There can be a Peace

I swear, Dramthin, is it so bloody difficult to call a spade a spade, rather than a 'man-portable digging implement, steel headed, with three foot steel reinforced oaken shaft, standard issue'?

Hey, I know what a spade is! They're those black thingmajigs on the cards I use to take Marce's coin.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Marcena said:
Dramthin, that was once! Once! Just remember who has all of whose coin, now! ;)


You can't seem to hold onto your coin when I'm around...
Right now, Tieran and Landiara of Icenia have all my coin, BUT I'm slated to teach a schoolyard of children how to read and write their names, in the next couple weeks, so I'll be happy to lose all of that hard-earned coin to either of you in games of chance and skill (more chance than skill with me). What we should do is bring a few decks and get a rousing game of Dragon Poker going, now THAT is a fun game.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
A game for those with more money than they can easily carry.

Shinigami-san! From the tips of my ears, I say it's good to hear from you! It always warms my spirit to hear of another Calidorian surviving the Void War. Though, I suppose, if anyone would be able to draw themselves forth from the mouth of disaster, it would be the Red and the Black. Was the entirety of the R&B able to escape? I 've seen Nanashi-san, but not some of the other faces I've known from your guild.

And, as for Dragon Poker, fear not Marce, he is referring to the game's self-replicating pot. You see, as the players bet more and more, the Great Dragon blesses the game and the coin within multiplies of its own accord. I've seen farmers betting naught but copper walk away with a king's ransom in gold after a successful "Pot!" It really is quite astounding.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Not to squeak back to the topic at hand here, when it is obvious that warm greetings are something to be cherished amongst old friends in these days...

...But Dramthin. Honestly. I thought you were more intelligent than that.

I understand the need to want to talk things out. To use words before swords, to make peace rather than war. But you cannot change Lady Death. She has chosen her path, and her fate is a result of those choices. Let her have her walk, let her see the results of her choices, let her feel them. I find it is the only way people learn anymore. Have you forgotten this Lady is a necromancer!? By the laws of Briarpass -- nay, Fortannis really -- she has forfeitted her fate. So I urge you to be not so unassuming as to think you can just meet her for talks. She will have some underhanded ploy at hand, and I strongly doubt as to whether you'll come back as yourself. Things have a way of going awry for those who try and do good in the world -- it's a weight to bear for those who choose the path of good, a test to weed out the unworthy -- and I would be remiss to know that I did not at least try to warn you, to urge you -- not to reconsider, mind you -- but to take great care, and to not wear your heart and intentions so plainly on your sleeve.

We often make the decision to agree to disagree, dear Dramthin, but perhaps just this once could we not do so? I would be distressed to find your spirit later that day within the Earth circle. I would be overwrought to find it unable to make its way back from the Ether -- which we all know is a distinct possibility for every spirit that fights its way back for another turn of the wheel.

Please, do not do this alone, and do not make decisions foolishly. When weighing the cost of Lady Death's supposed humanity against the cost of the lives and well-being of those you might take with you (and most assuredly your own) I want you to be very honest with yourself. You must remember to subtract and account for all of the pain and suffering she has caused -- reveled in, really. You must not forget to carry the weight of what a misstep might cause to the innocents of Briarpass. You must divide by the rough estimate of her known ability, and then you must carefully choose a few friends to go with you and add them to the sum. This of course, will add in a whole new page of calculations. I would hope, however, that you do not foolishly try to go alone. One is an easy enough number for mathematics, but it rarely changes the fate of a calculation drastically, and what you're undertaking is most assuredly a drastic calculation.

It is a devilish bit of arithmatic you choose to solve, Dramthin, and I hope you've enough paper to do the work.

As your adversary in this, I am willing to help you talk through the sums, if you'd like and help you account for as much as possible. You need only to find me, and we will find some ale and a hearth and a chair or two and perhaps a product can be found that suits us both. If that is so -- then it is most assuredly a relatively safe middle ground. :)
Well said, well said... I knew you weren't as foolish as youd like to portray your self little one. The validity of your point is indeed something that even the foolish sage will have to consider, though I must let you know his fate is sealed alrready for his pride is too great. Yours is still in flux however.

Lord Galleous
Lord of Winter Wind.
Elysia Moonstar, Lord Galleous of the Winter Wind - I am young and willing to listen. You both see folly in my actions, both attribute my decision to seek diplomacy before blood as evidence of idiocy, pride, and madcap recklessness. I will submit myself, therefore, to your combined sagacity and ask for alternatives. What are our other options? An unknown force is attacking the town, her motives, abilities, rational, and goals are unknown - how should we act?

