know who is collecting things, and thus, they keep things for themselves that would otherwise be divided. This isn't necessarily out of greed, just out of misunderstanding.

2) People who don't trust others to fairly divide loot, either because they believe themselves deserving of a larger-than-normal-share, or because they simply think people will steal from the pot.

3) People who don't want to wait around for their fair share, so they keep what they find. Understandable, as I did state the process is usually tedious.

4) People who are, in fact, outright greedy, keeping choice items for themselves and contributing the rest.

It's often a source of tension, from what I've seen. I've seen this process create conflict in both Andar and Landfall. I dislike it immensely, as I believe in a way of community, and a community that does not trust one another, or reward one another equally is weaker than it could be.

So, I would like to offer my services in making this process easier for everyone. In order to accomplish this, I would

1) gather a list of names of all adventurers who are in the immediate vicinity at any given time. I would keep that list updated as much as possible.

2) keep that list up-to-date with all adventurers who are willing to contribute to this communal project. It is voluntary, of course, and no adventurer would be required to do so. Though, the project will fail if none wish to be part of it.

3) carry around, at all times, an advanced-pocket that could be used for storing items between participating adventurers.

When the time comes to divide items collected in the advanced-pocket,

1) An auction would immediately be held for high-value items. If the participating adventurers would like to do so, this auction will also be held for items without a production-value, such as components.

2) Any remaining components will offer to be sold at 2 gold each.

3) Items that are not gold would be offered to be sold at production value. Potions, alchemical items, weapons, armor, shields, et cetera. If there is more demand for these items than there is in the pot, a mini-auction will be held.

4) Left-over items will be added to the pot. Components left-over will have a value of 2 gold each, items with a production value will be divided at their production value.

5) The pot will be divided as evenly as possible. If it is not pure coin, the adventurers who helped identify and divide the items in question will receive first-pick of their share.

6) Any remainder of the pot (which, ideally, will not be more than a few copper) will be divided amongst those who helped in the process.

In order to be eligible for a share, you have to be willing to contribute. The list I would maintain for this project would keep me up-to-date on who is participating, and who is not (though, even if you're not getting a share of the items, you'd still be able to bid on high-value items. Your gold is as good as anyone else's). So if there are twenty adventurers contributing, but two decide not to, and we end up finding a massive mountain of gold, then that would divided amongst twenty, not twenty-two.

While maintaining the list, I'll also be including affiliations. So a member of the Broken Chain could have another member of the Broken Chain speak for you, for example. I'll also be trying my very best to meet new adventurers, as I do not want any who contribute to our causes to be left out.

I do not expect that my project will be perfect, by any means. But I do not enjoy the tension that often occurs from the gathering of "stuff." As Roan said very pointedly to me, it is merely "stuff." It is replaceable, but the people around you are not. This "stuff" can be extremely useful, even life-saving, but it isn't nearly as important as our friendships and alliances with each other.

If any of you would like to be a part of this project, please let me know. If you would prefer not to be part of it, please let me know as well, and I'll not bother you about it in the future.

Thank you all!
