This is why YOU should be MAD at your elected officials!

I'm going to preface this post with this--I understand this may be boring to some of you, but this is your country and I want you to watch how crooked and hypocritical these politicians are. If there is one political post you read this year make it this one. If you voted Democrat last year because you wanted real change after being fed up with Republican leadership the past 8 years, as many of us were, then you need to read this.

I just got an e-mail a few minutes ago from Campaign for Liberty, a group that I proudly belong to. They have been working very hard along side Congressman Ron Paul of Texas to finally, after nearly 100 years, perform a true audit of the Federal Reserve. There are many amongst us that strongly feel they are the culprit behind the destruction of the dollar. We demand oversight of their actions, and we know it's going to be a hard fight.

HR1207 is the bill in the House introduced by Dr. Paul to audit the Fed. It has nearly 250 co-sponsors in the House. S604, the Senate companion bill of HR1207, currently only sits at about 3 co-sponsors and has the same type of language in the bill that would require a true audit of the Federal Reserve by the end of 2010. Today, Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina attempted to attach S604 to something the Senate was about to vote on. Here is the e-mail I received, along with the video of Senator DeMint in the Senate.

July 6, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Earlier today, the first shot in our battle to pass Audit the Fed through the U.S. Senate was fired on the Senate floor by Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina.

Senator DeMint, who has a well-deserved reputation for taking the battle to the other side in the Senate, once again proved why he is such a valuable ally in our fight to bring transparency and accountability to the Federal Reserve.

A little while ago, the Senate voted to pass HR 2918, the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act. This $3 billion bill contains, among many other things, provisions for GAO audits on certain agencies.

Seizing on a chance to take quick action to bring Audit the Fed up for a vote, and with the GAO provisions in mind, Senator DeMint attached the full text of S 604, the Senate version of Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, to HR 2918 as Senate Amendment 1367 before it was considered for final passage.

However, Senate Democrats refused to even allow a vote on the amendment! That's right. The internationalist, Fed-loving elite in the Senate used a parliamentary tactic to shut down DeMint's amendment.

After Senator DeMint brought Audit the Fed to the floor, Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska raised a "point of order" to prevent a vote, claiming that the amendment violated Senate Rule 16 by "legislating" on an appropriations bill. The Senate president agreed, and the amendment was shot down.

Senator DeMint did not back down, though, and directly challenged Senate leadership by pointing out the other GAO audits contained in the bill. As Senator DeMint listed them off, the Senate president was forced to agree with Senator DeMint that each one he described, all of which would be left in for final passage, also violated Senate Rule 16.

Which tells us at least one thing: the problem wasn't with "legislating" on the bill or violating Senate Rules (which is commonly done). Shooting down the amendment was about preventing a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve for the first time in its history!

Senate leadership is hoping this issue will just fade away so they can get on to what they deem to be more "important" business, like dictating what kind of healthcare plan you and I can carry or passing destructive Cap-and-Tax legislation.

But the American people deserve answers on what the Fed has done with trillions of our tax dollars and what they are committing us and future generations to as part of their secret deals with foreign central banks and governments.

The leadership decided today to turn their backs on transparency, but our fight is just beginning.

As Senator DeMint made clear on the floor, the Audit the Fed bill has wide bipartisan support

The video:


Do you see the hypocrisy? Saying no to the amendment because of a standing rule that would prevent legislation like S604 from being attached, but not on a long list of other amendments in the same bill that violate the same damn rule!

I was tired of being apathetic towards politics. I know it has resulted in me staying up longer some nights, writing letters and e-mails. I normally do my best not to talk about stuff like this with friends & family unless I'm forced to. I've done things like write my congressman & senators, and write letters to the editors of my local newspapers. I do what I can, even if it's not much. This really just pisses me off to no extent. Ask yourself this--why don't these politicians want this bill to pass? What are they afraid will happen if we audit the Federal Reserve? Whose interests do they have in mind? Yours & mine? I don't think so.

This is not about Democrats vs. Republicans. Senator DeMint was never a favorite of mine during the Bush years, but I have a lot of respect for him right now for fighting to audit the Fed. I am a registered Republican in a party that despises Ron Paul republicans like myself for trying to defend The Constitution (watch the '07 & '08 republican debates if you don't believe me). I hope you get as mad after watching & reading all this as I did this evening. I hope you use that anger for the better of this country. Pestering your elected officials is a great start, and it works. Go on Youtube & scan the web to see great examples of this. We are turning up the heat on these people and they are starting to feel it. We can't be scared of what they do anymore. They need to be scared of US!

Thank you for your time.