The Irregulars

There are many fine groups already here in our lands, and far be it from me to try to clutter the town with more commotion. And of course, if this group's membership doesn't fill out, it will dissolve quietly back into oblivion, but please spare me a moment of your time. As I said, there are many fine groups, but there are also people who don't fit in these groups as neatly... Those who employ methods that are more unorthodox, those who don't have the seasons of experience that others have, and those who don't fit neatly into one category. For those out there who desire to join a group, but haven't found quite the right fit yet, I would bring to your attention: The Irregulars.
Membership is very fluid. If you want to adventure with us, you are welcome to do so, for as long as you want. As long as you have no problems raising a blade to defend your fellow adventurers, you'll find company willing to shed blood for you.
We may not be the smartest, the strongest, or the fastest. But we will scrap as hard as we can, and watch out for each other. Send me a pigeon if you have any personal questions; beyond that, I'd love to hear suggestions, thoughts, or out-right condemnations right here in the dreaming. Thank you for your time.
Jonathin Darin.
Well, it was a learning experience. Unless the adoring public begs me, I think I'm scrapping the Irregulars.
Is the way of things. Without a noble or a rich man to back you, an adventuring company is difficult to keep.

-Sgt. Nikolai Rudari
Oh, don't be so sour, zhe both of you.

(I hope you didn't give zhis up because of me.) Jonathan, if you really vant zhis group to form, you vill probably have more luck at zhe next market day, vhere you could talk to people face-to-face and come across more opportunities to catch zheir interest. Not everyone dreams so often, and some do not feel zhe need to respond to everything zhey hear. If you give up on your own ambitions, is likely others vill not see much value in pursuing zhem, either. So keep trying; hasn't your own mother ever told you zhat?

However, if you have really given up on zhis group, you still have several options to consider. Little teams like zhis are forming more and more amongst zhe adventurers of Hope's Reach lately. I'm sure zhis should leave you vith others who vould be happy to have you join zhem.

Or think about zhis: zhe Irregulars are several amongst us, and ve already look out for each other in zhe vay you suggest. Have you ever seen a bunch of adventurers more closely knit than those in our lands? Even vithout name, definition, or affiliation, we are vhat we are.

Oh, not sour, Cousin. Pathfinders pay their way well enough on spoils of battle and profits of farm. But is old friends, not group of strangers out to adventure, so is matter of survival not of becoming rich.

You're always welcome to adventure with me. Chokonu, Allendra and I adventured a long time with no formal group, it isn't as necessary as people believe.
Hunter Davion