The Re-Taking of the Town Hall District


With the destruction of the Rod, the Domain of the Defiled faded away immediately, followed by the corrupting influence that previously held the land in its corrupting grip. Even so, however, the undead contained within the district still had to be dealt with. Volunteers aided the Town Guard and remaining Ducal Guard, retaking building after building, block after block while the heroes of New Acarthia dealt with the greater issue of Forestwatch’s invasion by Dreadrot.

Each house, home, and shop was thoroughly searched, as early efforts to cleanse the town revealed the ghouls of Halixma had expanded their caves into the Town District, linking their underground dwellings with the interior of the town. Once exposed and harried, the humanoid flesh-eaters returned to the outskirts, leaving numerous traps behind them.

Prowler, a member of the Town Guard, proved herself particularly savvy, suggesting use of those traps left behind to seal the remaining tunnels into the city, hoping that, at least for the short term, the ghouls would be kept at bay. Thus far, ghoul attacks are down, but with All Hallow’s Eve rapidly approaching, the Guard is preparing early for their inevitable return.

As the Heroes of Forestwatch filtered back into town, they were welcomed back to their quarters, feasts were had, drunken boasts were shouted, and life has slowly turned back to normal in New Acarthia.
Wards are working again and our Haven of the Living is still active on the town hall, correct? :)
Correct. Wards are now memorizable, usable out of magic items, and castable as normal. The Haven of the Living on the Town Hall building was unaffected by recent events.