The Mummy Returns Returns.

tieran said:
Yeah, big, green, made of wood... tree, you know?

I keep on hearing (in my head), "It's log, It's log, it's better than bad it's good..."
did you guys see hellboy2 yet?i know this is the mummy thread but i'm jacking it for amoment
bored still..made a drizzt

Its a dark elf ranger that spawned its own stereotype.
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
did you guys see hellboy2 yet?i know this is the mummy thread but i'm jacking it for amoment

I thought it was awesome, but YMMV. I'm just starting a Changeling game, and alot of it has a good feel for that.
ymmv? changling!!! woot!!! corvus corax baby!!!

drizzt is a character in a series of books about a pansy dark elf that doesn't wanna live in the underground with his mommy and sisters anymore and he sets off in search of the daylight dwellers and then all his magical stuff goes SPLUT cause its in the sunshine........


what is YMMV?????
Your Mileage May Vary.

Basically implies that while he had one experience with something, you may have another.
after seeing pans labrynth and the troll market in hellboy i'm SO LOOKING FORWARD TO TEH HOBBIT!!!!!

the too

I still need to see both of those...
here's the weird part...pans lanbrynth there is a part that scares the daylights outta me i had to watch half the screen and ask my husband when the scene was over because it terrified me...

same kind of creatures in hellboy troll market and i wasn't scared....go figure...

i think because i knew what to expect in hellboy but not in pans labrynth and in pan's labrynth there is no light heartedness...the entire film is dark
Did it scare you after multipe viewings or just the first time?
i only saw pans labrynth that one time adn it scared the bajeebus outta me..well that one scene did...the rest of it was awesome but that one scene just was creepy..and i KNEW what was gonna happen...but it still frightened me
You should watch it again and see if it is still scary.
yeah...probably it was the unexpectedness of all honesty i've never seen creatures quite like guiellrmo deltoros before...they are....odd to say the least...the elongated fingers makes me wig out..and the voices are so....gollemesque...

I will have to find this movie and watch it then.
warning about pans have to read it...its in italian i think with subtitles

I love subtitled movies.
Def recomend "The Labrynth of the Faun" It got mixed reviews from people who expected it to be a childrens story. But its not. Like seriously not. Very enjoyable and makes for great post viewing discussion.
ooooooooooooooh okay never heard of it....since we're in a movie titled message board...i would also liek to recommend that no one see the new wicker man.....i watched it...and...i felt embarassed for nicholas cage.

also...after watching 5 minutes of scary movie 4 i think i'm dumber now and will need to redo the 4th grade.