the power of an endow

I was wondering if you could use an endow to rip free from a bind spell? Just unsure on the full ramifications of what an endow does.
You can rip from Entangle, but not pin,bind,web or confine. monster strength let's you do those; but that is an NPC ability and for golems.
Ok. Thanks just wanted to clarify that so I don't acidentally do that or say I use the magic for that when it won't work.
Can rip from any physical bindo or just Entangle?
Only Entangle. "Physical" isn't a standard delivery type, though it sometimes gets used as a holdover from older versions of the rules and occasionally we slip up and say "Physical Entangle" when it should be "Arcane Entangle".

Also, effects do not function any differently based on their delivery type. Web is Web is Web regardless of whether or not it's tossed out as Poison, Spellstrike, Magic, Arcane, or with any other qualifier.
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