The Will of Ris'sunus

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Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
My friends across all of Gavaria,

This has been a difficult year for all of us. With each passing day, we all face new facets of strife, new layers of difficulty piling higher and higher on our shoulders. Every time we make progress, we immediately discover new woes, and safety and security are pushed further from our grasps. It’s a constant struggle.

Nobody deserves this. Nobody should struggle day after day, week after week, month after month, and beyond. Each and every person of this land has my sympathy, and I want to see a brighter future for all of us. But this desire doesn't reach fruition without effort, and I stepped up to pour my blood, sweat, and tears into this endeavor to make the world a better place. With Ris'sunus at my side, I set out to be the one to make a splash in the world and set the waves of change into motion.

Time and time again, I have traversed the land to speak with the populace and offer a path forward, a helping hand, and a warm embrace for all of Gavaria. But time and time again, I have been met with resistance, disdain, and even outright violence.

It truly breaks my heart.

I had hoped that we could have reconciled our differences and formed bonds of friendship, but so many people of the land have made it clear to me that they would rather suffer beneath the heel of Gavaria's corruption and oppression than accept the outstretched hand of Ris’sunus. Unfortunately, Gavaria’s future has no place for people with such a lack of vision. These blinded masses stand in the way of progress and must be removed, and I sadly have reached the point that the only way forward is by force.

I am sorry that it has come to this.

But what must be done must be done, and we, with the Light of Ris’sunus to guide us forward, shall be the ones to do it. Through our actions, this land shall be consumed by the sea, washed free of its suffering by the endless waves, and know peace at last.

So gather your loved ones, and hold them close. Drink long, drink deep, and soon, it will all be over.

- The Tidewalker

Herald of Ris’sunus
(Out-of-game note: This voice is garbled by a very thick speech impediment.)

Wi knoh wut yu arr thihnkeng.

Yu thihnkk yu kaan staand agansst dha tiyd, agansst dha gloriyus fuchure dhat cohmes fohr dha laandd, bot dha ohshun ovvercohmes aall obbstackulls. Wi arr ets haandz, ets speers, ets sordds, ets netts, annd zo maach morr, end wi wihll straiik dohn aall dhat daer tu ahppoze dha whil ov Ris’sunus.

Du nauttt riziszt.

- Caspianaros

Vanguard of Ris’sunus
He met the light maiden miles down from the shore
And fell for her smile as he'd never before
Pledged to be united as long as they live
They'd have given more if they had more to give
But the watchers and their ilk rallied in protest
She was slain and it ripped out the heart from his chest
It sent him adrift, left to float to world's end
With the darkness as his only friend

A storm upon you all shall form thick and fast
Your days have been numbered, each hour your last
May the land turn to sea and it swallow you aaaaalllllll
And may nothing protect from the squall!

Banished to the trenches, his power was done
No further away could the poor creature run
Little could he think but his light’s epitaph
Reduced to such weakness without his lost half
For so many long years he did swim all alone
The remains of his wife down to nothing but bone
To bring the light back, there was surely some way
Any price he was willing to pay

A storm upon you all shall form thick and fast
Your days have been numbered, each hour your last
May the land turn to sea and it swallow you aaaaalllllll
And may nothing protect from the squall!

He found the last method, forgotten but true
In return he was tasked with but one thing to do
Fight the three watchers ‘til the battle was won
The sea wasn’t free while the trio looked on
Such a request of him was almost like a dream
Take revenge on the three that had broken his team
A chance to push back with all vengeance they earned
And the Light of the Depths had returned

A storm upon you all shall form thick and fast
Your days have been numbered, each hour your last
May the land turn to sea and it swallow you aaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll
And may nothing protect froooooooom theeeeeeee squaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll!

- Allura
Perfector of Ris’sunus
Light and love are among the most beautiful things in this world. Ours have prevailed through death, darkness, and despair, and as the light of your sun fades in the coming days, do not worry; our love and our light will shine from below the sea and become your new dawn.

You have my word, undying and eternal.

- Ris’sunus
(Out-of-game note: This voice is a deep, guttural sound, heavily muffled and barely audible, as if from a very far distance. But even at this length, it shakes with infrasonic power, and you feel the words resonate in your bones more than you hear them in your ears.)



- Ris’sunus
(Out-of-game note: Dark clouds begin to spread from the ocean towards the Gavarian mainland, coating the sky all across the nation in only a matter of hours. Soon, it begins to rain, sometimes in light drizzles and other times in torrential downpours. This weather continues like this all across Gavaria, day after day, until you are told otherwise.)
(Out-of-game note: Gavarian weather returns to normal.)
Ris'sunus dead.
Caspianaros dead.
So many dead.

The storm is gone.
The sea is calm.
My heart filled with emptiness.

I'll make new friends.
I will force them to be my allies.
Every last one!

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