The Lands of Mer LCO Carryover Policy


New Hampshire Staff
Any LCO magic items from other Alliance NH campaigns are also valid in The Lands of Mer, if it contains only rituals that exist in the National List.

All other Alliance NH Ritual Scrolls and Catalysts will still be valid in The Isle.

Any LCO tags from other Alliance NH campaigns are also valid in The Lands of Mer, if it contains only effects, in deliveries that are available for said effect, in the Alliance Rule Book.

Any other NH LCO items, tags, or effects may, or may not, be valid in The Lands of Mer subject to plot approval and potential alterations. Such LCO considerations must be submitted to plot staff a week, or more, prior to an event in order to allow the team time to evaluate the LCO consideration in question.

If you think this policy doesn’t cover a strange item, scroll, or tag that you have, please feel free to contact us. Please bear in mind that the Lands of Mer team has put this policy together without perfect knowledge of all of the LCO items and effects that were staged the chapter's varied history.
Last edited:
This policy has been updated for use with the Lands of Mer campaign, as well as to account for changes made through out the Alliance since it was originally posted.