The Order of the Shining Light Welcomes You (IG)


Order of the Shining Light (IG)

Are you worried that the lost Voridium Shard will be a lawless outpost full of opportunistic ne'er do wells and gold addled necromancers? I know that I read the calls for assistance and began to worry that gold, unbridled knowledge, and vendettas would rule the day in the Voridium Shard and with the assistance and advice of some of my councilors put together a team to come fight for what is right on this plane of existence.

My name is Lord Finther of Ashbury, and I am looking for a few good people to help stem the tide of lawlessness in this new place. I am not affiliated with the shard or its government, but the lack of official government shouldn’t mean these ventures are without protection for the weak and good. It is the responsibility of nobles and the nobles at heart from all reaches of the mists to provide an environment of protection and helpful service to the adventurers that travel to this place. I am sure whatever horrors live in the depths of Vordium will be enough to challenge and endanger us where most people that travel here shouldn’t need to look over their shoulder at each other in fear.

If you want to do what is Right, and not just what is profitable. Please, join my humble group, the Order of the Shining Light (OSL). We will attempt to look out for those that don’t have as many seasons of adventure under their belts, destroy necromantic abomination that come up from the depths both in animated and scroll/magic item form, and provide moral guidance for those that seek it out. I’m placing a bounty on information about the crimes of theft, murder, and necromancy use, and paying ritual components to anyone that brings me scrolls or items of a necromantic nature. We can destroy these blights and make sure they don’t pollute the realms that you have travelled from.

If you want to do more than defile the relics of an ancient civilization, if you want to help the greater good. Please join us. We will always have a hand extended waiting to help someone else up. I will be here in the Dream Realms waiting to answer questions about my organization for 1 week.

-Lord Finther Ashbury, Order of the Shining Light
Lord Finther,

Does your Order have a codified description of the Right that you will be enforcing, or a list of crimes you will be rewarding reports of, or will the definition be left to the individual members?

Lady Vellis Valeriana Tsalarioth, Psychopompos
Squire to Baron Sir Marcus Husarri Saephis of House Phoenix
Here's hoping that the majority of volunteers for this expedition take more care than to merely "defile the relics of an ancient civilization"...

The purpose of this endeavor is scholarly - not entropy.

I encourage all "nobles and the nobles at heart" to do their best to preserve the location and its archaeological treasures for the Acarthian Archaeologists' Guild...

-Brother Faux
Does your Order have a codified description of the Right that you will be enforcing, or a list of crimes you will be rewarding reports of, or will the definition be left to the individual members?

A prohibition on murder, theft, and necromancy are the only requirements for the Order. Further than that it will be up to its members to decide what they wish to protect and I would encourage anyone interested, potential member or not, to attend our meeting on Thursday evening where we decide these things. Our organization's purpose is to support and protect the travelers not to impose a complicated set of legal burdens on them. If you have strong feelings on what the Order should protect against I encourage you to attend.

Information bounties will be on murder, theft, and necromancy only.

-Lord Finther of Ashbury, Order of the Shining Light