The Shattering

The fear and the pain... The blood and the fear.... I could see it all and feel it but had nothing was as it should be....

Then the voice, or was it voices... They promised so many things, peace unity--lost ones returned...

In that moment she heard her husband's voice, he was dead, but it was his voice. Closing her eyes she opened them again - she was glad he was dead...then she head another voice in the dark... Speaking the words a voice was small--- so small--
Her son - she saw his small body in the dark... Why was his voice among those making promises... Her baby boy ...

What nightmare was this?
Okay, now this seems really important... Why do people keep seeing a bunch of different things in the sky? What happened?

Also, what the hel1 was up with all of those voices!? I'd almost rather not even mention it, but if I heard who I thought I heard, we need to have this fixed by yesterday. Although, I do distinctly remember hearing Kit's voice... plus a lot of other familia! In which case, "Hello cousins! Can you please not be so creepy next time? Also, an explanation would be great."

What can I do to help? Start looking around for... glass shards? I am hoping to visit Wayside soon and help.

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri
Master of the Waymaker Stones
Apprentice to Mathis - Order of the Emerald Flame
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While I do not want my husband returned- even for a moment- may he rot.....
I would do anything to see my Son again... Just for a second...

Maybe this is not a completely horrific bad thing?

I do not claim much knowledge in theses thing but I know my heart bleeds for my lost child....

In Service,
Alright, so there was some sort of thing in the sky, and people saw their worst fears, and then a cacophony of voices promised some sort of unified Utiopia in what I believe is the creepiest advertisement for a regime change I have EVER HEARD.

And yet, the scariest part of this entire exchange, I think, has been this part right here:

An interesting experience to say the least. I saw myself bound in chains watching as my family was forced to do hard labor by the menials. An inversion of our order would certainly fit the pattern you all have seemed to establish. Perhaps I should meditate on this for a while.

Sarek Roganis

Your WORST NIGHTMARE, the WORST POSSIBLE THING that could EVER happen to you is for the Social Order to be changed? For the 'menials' (They are real people, by the way, so way to go on that) to upend your current position and make your family do WORK. Now, people enslaving your family, that's a really bad thing, something out of a nightmare. But I would say that a host of horrifying nightmare undead creatures coming from the darkness and slowly eating your family alive might be a better fear, or having them killed by a Dragon, or anything other than, "Oh no, not the POOOOOOOOOR PEOPLE!!!!"

You, Sarek, are a person who actually exists, and that, to me, is seriously fucked.

-Taios Irani, Goblin Of the Golden Skulls, HoG resident Greenskin, Krakenbearer, THE GREEN DESTROYER, Consumer of Sandwiches, First Watch, The Emerald Bookwyrm, Prince of All Trades, Instigator of Chaos(non-magical, don't get your panties in a bunch), etc...
Aye, I have to agree with Taios (insert all title here). Anyone promising Utopia is full of it. Who's utopia will it be? We all have different views of what Utopia is. Mine is place where pants don't exist, women don't wear clothes and beer flows from every fountain. How can one person/thing promise utopia for all, unless it makes all into mindless idiots that follow" it's" version of Utopia. Which is slavery my lads and lasses. Don't let your imagination run away with you folks. On that night a dreamed my worst fears as we all did, but it differed from no other night. Nightmares can be cured with a bottle of whiskey. Any voice that promises your deepest dream without a cost is a @#$@ing liar. Face your fears. Walk through the fire and it will make you stronger. Take it from an old solider.
As I come from a land that views mind slave as an everyday occurrence, I agree with Keeper. Ignorance is only bliss while you have no knowledge of other options. Freedom is a Utopia and should be preserved.
-Aramis Seablade
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I'm glad this also wasn't just me! I saw my King die in front of me! Not the former mean King Crook Ear, and not the "I'm better than you because I know magic" King Minze, and not the fake King Dure'dhel, but the real King, who was the nicest King us goblins have ever known! The great Elf, who not only saved us from the tyrany of Crook Ear, but stepped down humbly to let another serve. I saw our true leader of Clan Group Treasure, our true goblin King die before my eyes in a fiery inferno! It was terrible! BUT, I know he is alive somewhere! Oh Goblin King Gandian, we are yours, lead us into our new home to the North!

Friend of the newphew of Crook Ear's former best friend and 335th in line for leadership of Clan Group Treasure
From the sounds of things, I am glad I was not present in Terna for this shattering, for I fear what I might have witnessed in its wake.

Worry not, Dirttoe; your King has not fallen, but instead has been quite busy over the last year with other matters of importance. If you could have a goblin a little further up the chain of command contact me, perhaps I can see what we can do about this new home.

May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
True King of Clan Group Treasure
I knew you were alive! I just knew it! I told Mandart but he said I were dumb. It may be hard to find a smart goblin, there are only a few of the magicy types, however the new Duke promised to teach of all Celestial magic, so that is kinda neat. The Garthog Brothers are pretty smart, maybe they could write you or something, unless they are too chicken. Get it? You know, since one hates the sound of clucking...wait, no that was the stone bird, I know he were scared of...oh nevermind! It's supposed to be a cool new land, it got big mountains to the West and the Ocean to the North and a little South is that Thuddington place where we used to eat food and stuff. The Duke, as we aren't supposed to call him his other name anymore, fancy title and all, said this land is officially ours! Like, forever land! Beats guarding a dragon, but we still do that stuff to.

Woops! I talk to much, sorry King, it is just so good to see you are not dead and such. I go find a smarter goblin who maybe is closer to 10th in line or something!

Slightly not as important as he once thought goblin
I sense you Gnot, for you are close to experiencing the true bliss as I have promised. I felt your desire to allow 9 others to experience the joy as well, and I look forward to experiencing their dreams in a few months as well.

- a collection of pleasant voices