Thelucian Auction Q&A

Dan Nickname Beshers

So we've gotten some questions on the subject of the auction announcement that was made, and figured it would be good to have a good old fashioned Q&A to address them. So far, the most common question has been whether the auction will provide restricted items or LCO, and that's a bad question, because it will provide restricted AND LCO items. Everything put up to be bid on will be made clear as to whether or not it travels and any other such particulars.

The other questions have been as to what the whole deal is, and essentially it is this: A Thelucian archmage will offer to cast a ritual using his or her own scroll and components on an item (or spirit). The right to determine the item (or spirit) is what will be bid upon. There may also be a few pre-made items and scrolls in the auction as well.

If anyone has any other questions, please leave them here and watch with wonder as they are answered promptly, professionally, or sarcastically.
Anyone NPCing who wishes to attend the auction as their PC may do so, provided they have already PCed an event in NH this year. The auction will take place with minimal NPC activity on the field, so there should be no conflicts. Anyone choosing to attend the auction from NPC camp will be required to return to camp as promptly as possible once the auction is done, and to not engage in any combat as their PC.

(N)PCs must be in full racial makeup to attend the auction. Any corner cutting could result in banning. Joe.
Can you give an accurate description of "corner cutting?" If you're just gonna leave it as a gray area, then everybody is gonna rules lawyer that to death.

(Looking out for Dan to make sure he doesn't have to ban Gary).
You'd have to go full dark elf.

"Just leaving it as a gray area" doesn't count. :D
Can I attend as Baron Kearns and outbid Joe on everything?
Dan Nickname Beshers said:
Is there anything written above that would lead you to believe that you could stop PCing to play an NPC at the auction?

People hop fence to play special NPC's all the time for a variety of reasons. Sticking it to Joe seems legit enough to me. :thumbsup: