The Golden Horn


Out-of-game note: The following is intended as a guideline to aid players in the transition of their character from the Golden Horn to their current, between-game location (read below for specifics). Mist travel out (of the chapter) is, of course, possible, but traveling into the area via the mists will put you in the indicated area of the game world. Think of this as a shared downtime. If you'd like to add a 'good-bye' scene for yourself just send that as a downtime action.

A make-shift floating dock just off the west coast of the Golden Horn, a few miles from Koriilholm: Up to six ships plus 2-3 ships owned by adventurers were anchored nearby, with two ships docked for loading and unloading. Small skiffs and boats were used to ferry supplies and people to and from shore.

There were ten ships in total of varying types and ownership that were slated to travel from the West cost of the Golden Horn to the Sedovian continent, leaving every 3 hours starting twenty-four hours and 45 minutes before the Mists were set to close.

The first ship was transporting a contingent of Taneryn and Landfall Militia – the Greylighters and the Jade Daggers, along with Matron Gyr and Dame Llane, Knight to his Grace Duke Mennal, of Sedovia.

The second, third, and fourth ships contain supplies, food, and other necessities for the adventurers, and other travelers. The six, seventh, and eighth ships contain weapons, armor, and other supplies requested by the Sedovian government to help in their efforts.

Characters may choose to travel on any of these ships in groups of ten (10) if they want to be relatively comfortable, or up to fifteen (15) if you don’t mind being a little more cozy. PC-owned ships may leave at their leisure, but must be gone before 22:32 on Monday, May 5, 614, or your ship will be lost in the mists, likely to never be seen or heard from again.

On the first day of travel, the weather becomes increasingly rough the further west you sail. After 4 days of rough seas and storms, one of the ships carrying supplies capsizes with 8 hands on board lost before the other ships were able to rescue survivors.

With no sign of letting up, the captains agreed to change course and head North for Portos, the closest known land to the fleet’s current location. As you are headed due North, the weather steadies but remains much the same: heavy rain, swells of 15 feet, constant thunder and lightning, and on the last day freezing rain and hail.

You finally make land at Portos du Souqe, and things have changed drastically since most of you have been there. The people are far friendlier, though the city’s laws remain in strict enforcement, the Game Preserve – where so many living creatures and sentient beings had been hunted down and slaughtered by Tiberius and his customers, had been converted into an open air market place, city park, and many of the city’s former impoverished peoples were now living in houses that were built using the money from the sale of Hobling Holdings™ and its assets.

After a day or two, you are informed through Matron Gyr that the weather West on the open ocean has remained foul, and impassable to ships. There is talk of these being unnatural storms, conjured by powerful forces, but no one has been seen nor heard from Sedovia save for a Whispering Wind or two, and ships who have tried to sale West toward Sedovia have either come back within a few hours reporting monstrous waves and deadly weather, or simply not come back – though it is rumored one ship came back in pieces that washed ashore a few days after its departure. The locals don't seem to know much about the storms other than the fact that they started in late April or early May.

The Portos government seems content to give everyone from the Golden Horn refugee status, and states all visitors are welcome to stay until the weather clears. It is noted that ships coming from Northern sea trade routes from lands far off have little difficulty with the weather, and report little or no troubles along their routes.

As the days and weeks pass, the storms rage on with no sign of letting up. Oddly, the storms don't hit Portos directly, mainly some light rainfall and sometimes some thunder and lightning, but otherwise, the storms seem to be to the west, toward Sedovia.
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