to heal or not to heal

Im pressed for time in this and I dont know what to do...
After my first event it seems that there are a LOT of healers and the need for another low level one is very low if not nill.
I get a respec after my first event but Im pressed for time to decide as Im attending the ohio event in 6 days (and need time to transfer ym character)
So I have to decide healer or not healer.

I would love to Go fighter and have an elf Archer but archery isnt that good its a pain with the foot long tails and im not getting younger
my best days are behing me and im growing older.

I dont know if I should change my character to Fighter or stick with healer
I like helping others but it jsut seems there are too many healers already.

Advice anyone?

Just because you are a Scholar doesn't mean you have to be a 'Healer' Go bind-o-mancy my friend, and be forever ready to be called to heal when a day comes that it is in need.
You could also go templar and be both a healer and a fighter. The nice thing about a templar is they are the ultimate helper on the front lines. They can help keep the line in a fight (especially if they have a shield) and they can heal up people that fall next to them, etc. The problem with templars is that you build up more slowly. At higher levels they rock! Imagine having a 4 block and swinging for 6's. Pretty cool!

You could get your weapon and shield skills and then start working on spells. Once you get enough that you feel comfortable... some people do a wide bottom with just 1-9th level spell. Others do a 4 block so they have 4 life spells. Then they build up on weapon skills. Or you could do the opposite.

What I suggest is to create what you think would be the ultimate character for your concept and your game play. Think about what or where you would want to be at lvl 20 - level 25 and then work your way down based on what will help you have the most fun on the way up.

That is how I have built up my last two characters (thereabouts). My first two I didn't have a direction and they are willie nillie right now.

- J
Let us not forget about our friend, the celestial caster...
Nice, flashy damage spells, but still good spell defense.
Healers are always needed to keep people up.

Templar is a good way to go if you want to have both fighting and healing capabilities. If you stay a healer I would suggest moving upward toward the 4-column so you have bigger healing and Life spells. Spreading spells into a pyramid with 9 at level one and 1 at level 9 is more effective for the Evocation spells that Celestial casters have.

1) There is no such thing as too many healers.

2) As a healer, you will get pulled into modules a lot more than if you're a fighter.

3) The Healer's Guild rocks and is great for role-play and hanging out.

4) Being a front line fighter is tough on the body. You'll definitely get a bruise or two. If you don't like to get too physical, I'd say avoid a combat character.

If I were you, I'd definitely stay a healer. But that's the great thing about the game. You can be whatever you want!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Yea if you go with the healer I too would recommend the 4 column build. "I grant you the gift of Life" is so dam cool and makes you friends real quick. =)

However Celestial magic is not to be thrown aside lightly! It is pretty awesome to chuck out spell after spell pounding down your opponent, with LEGAL magic. ^_^ I would however still advocate at least the 4 column for Celestial now because with the new wand rule coming out it has more or less nerfed the spread out pyramid build since it doesn't increase the damage on a wand effectually. =\
Ha! legal magic. every vansir will hate you and most biata will shun you. the healers guild is a 24/7 party and the mages guild is in shambles. not trying to deter you, if i see you in game i'll probably try to recruit you!
thanks all
no the choices were stay with healer or switch to an archer fighter.
its almost impossible to do both well so it was one or the other
Ill guess Im going to stick with healer as I am not getting any younger, its not the fear of getting hurt it jsut I dont move like I used to when I fought in SCA

Robb Graves said:
Ha! legal magic. every vansir will hate you and most biata will shun you. the healers guild is a 24/7 party and the mages guild is in shambles. not trying to deter you, if i see you in game i'll probably try to recruit you!

I won't shun you! You blow up things that I can't affect lol. Just don't give me any protectives and we're good. :D
i liek the biata who don't have a problem with us celestials. we all save the town together and i never have to worry about buffing them!
Just hope that they aren't waiting for the day to go kill you in the woods ;-)
You can always be a scolar and buy the use of archery for 12 build and to get your damage up get a few ranks of alchemy to make vorple coating on your arrows for 8 damage or Seriouse vorple coating for 13 damage
too many BP for my tastes
it was ether Archer or healer trying to do both would not be good

tieran said:
Just hope that they aren't waiting for the day to go kill you in the woods ;-)

Shh Tieran! We're trying to lull him into a false sense of security!
I recommend earth scholar / healer over fighter / archer based on my own personal experience. My original cahracter concept was an Elven fighter archer. Back in the day we used real bows with padded arrows - that was too much work for me so I used a Nerf crossbow which was great fun.

When we switched to the packet archery system the fun level went way down in my opinion. Instead of a quiver of crossbow bolts I had a bag full of packets which I thought looked much worse. I no longer felt cool.

Also, you said you wanted to be useful. An archer will almost never be as useful as a sword and board fighter because archers dish out less damage and have less defense.

As an earth scholar you have many cool options. Carry a cool looking bow (not easy), get a painted shield (one of the easiest ways to make your character distinct), walk around with a bunch of packets in your fist, etc.

At low levels fighters often are more effective than healers so you may not feel in demand at first UNLESS you are a good roleplayer. If people enjoy the way you play your character they will want to spend time with you - even if your healer who can barely cast shield magic isn't terribly effective.

At higher levels, earth scholars nearly always feel useful until they run out of spells. As a fighter (but not an archer any longer) I've been in lots of situations where I was ineffective and casters got to do cool stuff. Then again I don't have to wory abour running out of spells so sometimes I reamin useful longer than caster.

In short, I've never played a healer and haven't been an archer since I was level 10 or something many years ago. But I am pretty sure that your character will look better, be more effective, and feel cooler at levels 8+ if you go earth scholar / healer.
My primary is an earth scholar - with archery.

I never played with the real bows vs packet bows, so maybe my opinion would be different if I had. But when it comes to archery I have two words:

weapon coatings

Especially since arrows were given the 2/1 deal on these, they have become my character's best friend. If I am willing to spend enough money I can toss 13's all day. Some of the other fun ones (like nausea, sleep or vertigo) have been one-shot kills for me when I'm fighting things that are affected by poisons. Or if you're fighting undead, memorize some earth blade spells along with those vorpals and now you're tossing 13 earth - that's 26 against undead. Bonus: a stray earth arrow that hits a friend won't hurt them, aside from popping a magic armor.

Yes arrows are easy to block, miss, get out of the way. That's the tradeoff. I don't know if I'd go fighter/bow as that might be frustrating, but since as a scholar I'm second line anyway, this is how my character dishes out some damage as well as being the backpack. I can shoot from between my fighters and then just reach over and heal when they need it. I've never played her without a weapon. Then again, as an elf I get archery for half cost, so 6 build wasn't much to pay. 12 for a non-elf might be pretty steep.

Just my two cents - you need to do whatever is going to be fun for you.
Robb Graves said:
Ha! legal magic. every vansir will hate you and most biata will shun you. the healers guild is a 24/7 party and the mages guild is in shambles. not trying to deter you, if i see you in game i'll probably try to recruit you!

Not exactly true. Some of Ulthoc's best and closest friends are starcasters... he has a list of people he's looking for spirit forges for.

What you get out of your character will be based on what you put in it, and who you talk to... far more than what skills you have IMO.

Tom H
"That guy"