To all the NPCs at the National Event


Good morning!

I am sure several of you are still traveling home or are sleeping from your long journey! However, I wanted to send a "shout out" to all of the NPCs who volunteered at the National Event -- Thank You! Thank you for entertaining the masses, thank you for your good natured spirits, thank you for your willingness to pick up bottles and wrappers and clean NPC camp. I especially want to thank Ted who spent hours throughout the weekend sweeping, cleaning, folding, and organizing costumes. You rocked my organizational/clean world!

The National Event NPCs were hard core! The PCs were hard core! This event was really fun for me because of the interactions of all the players and the good sportsmanship of all. Thank you again!

Jessica Brown
Fellow NPC of the National Event
Second this
NPC's were Awsome this weekend!
the Rping they did was top notch !
It was a true pleasure to get to run an event with all of you. I truly appreciate all your energy and enthuisasm. Hearing people humming or singing "Arabian Nights" was funny. Everyone who helped create props and set up encounters were a huge help. The quality of the donations were incredible. Thank you to all the people who brought beverages and snacks. The NPCs were hardcore and never stopped. If your bodies feel anything like mine right now then I am eternally grateful for all you did.

-Brian Bender
Truly hardcore NPCs. I recall the hold we had shortly after the one NPC (Paul?) transformed into the large snake at the end of the Tomb. We had killed off all of his NPC body except for one NPC when a hold was called. I believe Kelsey was that NPC. Through that entire hold she was shaking her weapons and hopping back and forth from foot to foot. The energy she kept up during that Hold kept it going for me for when the Lay-on was called. She reminded me of Darth Maul from big light sabre batle inPhantom menace when he was separated from Qui-gon by the energy wall. Truly intense!
Telokh_Amdo said:
Truly hardcore NPCs. I recall the hold we had shortly after the one NPC (Paul?) transformed into the large snake at the end of the Tomb. We had killed off all of his NPC body except for one NPC when a hold was called. I believe Kelsey was that NPC. Through that entire hold she was shaking her weapons and hopping back and forth from foot to foot. The energy she kept up during that Hold kept it going for me for when the Lay-on was called. She reminded me of Darth Maul from big light sabre batle inPhantom menace when he was separated from Qui-gon by the energy wall. Truly intense!

Oh god, that was an awesome moment for me. During the hold I looked around since I figured I was away from the rest of the body.. and then I realized I WAS the rest of the body.

It's like someone turned on Eye of the Tiger in my head.
Thank you NPCs! This was one for the record books indeed. Combat I saw was really clean, intense, exciting, fair, and often scary. Roleplay was through the roof. I recall watching Bill shambling as a plant creature and thinking...I love Bill...well I mean that is to say wow, if that's a precursor to what we're gonna experience this is going to be phenomenal.

And it was.

It was an epic experience for me. Something I will never forget. This season has been so triumphant for the Alliance, I believe, for every event keeps getting better and better.

Thanks to everyone who writes, performs, reps, and finances for this amazing game. Thanks to the players, and everyone who keeps coming back. Thanks to you who go home and tell all your friends about it, and get them to come!

Thank you Alliance.


Justin Coggin
This should probably go in the favorite moments, but it's solely because of the NPCs...

As we were all wandering around during our first few moments in the hourglass, and those NPCs came crawling over the hill through the mist-- hissing and screaming in the fog (and it was too damn dark to see a thing)-- I nearly pissed my pants.

Chalk it up to my first LARP, but seriously NPCs, I was scared to death. Bravo!