The Perfect Wizard Staff Design

Fellow Larp Enthusiasts!

I am a PhD Student in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota, and I am interested in larping and larp weapon design. I have been challenged with the charge of designing (and then building) the world's most perfect Wizard Staff. I would like to ask a few questions of people that may be able to provide great input on what features the ideal Wizard Staff would have!

If you're willing, would you answer these questions so that I am able to better understand the criteria that comprise the perfect staff? If there are individuals that would like to talk to me about this project of designing the best possible Wizard Staff, please let me know.

  1. Do you own a staff or have you ever wielded one? If so, why did you want the staff? How much did you pay for your staff? What can your staff do?
  2. What are the most critical features of the 'most perfect staff you can imagine'?
  3. Would you want a staff that was more than just a 'pretty walking stick'? Is there anything that you would want it to be able to do? The sky is the limit!
  4. Is it important what your ideal staff looks like? Describe what the ideal staff would look like. Simple? Ornate? Runes? Designs? Curvy? Straight? Handle? Etc.
  5. How would you like the ideal staff to feel in your hands? How would you use it?
  6. What materials would you like your ideal staff to be made of?
  7. What is the perfect length of your ideal staff (i.e. how high does it stand on your body)?
  8. How much would you pay for the 'most perfect staff you can imagine'?
  9. Is there any other important factors that go into designing the ideal staff?
Thank you! Also, if you know of any great places where I can get more feedback, I'd be grateful to hear from you.

Aspiring Wizard Staff Designer