The Meal Today


Public Relations Committee
Good Evening,

Could someone please tell me what happened today at the banquet?

Thank You,
Matron FallingStar
Have you seen that bard's tale about a Red Wedding?

It's like that.

We arrived and witnessed the parade of candidates for the king, including Manya Stoneshield of the Northlunds, Katherine Santivaro of Targosia, Della Brooke of Tympany, and the Ruby Throne, Queen of the Sapphire Kingdom. The guards also captured an old elven woman, Gertrude Cromwell, who was allowed to sit at the head table at behest of the King.

Shortly after our first course, all light was magically drained from the room and we heard the signs of fighting. When the light returned a moment later, Manya, Katherine, Della, and Gertrude were dead and the King and the Ruby Throne were missing.

We then got tasked by the Left Hand to solve the murder. He stated that the Queen was dead and that the King was caught into a failsafe built in to return her to the Ruby Throne upon her death, though we were told he was safe. This tasking was forced upon us through magical means and us completing this was a stipulation of restoring the King. There was also a zone of truth placed over the area. The spirits of the four dead candidates were also captured in the room.

As we worked to rebuild some runes on the tables, the spirits were trying to recount what they were doing when the lights went out. In the end, most of the candidates either killed each other or influenced the violence in another way- Gertrude was casting magic to force people to rampage, Della killed Gertrude and Manya, Manya killed Katherine, and we learned eventually that a 'mime' killed Della.

When we said aloud the killer of Della, a beast appeared in the room, dropping what appeared to be a magical bomb (others know more details on this, I heard something about it being similar to a bomb that damaged an important land bridge?) that was in the process of exploding. At that point, the Left Hand intervened with Time and Dragon Magic to slow the passage of time for all but us and transported the adventurers into the bomb itself.

We worked to defuse the bomb and render the explosive charge and the magical charge less harmful, before the Hand's magic failed. We were successful in this endeavor and when we returned back to the dining hall, the Magistrates had brutally subdued the mime creature. We were then returned to the Flaming Skull.

There was a further discussion between the Magistrates and members of the nobility (such as Baron Foss), but I am not of a station to attend that meeting and as such can provide no details.
To add to Binar's bit: The King killed the Queen. We don't know the exact circumstances, but we suspect he was under the influence of some sort of command spell or compulsion via Gertrude. The Hand that saved us went into a coma from overextending himself, and thus Grimlock has been stuck locked inside in the Sapphire Throne with the Queen's spirit and corpse. Thankfully, the throne provides food/water so he won't die in there, but it's still not a great situation. We were honest with the Sarr about what we knew and they said they were staying judgement until the throne could be opened and a trial of sorts could be held.