To Gaze Upon The Stars


Greetings to you all, my friends! As I was unable to fulfill my promise to you, Hengin, on the eve of my most unfortunate malady, I am to be returning to the area to give lessons and read the stars for any who wish it -- should we be fortunate enough to have clear skies!

If there are any amung you who wish to learn the art of stargazing, or simply to be watching the class and perchance have you stars read, I will welcome you all to be joining me.

"Stargazer" Itherial Giruad Nikolaivich

You are always welcome to come back, even if your "lessons" give me a headace. I swear all that gobbledygook about stars and omens are enough to drive a man to drink! However, I think I will come along, with some tasty brews, for those who find that your lessons also give them headaches!

Proprietor of the Falcon's Roost
Mara's Glen