This.....isn't Gaden


I guess this isn't the first time I've tried to go to one place through the mists and ended up in another, usually there are at least people around because the mist doesn't seem to drop people off by themselves which is a good thing. Can someone please maybe give me directions to a place to stay? I don't need a really long time, but I'd like a week or so to get my bearings.

I have some money and can pay, or if people would rather I can make most things that I know about, like weapons, potions, or scrolls and stuff like that.


- Jehyu

This is most certainly not Gaden. I've been here a little over a week and it's quite nice. There is a market day in a few days you're welcome to explore with me. It's been interesting so far, a lot of history in these lands. Quite a lot of my own kin as well which is refreshing--not that anything is wrong with Briar and Dagmara, but it feels...natural.

I'm planning to leave here and head back to Gaden in 6 days, so you're welcome to leave with me then.

As far as this rabbit's wares go, his stuff is top notch, and I haven't even gone in about this rabbit's character yet; a very generous and giving comrade.

- Druid Asher
Do be careful traveling about, especially at night. If you see red eyes, run. If you see blue eyes, run faster. If you see Skree, don't trust them for a moment. If you encounter large, lumbering creatures with a voracious appetite, these are Draxian, a once noble, sentient race under a horrific curse, please treat then with the respect and kindness you would afford another person. Don't feed them, however, or you will find yourself entertaining a horde of them.
There should be plenty of available lodging in the settlement, rest assured you will have a warm bunk, good food, adequate wine and excellent company.

I look forward to meeting you in person,
Bhaskara J Santori