To Roam the Dreams of History


Time seems to be a river and history rhythms before it repeats.

Again and again I watch as the mistwalkers repeat the mistakes of the past, and I scold, I instruct and I warn but it seems to come to naught.

Perhaps it is because you cannot believe the wall has been painted without touching it and must see for yourselves.

The task of instruction now falls on my shoulders, a burden I should have never accepted when I first learned to dwell in the endless dreams of history.

Are there a small number that would submit themselves to learning how to enter the endless history contained within the dreams? You risk your lives, that is easy, will you risk an endless eternity contained within an instant that is the endless dream of the world? For this strength of conviction and character is more important than experience. If so I will meet you, and if I believe you have a chance to pull through I will prepare what is needed to allow you to walk the path with creatures of myth and dragons still dwell, and should you complete your journey to meet with the dream tenders of the Sentaut then you will be able to follow the dreams of history of any you meet.

- Merrick the Sage
Greetings Merrick,

I have faith in the strength of my people, both in physical prowess and mental ability. I hear your words and know the power of learning from actions and reactions; be it the path of choices taken by those who came before us, or shaping the days to come so that a legacy is exists for those yet to come. We should take note and learn from the truthful occurrences of the past, lest we are doomed to repeat through ignorance.
There are those among the adventurers that strive to learn, and even teach what they know such that together we stand stronger.
Good Sage Merrick, if you have come to teach, to show, to share, then please know that you are welcomed.
I look forward to meeting you, or if not, then learning from those that have.

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon
I am Ragnarok. I am young and inexperienced in this world. I hone my body into a sword but my mind stays lazy and full of fat. My mind is not for for being full of knowing things. But to make it a place of wisdom and goodness. That more than anything else I want.
Yes I am young. Yes I am a fool. Yes my body is still but a dull blade but you will find no other with motivation like I do. If you wish to teach then consider me to fill with wisdom.


With your warnings, you still leave things open to instruction. I am not so haughty as to believe that everything that there is to be known is known. If I prove fit, I would walk the endless history within dreams.
Pfft Once again a generous offer ignored for your daily tasks, don't know why I even bother. I'll give you one more chance since no one could be bothered to either show up at all, Ragnarok and Griffon! or talk to me...Kadien!

I'll try this once more next time there is a gathering of fools bring the following that Friday night.

Just one set - A fine beverage, I hear blue ales are quite good. Some kind of cooked meat (these are for me!)

Each person involved, I need these for the magics,

15 pieces of Silver
One personal possession of great sentimental value
A supply of food and water for after.

-Merrick the Sage

My apologies for taking up your time. Since I have never met you in person, I did not know it was you when I first laid eyes upon you. When someone mentioned that you were about, I could not find you.

I do not often find my dreams taking me here but, your words have struck a cord within me. If I can attend the next gathering I would like to join those gathered in this journey, if you would have me.

Lady Liddia FallingStar
Lady huh? Awfully secretive I've yet to see you in my dreaming and anyone that deserves such a title should make ripples enough to be noticed.

Still if you want to come who am I to stop you, worst case you spent the rest of eternity wandering around refusing to accept the true history of that land.

- Merrick the Sage
Merrick the Sage,

If you believe that my accompaning you would cause a detriment to you endeavor I will not join. When where you thinking of entering the dreams? And if you have any specific questions, please feel free to send me a private dream or pigeon.

Lady Liddia FallingStar
Nothing can be hidden from the dreams, I enter the dreams nightly as I long ago lost myself within, why would you want a private dreaming, that I should waste my time coddling you along? I'm sure you'll make the same mistakes all the others will and things will end badly for you, but my council has never stopped fools from trying before!

As to entering the dreams, I'm sure it will happen over the next few gatherings for those that want to go, at least until all the interested people go crazy and decide they don't really need a bunch of bloody cloth, regardless of who's claw the blood came from!

No more questions from you lady who does not sleep under the same stars, come or don't, you probably will and you'll probably regret it.


If you would teach me, I would follow you into the dreams.

Briar of First Forest
Yeah, sure why not? The more the merrier right? We'll get a whole pile of folks so that if you all go insane at least there won't be anyone left alive to regret it right?

..Don't forget to bring your own set of stuff when you come.


--Dagmara Glueckspilz

So not speak to me of stars. We all sleep under the same canopy of starlight, regardless of where on this myst sphere you roam.

Lady FallingStar
Oh right what was I thinking, it's much much more important that we have a petty argument over what people mean when they say stars than to consider a warning. Typical adventurer, start by yelling at it then move on to killing it, then finally maybe think about understanding it. You can still come, but if all yer going to do is try to correct people to make yourself feel like the smart one that knows things you are even more assuredly doomed then the rest of them.


I must apologize, my frustration was incorrectly put upon you. My children recently were born weeks early and that has put me on edge. Your comment struck me as insult.

With regret,
Lady FallingStar