tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #41 Thinking gets you in the pool?
M Marcena Paragon Apr 27, 2008 #43 No, you don't have to think, you just gotta swim faster than the other guy!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #46 No, I'd never stop to screw with a guy in a prison. Plus they won't try to stop the monsters if they are prisoned.
No, I'd never stop to screw with a guy in a prison. Plus they won't try to stop the monsters if they are prisoned.
Telokh_Amdo Exemplar Apr 27, 2008 #47 Oh, right, the monsters. I was just thinking of the guy suffocating in the Prison as he sinks to the bottom of the pool
Oh, right, the monsters. I was just thinking of the guy suffocating in the Prison as he sinks to the bottom of the pool
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #48 Yeah... its a shame that doesn't work... NJ had a pool and a lake... and I had prisons ;-)
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #51 Well, the technical reason is because they could breathe until the prison dropped. At which point they could swim. the non-technical reason is because I was told that was no fun for the jerk out in the middle of the lake ;-)
Well, the technical reason is because they could breathe until the prison dropped. At which point they could swim. the non-technical reason is because I was told that was no fun for the jerk out in the middle of the lake ;-)
Telokh_Amdo Exemplar Apr 27, 2008 #52 You really think there's 10 minutes worth of air inside a Prison? I woudn't think so.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #53 Doesn't matter. Air will pass through it. Apparently it will osmose out of the water.
Telokh_Amdo Exemplar Apr 27, 2008 #54 So why will a low level spell kill you under water but a high level spell won't? Actually, several lower spells: Pin, Web, Confine, Paralyze. Prison should work there, too.
So why will a low level spell kill you under water but a high level spell won't? Actually, several lower spells: Pin, Web, Confine, Paralyze. Prison should work there, too.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #56 I'm not saying it makes sense. I'm just saying what I got told. I brought those up too. I got told, "Don't do that."
I'm not saying it makes sense. I'm just saying what I got told. I brought those up too. I got told, "Don't do that."
Telokh_Amdo Exemplar Apr 27, 2008 #57 I recall a time at the lake when someone was told in order to chase the NPC into the lake that they had to actually chase the NPC into the lake.
I recall a time at the lake when someone was told in order to chase the NPC into the lake that they had to actually chase the NPC into the lake.
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #58 I'd totally be ok with that ;-)... I'd get a boat.
M Marcena Paragon Apr 27, 2008 #59 I was going to be tossed in a ravine. I would have been okay with it...but I didn't have a change of clothes.
I was going to be tossed in a ravine. I would have been okay with it...but I didn't have a change of clothes.