The Waymaker Network

(In a high pitched goblin voice)

Hi Everyone,
I would like to thank aaaaaallllllllll of those who helped me find my cloak.
Because I found it.
But it was only me that looked. So.....
Thank you, me.
You're welcome, me.

Now that I have my cloak back I waaaaaaas gonna start fixing the waystones again.
But then this Bednighty Icki Minute Newbuddy....
Wait thats not right.
How about just Radi...
Ok, so Radi is all like "I fixed them, almost".
Then he is like, "and I'm never coming back."
The thing is he did something to them and now I can't fully get back in.
I mean like I can still feel them. I'm still there inside. But, I can't fix them.

And if Radi is Waymaker, then since I build the network I shall be known as Supreme Waymaker.
Oh and who blow up Shaary. She was my 17th stone. And she got blown up recently.
I felt that.
It hurt a little.

But OK. So as Epic Supreme Waymaker. I will make you guys a deal.
If Waymaker gives me back 18% of control back. Just 18%.....
I will use my Super Epic Supreme Waymaker powers to not only fix the stones.

I can make traveling them free for 37 and two-third days!!!
Now I think as Grand Super Epic Supreme Waymaker that is a great deal.

All Radi has to do is say the magic words. "I give up 18% of the stones back to the creator"
That's it.

But there is a catch with the free traveling. Only groups of 8 or more travel free.
Small groups still have to use a ritual component.
It is still an awesome deal.
With that annoying Kaz'ik around and all.
I reeeeeeeeaaaaaallly hope someone kicks his long winded butt.

Oh also I found this really cool thing. I don't know what it does.
But I want to show you guys this thing as soon as I can. It is super neat.

OK, so I found my cloak, got kicked out, Shaary died, 18%, free travel, neet thing.
I'm missing something. Hmmmmm.

Oh yeah, the food was super good.
Thank you small elf girl for the food last time I was in town.

Ok Bye,

Wassiwaddle the Awesome Grand Super Epic Supreme Waymaker
I figured it was about time I heard from you, although I was really hoping not to.

I could go into a long speech about how many of the points you made are inaccurate, inefficient, or invalid, but I figure nobody here will care and you'll just disagree with me. So I won't. Besides, I really just want to be left alone.

But, you make a valid point... *clearly thinking as he speaks* You'd do far more damage attempting to "fix" the network while I'm gone than anyone else could, so maybe I'll follow through with one of the things I set out to do... That would stabilize it tremendously... Then I can comfortably leave the network in a semi-stable state and come back to improve them later, and my brother could actually spend some time in Terna as a goblin if he wanted to pay a visit...Hmm...

This actually works out quite nicely.

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