And, on a personal note, Lord of Winter Wind, when did I step on your ears? As far as I remember, we've never met. This isn't the first time you've attacked my words and name. Why the continued vitriol? How did I end up on your hot list?

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Dramthin, I would advise great caution when dealing with the undead and those who wield their power.
If we can convince you of nothing else, promise that you won't leave without someone to accompany you.
While we may not have had the chance to get to know eachother very well, I have seen the value of your character.
I would not see one who shines so brightly, be blinded by the very Light of Hope that he provides.

While I see few options in dealing with this threat, perhaps we can review what we know concerning the lady.
I don't presume to understand her motives nor rationale, but I believe we are familiar with her abilities and goals.
Most recently, she is responsible for the destruction of a gypsy caravan. She took great pleasure in this, by her own words.
As for her goals, she would see us all dead and likely the gypsies first. Before that, she would see us suffer for her own enjoyment.

I appreciate your efforts as an advocate for peace, perhaps more than you know. This time however, I fear your efforts are in folly.
She has killed, she have reveled in the pain of her victims, rejoiced in their passing, and she seeks the same from all those who might stand against her.
She would snuff out the Flame of Briar Pass and leave naught but darkness. This is not something we can prevent with gentle words, nor a friendly accord.
By her own actions, she that would cast us into shadow, has instead illuminated our path. There can be no peace with the lady. She had made this clear.

Pray instead, that should some small glimmer of light flicker within her soul, that we might free it from the growing shadows.
While she may not allow us peace, perhaps her soul may yet see it. Perhaps salvation has not yet escaped her.
Perhaps my own hopes are too high as well, but one should never abandon their hopes. It is hope that guides us through the darkest times of our lives.
No matter your decision Dramthin, I wish you the best in your endeavors. May your peace prevail.

May a warm light guide your journeys home,
Wolfram Eisenberg
Mobius said:
Elysia Moonstar, Lord Galleous of the Winter Wind - I am young and willing to listen. You both see folly in my actions, both attribute my decision to seek diplomacy before blood as evidence of idiocy, pride, and madcap recklessness. I will submit myself, therefore, to your combined sagacity and ask for alternatives. What are our other options? An unknown force is attacking the town, her motives, abilities, rational, and goals are unknown - how should we act?

Galleous - why must you exasperate everything at every turn? Don't you find joy enough in exasperating me? I see what you're doing, and you should stop. I am quite attuned to the strands and motives of the heart, and I am trying to help here. Please don't snow on my parade. I am indeed quite wise, though you often bring out the more childish tendencies in me, it's true. I find that bullies have that effect on me. You like to think you can bully me about to get the appropriate response -- but really, why would you keep around another pawn? You wouldn't. Which is why I do my best to not let you control me. It is a skill I practice (not yet to perfection, sadly) with you almost every eve. It's spring. Aren't you tired of this yet?

Dramthin - do not confuse my words with Lord Galleous's. I never said you were proud, an idiot, or reckless. I only urged you to take great care. I am offering to talk through your plan with you -- to show you the holes you cannot see, so that you may mend them and perhaps then manage to -- when the time comes -- cast your net about the problem you wish to capture and soothe. I do not seek to change your mind nor your will -- that is your own. I only wish to keep you and the innocents of Briarpass safe. I want you to be informed when making your choices and picking the path you wish to walk. I know I cannot walk the path for you. I would not wish to. It is your path, and my feet find no purchase upon it. But I've ways to see down the road a bit, and a keen eye for the way things tend to unfold -- I know many things, and have seen many more, and I wish to impart some of this wisdom upon you. Ultimately, I know the choice will be yours, and all I can do is hope that you make those choices wisely, after taking all counsel into account.

You feel this is the only way. I respect the path you have chosen, as I respect your right to have and exercise your will. I do not have to agree to respect you, and this is something often forgotten when two come to the table opposed. I am making an effort to respect your ever-unfolding destiny Dramthin, whatever you may make of it. You seem an intelligent and respectful gentleman, Dramthin. Perhaps our mutual show of respect during our opposition in this matter will be a model for future foes.

