The Pot Luck

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Alliance Rules
Dinner at the Faire Day will be pot luck. There are limited facilities in the site’s kitchen, but primarily these involve plugs for Crock-Pots or Hot Plates. There is also limited refrigerator and freezer space.

We will be monitoring the tournament events and other encounters so as to provide sufficient time for people to prepare any dishes they may have brought.

In an effort to make sure there is a sufficient balance of entrée/appetizer/etc., we ask that people post what they intend to bring.

Please also keep in mind that we will need beverages, cutlery, etc.

Goblin Stamps to be determined by management.
Dinner/Hydration Update: While I may have talked to some people individually, I wanted to put everything into one post.

Please bring water. Staying cool and hydrated is important to keep the game going.

If you bring water and we do not end up using it, it will still count as a donation towards the game and you will get credit.

GS credit will also be given for anyone who brings a cooler for their (other peoples) water, as to keep the kitchen/npc camp with as little traffic as possible to keep the game going smooth.

Dinner contributions so far:

Cold cut Turkey (3 lbs. -Mike D.)
Pulled Pork (Liam)
Chilli (JP)
Rolls for sandwiches (Mike D. - Liam)
Pasta Salad (Melissa G.)
Dessert (Chava)
Soda (Ren)
Fruit and Nuts (Kate and Jeremy)
Apples and Watermelon (Dan and Stacey)

If you are bringing a crock pot we have plugs in the kitchen to keep food warm. We also have access to a fridge to keep food cold.

If you post here what you are bringing to the event by Friday evening (8pm), a GS credit will be added to your donations.

This post is being mirrored on our facebook page for the event. I will be checking and updating both with donations.

Thank you,
Mike D.
Caldaria Staff
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I will provide dessert. I will make cupcakes for both adults & children to enjoy!
We will bring 32 liters of water in .5 liter bottles. Also 12 lbs of apples, split evenly between granny smith and gala and 2 watermelons, each approximately 16 lbs.
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