the way you work

so i was at the studio i work at the other day and a fellow artist asked me a questin when i was telling her a bout that i do on my weekend, LARPing that is. and i found myself thinking a bout it days later so here it is

what is your alter ego or um day job...

when i told her on the weeks i go up to a camp site and play a healer and a baker and run a round all day she commented that for having a job where i sit and paint or work with art all day i have a vary active alter ego.

not that i think gamers are like super heroes LARPing by night the mild manered reporter by day.....

but it got me thinking,
many of the most evil NPCs i know are the nicest ppl to hang with,
one the most big and mean looking fighters i know is a receptionist by day,
one of the best fighters i know dus data intery
one of the best organized players i know works at toys r us
one fof the most imaginative people is in computer programing,
one of the darkest don't mess with her people designs kids games for facebook...

so sorry if this is a bit odd but whant are your alter egos- jobs outside of larping?

i play a healer/baker- and im an artist
my PC is a scout with a fairly deep hatred for slavers.
I am an underwriter for a large bank.
I have a very serious elven fighter knight turned templar recently, a flirtatious MWE adept and a devoted DE healer. I am an actuary in real life (I do statistical analysis for insurance companies) and a mom to a 17month old (yeah, that's a job too).

Though my very serious fighter has turned quite ... different in this season, since I decided to play just for fun and not stress about everything in the game.
I play a silly, power-hungry, fun-loving, ego-centric, friendly gypsy celestialist.

I teach high school add in "masochistic and bat-s*** crazy".
prashka said:
I play a silly, power-hungry, fun-loving, ego-centric, friendly gypsy celestialist.

I teach high school add in "masochistic and bat-s*** crazy".

At least you aren't Tom Cruise Crazy?
I work in an acute residential therapy center, essentially a group home for adolescents with psychiatric disorders or symptoms. I also work with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Juvenile Justice's Alternative to Lockup Program, assigning and transporting runaways and youth offenders into short-term group or foster care placements to await court. I also work at a YMCA after-school program.

I write plot so I mostly NPC, and mostly jerks.
wow ! its kind of fun looking at it like this, some times what we play reflects what we do, and also some times its the opisent counterbalancing are day to day. keep it going.
Avaran said:
prashka said:
I play a silly, power-hungry, fun-loving, ego-centric, friendly gypsy celestialist.

I teach high school add in "masochistic and bat-s*** crazy".

At least you aren't Tom Cruise Crazy?

XD I suppose so. :D
I play a sometimes easy to over-stimulate ex-mercenary turned healer (sort of) sarr.
I also play a 20-year-old elf half modeled after Alphonse Elric... but only half.

In mundania, I'm a chemist in the anodizing and plating industry.
I play a territorial Dwarven master blacksmith and scout. He's getting to be a bit of a swiss army knife.

I'm a Marine doing political analysis for my day job, a Daddy to an almost-2-year-old at night while my wife goes to school, and inbetween I find time to do some web programming for my local chapter's site and help create a National Online Database for all you awesome folks! /end shameless plug :D

I play a high functioning Dark Elf sociopath fighter, who happens to love the Death spell/element. I haven't had a chance to play new character yet, who is a MWE celestial formalist who just likes making and eating candy.

In real life I'm a software engineer. It's good times.

I'm a human fighter who is both honor-crazed and lacks a full set of morals. And I swing an obscenely large hammer.

I'm also an assistant financial advisor. And paintball referee. There were times at both of those jobs where I wish I COULD swing an obscenely large hammer.
I'm a hobling earth scholar who's idealistic, friendly, very outgoing, excitable and naive.

In real life I'm a cashier at Hannaford and paint models in my spare time.
I play a human dual-school scholar, on the path to dual school formal magic.

In real life - I'm in school for accounting, and I work as an assistant manager for GameStop.
IG I play an ego-centric, power-hungry, insidious dark elf.

IRL I work in Human Resources as a compensation consultant.

In game I play an increasingly pragmatic gypsy courtesan/doctor/alchemist/coroner/interrogation specialist with a flair for the dramatic and a motherly streak.

For real though? I'm a cook and mortuary science student.

Fearless Leader said:
I'm a lawyer.

You'd think I'd be more interested in the rules, wouldn't you?

You're more of a spirit of the rules kind of guy ;)
IG I am the leader of a large faction in Oregon. Alcandar is a healer and defender. I also write plot for WA.

OOG I am a writer. I created a pen and paper RPG called Carmine. A few days a week I am a caretaker for an elderly Parkinson's patient. I play a lot of video games too...

Basically I am all nerd all the time.
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