The State of Education Within The Lands...


I have heard disquieting rumors. Tad'Ron, fellow professor and founding member, has ceased educating the town. Idris, star-pupil-turned-intern, has met his end. And Barclay, Ashnarian-moistee, is still missing. Where then have the educators gone? Who is welcoming the intellectually challenged to the harsh lessons of the real world? I'm afraid I cannot stand for this; at least one seminar must be given, if only for a brief time. And from what I heard, after you were all tossed around by a group of unoriginal rejects, a good lesson is so desperately needed.

And so, children...

Brought to you by Ordo Tempestus...

Sponsoring Durk's Department of Discipline...

In association with Tenacity's Tutelage and Tutor-Time...

I'm pleased to announce...

Ashnar's Academy of Asskickery has returned!

Go to the bathroom now, kiddies; there are no stops until the end.

Professor McRuneyBeard
Ashnardo Runestus
Ashnarous Rex of the Murder-Worthy Pants Club
Badassal Knight
Barclay's Baby-Killer
Of course, Vert.

All tabs are collected at the end of the marketday, sir. Make a point to remember that this time...

In order to ease your way back into Teaching, I think we need to pay a visit to your most favorite student; The Barrow Wight.

I'd be surprised if he survived the culling; he was never a very bright student, after all. If he is un-alive, though, I'm sure he'll find me soon enough. He always did crave a good lesson. Slow children usually do...

Runenar Ashbeard