I sometimes wonder -- does the Walker choose the path, or does the path choose the Walker? Oftentimes, this riddle gives me pause when choosing my way through destiny. Do not feel boxed in, Dramthin. You've a great deal more choices than you see. Meditate upon that which you cannot see, and perhaps things will become more clear for you. I often find clarity in the strangest places, usually when I expect it least. I know you've the patience for this task Dramthin, I now must rely on your wisdom to carry you through safely. But remember, a wise man knows that he can never know, feel, smell, touch, or see enough -- that his cup will never runneth over at the fount of knowledge. He can never be thirsty enough to drink himself full. You've much time ahead of you for wisdom, Dramthin. Take in as much as you can.

And remember to try and be rational. You're a very passionate elf, my friend. I see you get so caught up and involved and invested -- and I would hate to see that ruined in you. Try and find a little distance. Keep yourself a little safer. Guard your Light a little closer. Do not wear your intentions and heart so plainly on your sleeve, for there are many ill forces that will use your goodness against you at every turn -- as that is what evil does, nay, the only thing it can do to try and combat good.

At this point, my offer still stands. I will not try and change your mind, Dramthin, for it is your own. I seek only to expand and inform it. Will you listen?
I am trully warmed by everyone's concern for me - even the advice offered by the Lord of the Winter Wind propels my spirit. I was not, however, born last year, nor do I throw myself in front of a juggernaut in the hopes it will think better of its trajectory. My concern for the Lady of Death is the same concern I feel for all mortals born of spirit, for all peoples with a mind to think and a heart to love. That she is dangerous is without opponent - that she is totally inimical, I'm not as willing to swallow without forethought. She has sworn to meet and speak with me in good faith, that I see as promising. Briarpass is a town created upon the altar of peace between peoples who were mortal enemies; we owe it to that heritage to at least seek out the spirit of redemption.

Wolfram Eisenberg, Elysia Moonstar - I am thankful and emboldened by your words and would have both of you contact me privately with your concerns and advice, if you're willing.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Herm, i still dont know about all that stuff. Al lot of words in all that talking. I'm trying to do some thinking and i think being 'mortal enimies' requires being mortal. undead don't count, then, see? I never seen a skelyton healed with earth magics and i aint never seen anything livin healed with chaos. Let your gaurd down and a skelyton'll walk right up and kill your buddy. No peace talks. No words. No honor. Thining about it, don't know if i could stomach being inna tavern with people havin 'made deals with them undead. Them guilds might not like it either.

*Burp* Who am i kidding? You adventerurs are really smart- not Effram smart, but pretty smart. You're doning pretty good with all that Elemental stuff, you prolly be fine. Just dont mess it up. Being dead means no more 'being' or 'doing' much of anything.

High Orc
Creeg - There is a difference between a skeleton and a 'higher' undead creature which still retains the ability to think, speak, reason, and redeem itself. It's similar to the difference between a soldier and a general: the soldier fights in the battle, but really doesn't have much say over what the army does; the general, because she's in charge, can change the course of the war, or choose not to fight it. By speaking with the general of these undead, we might be able to stave off the entirety of the conflict and perhaps even release her minions from their condition. Think of when Lord Regent Rockfist first spoke with General Stonebiter - he gave the general a chance to renounce his ways and return to the clan, he gave the General an option to redeem himself. Obviously, in that case, the General refused and was hunted down, but if he could have been convinced otherwise, many now dead would still be living. Does that make sense?

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
No. All that means to mean is that those 'Higher' undead made their 'well-though-out' choice a long time ago. Be Evil. If Stonebiter had become a necromancer proper, then there prolly wouldnta been no talking about it. Course, Chief Rockfist is about the smartest person i ever meet, so maybe he'd of still talked to him. DUnno really, i have a hard figuring you smart people out. You always think real hard about things i think are simple and you dont have to think at all for things that are hard. maybe the Cheif can explain it to me without all these big words. Besides, generals arnt supposed to decide if wars stop or not..thats the Cheifs duty.Herm, guess i knew something afterall.

High Orc
Creeg - I'm unsure I can explain my concept to you. I am not a skilled teacher and, though you seem an eager pupil, I have obviously failed to express the subtleties involved herein. Much of it has to do with our conflicting concepts of evil and good, for while I believe you see tham as stationary, I find them more transient. In a nutshell, I wish to speak with this woman to find out whether she's evil, in the classical sense, or merely misguided. That is, does she act in this manner because she's a heartless murderer, or because she's like an angry sibling who, while still part of the family, can act in rash and impulsive manners?

I could continue to create metaphors and similes to explain my idea, but I think we'd just tumble into more mixed imagery and confusion. Suffice it to say, if you still are interested in what I'm trying to do, and I'm still alive, come find me this approaching Market Day and we'll discuss it further.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove