The July Market Day Auction!

For the sake of fairness, as not every one of these people will be present next market day, the bidding will officially END August 16th at Midnight (12:00am). I will keep an eye on the dreaming and announce the winners in the dreaming, and again at the event. In the event the winning bidder is not at Market, I will personally back their bid with my coin, so that people can get their fair split of the treasure at market.

As such, the winners will be given their items upon payment at market. I have everything except the blue bracelet, which Dure'hdel currently has in his possession.

Thank you,
Hello Asher,

Your fairness and attention are to be commended.

Walk with Honor,
7g on gold Trinket - Asher

A Reminder!! The Auction will close in less than 26 hours! Once the last bid before midnight has been determined, I will announce the winners. If you know of someone who doesn't dream often, but is interested in these items, please let them know.

Thank you,
Druid Asher
3 minutes remain and the current high bids are below:

Copy Formal Scroll: 10g- Asura
CSS: 42g- Kit
Green Rune Disk- 10g Nyio
Red Rune Disk- 3g Nyio
Blue Rune Disk- 3g Nyio
Gold Trinket- 7g Asher
Blue Bracelet- 8g K'tarn
Spirit Recall- 10g Talitha
Spirit Walk- No Current bid
12g for Copy Formal Scroll--- Asher bid
That concludes the Auction. Since there wasn't a single bid for the Spirit Walk, I'll have that up for auction this market day, and distribute the winning to the people listed above. Payment for the below winners will be collected at Market before being handed your item. As promised, I'll back up Nyio's 16g with my own since he will not be at this market day.

Congrats on the following winners:
Copy Formal Scroll: 12g- Asher
CSS: 42g- Kit
Green Rune Disk- 10g Nyio
Red Rune Disk- 3g Nyio
Blue Rune Disk- 3g Nyio
Gold Trinket- 7g Asher
Blue Bracelet- 8g K'tarn
Spirit Recall- 10g Talitha
Spirit Walk- No one

CSS Bid of 43.
I actually zaw Shiny, just vefore I left vor Gaden. He haz given me the 16 gold to cover hiz expenze. I vill collect the itemz vor him.

Kitaruen Kopanari