The storm has subsided


To all Adventurers,

We have taken the winter to lick our wounds, mourn our dead, and celebrate our victories. That must however end, as we look towards the spring with a renewed sense of purpose. While we have celebrated, and rested, Springdale has fought against problems day and night. Cutpurses think that they can continue to prey on my subjects. Horrors that emerge from the night to terrorize my people. The rest we have known, Springdale has not. I had thought felling the Great White Wyrm might have been enough but, it appears the enemies of Dragonreach need a reminder of what happens to those that cross us.

I have ordered several Knights, including Sir Mathis to a small encampment due south of Fort Aegis. The Knights have begun an investigation into the problems facing the people of Springdale, and will have reports ready for any who wish to give sword or spell in defense of the people. Sir Mathis is to ensure that any adventurers committed to our cause find purpose.

If you wish to heed this call, make your way to Fort Aegis in just 5 days time, there will be an escort ready to take you to the encampment.

By my hand,
King of Dragonreach
To those who answer his Majesty's call-

The King's Knights and my troops have reported many dangers in Springdale but they cannot be everywhere. If you possess information on the goings on in Springdale or the wider kingdom I ask that you share that information with me, either publicly here or if you feel the need, privately via messenger.

Likewise I will make all public information known to you, so if you have questions or concerns about things you have seen or experienced please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to seeing old friends and new in the coming week.

Travel Safely,

Sir Mathis of the Order of the Emerald Flame
Knight to his Majesty Lycergis, King of Dragonreach