To anyone who can help!


I am utterly fed up with those other farmers making more money then me. It's like meatcorn is more desirable then good old comfort cabbage. And three years in a row my cabbage has been ruined by locusts. I am fed up. Someone help me.

I hear wishes are bad but think I wish my cabbages success and misfortune for all those self important wheat, cotton, and meatcorn farmer types.

I don't know. But cabbage soup made of tears and disappointment is just not enough to comfort me anymore despite the amazing satisfaction that a good cabbage broth with a few scraps of week old mutton does bring.

I want more.

Wish Granted

Well, raspberries.

So, the W zis fair game again? I hope not.

(Joseph's dreaming voice doesn't waver, but you can feel it inside. Something is very wrong.)

Someone please handle this. I can't right now.

I just...can't.

-Joseph Smith
Joseph ,

Come back to the Wayside Inn. I wish to meet with you. We have much to do.


Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
Uhmm...I just planted a field of meatcorn. Should I be worried?


~ Silp
As much as I would love to grant that wish, I'm afraid I can not undo a wish already granted by my father. But if you would like to wish for anything else I'll happily grant that.

Your simple djinn

Sent from my Z963VL using Tapatalk

I understand that your stomach aches and in the pits of despair you reached out and made a wish. I too have worked so hard to achieve a goal, reached and not reached it and then realized it was not what I really wanted. That want and desire didn’t fulfil me the way that I thought it would

Sometimes we can become so focused on the ‘having’ of our goal or desire, that we lose sight of the bigger picture and why we really wanted it in the first place.

I have experienced this first hand.

Often when we put our minds and hearts to a goal that is focused on the attainment of something whether it be money or a relationship, we seem to sign up for a whole lot more than we bargained for.

There are consequences for every choice.

Your wish has ready started to ripple through Wayside. Locust are consuming wheat fields. We have a refuge crisis while the bread basket in the Ternian Empire goes untended. We need wheat for bread, cotton for clothes and meat corn to substitute the slaughter of animals.

Wishes rarely have the intended and wanted result.

Lady FallingStar

I watched locust strip my neighbor Ted to the bone after destroying his meatcorn. It was an off moment for me. Never wanted folks to die but felt good to know I had caused the death of such a self important man-never liked him much. Guess this wishing stuff ain't so bad, but it can be dangerous. Need to be smart as a whipporswill when you wish.

Smart and with purty voices them. Know how to be right in this world. I like the nobles and am obedient to them but the rules gainsy wishing make no sense.

LadyFallingstar you are the well known mwe, elf, Vornae adventuring Noble from a line of star monsters. What could you possibly understand about being a cabbage farmer and bring spit on by other folks your equal.

Pit of despair. Yes. I wish for a pit of despair to deal with folks that need dealing.


In my mind, you need dealing. Your greedy 2nd wish may very well backfire. I hope you realize the power of things greater. You have summoned an imbalance to nature.

There are other solutions to your problems that are less harmful to this world. Had you considered any possibility beyond the easy way out, you would have seen that. However your envy will do no good to anyone, not even yourself.

A traveling Dryad
I got this. The humanity angle isn't going to play.

Rufus, you flaccid garbage-tending sh*t-show of a failed man. Your pain wants to be validated, right? Want people to know how you feel everyday? Make an impact? That's one cowardly act. That is true failure. Man up and fix what you've caused, and I will venerate you as a hero. Or go out with a bang and no one will even remember you. Your choice. You'll always be "that cabbage farmer that lost his mind". You want a family name? Good, well-paying job? Meat from the bone? Earn it. Or piss off.

-Joseph Smith

Drinks with me tonight-at Home.

This behavior is not becoming of the man I know you are.

Please come to the Tower and we will walk to the Wayside Inn and hopefully you can find peace.

I need you calm and centered to help all of us.


Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
On the plus side, now we have a Pit of Despair that we can use in the event we need one! I can't say I've wanted one, but hey, now we've got one!

Rufus, you're right that Liddia's a noble that might not know much about bein' a cabbage farmer, but I do! I mean, I guess I don't exactly know about cabbages in particular (do they grow on the ground, or are they like a tree thing? I don't really eat cabbage), but I've spent my whole life pullin' up stumps, and I figure that's a similar level of job! Lemme tell ya, stump pullin' is a lot of work, and you really don't make a lot of coin or glory doin' it! You just end up with stumps and stump-sized patches of dirt! And bein' a dryad, a lot of people have treated me more like a plant than a person in my life, and people apparently treat walkin' and talkin' plants with a surprisin' lack of respect, so I definitely understand where you're comin' from! No real coin, no real respect, while everyone around you gets bigger and better? That sucks! But hey, look where I ended up, and I didn't even ask for any of it, from a djinn or otherwise!

You want to make a good mark on the world? You want to make more coin from your cabbages than your wheat and meatcorn neightbors? Then come work for me as my personal Cabbager, grow cabbages, and teach my people how to grow cabbages, since they're not super great planters yet! The catch? You first gotta help right these wrongs that you asked for! You undo this mess with us, you sincerely recognize the dangers and sufferin' you caused, you sincerely apologize for it, and we can help lift your life up! Or, it's entirely likely that there'll be some adventurers that are pretty much gonna find you and mess you up somethin' fierce, and I got a sure spicious feelin' one of 'em rhymes with Poseph Snith! Let's make this right!

Oh, and that goes for anyone feelin' lousy that hears me! Are things goin' bad enough for you that you're considerin' askin' somethin' from the djinns? Don't! Instead, come talk to me, and we'll come to a solution together!

~ Silp