The Scarlet Treasure


When we is all done in the muckin 'round the Blood Isles maybe we could pass the time, all friendly like mind you, at a spot that i've made my own. A little gaming den I call the Scarlet Treasure. We can tip back a few whiles we have a bit of fun at some games of chance. You can take a chance at winning big while you gamble away any treasure you might ave append to ave found in the Isles. We has the Pessic dice game 'Where's the coin?"', the pirate's "Liar's Dice" or your local favorite "Horn's End Holdem". I also have a testing grounds, so to speak, that I call Ribbon's Gauntlet. The Gauntlet is a dangerous pit filled with all sorts of baddies ta fight and treasure, but but ya enter that one at ya own risk whiles the rest of us place bets on your survival. I figures we should get passing by there round the 28th.

Was' ya say ta that?

Captain Ribbons
Sorry mister ribbons

Were not gunna do nuthing like dat till we find Marcey...

Cap'n Ribbons,

I em afraid I can nye attend. I 'ave a few tings dhat I need to do. Lose a bounty 'unter on my tail, dhat Byen, she eez...SO persistant.

May Fortune And Love Find You Where'er,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Dagon