To the one whom wrote about the tournament.


NEPA Staff
I am sorry I cannot be specific as the author was not noted on the article.

There was a remark that is untrue and in my opinion mocking someone of noble title.
"These low expectations were expressed by the knight Ignatious, who publicly refused to participate."

Sir Ignatius Scippio Vex is currently fighting a war for His Grace and our King. He defends the people of these lands and all surrounding from an enemy that does not sleep breathe or give two stone hard turds about your poor writing.

Sir Ignatius questioned an individual and in fact The Vanguard of whom he is attached and is the Commanding Officer of as well as a great deal of Legion D's soldiers were at the tournament. You insult us all. An apology is expected
Dear Eric Wolcott, Editor-in-Chief of the Ashbury Times:

You recently published an article in the June edition of the Ashbury Times which contains certain inaccuracies. Sir Ignatious Skippio Vex did not express low expectations of the tournament nor did he refuse to participate. Sir Ignatious questioned the authenticity of the original tournament announcement as it had been posted by Squire Senschal Trevor Donovan. To the best of our knowledge at the time, the Squire had been compromised by events that took place in May and we had not heard that he had been restored.

Though the public exchange was heated, Sir Ignatious was in full support of the tournament and encouraged the Vanguard to participate in which they earned 2nd place against the strong Blythedale team.

Currently Sir Ignatious and myself are fighting within Trellheim to continue to defend the weak against the evils which plague our lands. The recent events that took place these last several months have threatened to split us apart as a Duchy and Kingdom. I would encourage all to stand together, united, as we wage war against those that would try to enslave and destroy us. Let us not pick apart at each other but instead defend and protect one another so that we may continue the fight.

Dame Lt. Aven
Barony of Blythedale
Legion D, The Untiring Phalanx
I am sorry for intruding on your discussion Grim however it would seem to me, even with my limited knowledge, that someone with a high opinion of Blythedale wrote this piece. I find it very insulting that whomever wrote this made it almost their intent to insult not only the Thessi but every other team that participated in the tournament by pointing out their shortcomings. However, they did no such thing for the Blythedale team which is a cause for concern. Though I have not been awake long I had come to believe that all adventurers, no matter what "team" they are apart of were still on the same side. I also had come to believe that this tournament which I had been so very excited to be part of was something that was held in order to unify all adventurers and people in a way of celebration of the land we have all decided to love and protect. This article holds a very different and dividing opinion.

If this is the way we are to be, divided amongst ourselves simply because of the colors we choose to wear then I truly fear for the future of this new world because there will be no strength between those we should be considering our allies and friends. I hope all that read this article feel the same or there are many things we all have to consider and work on before we can truly hope to protect Icenia.

Be well,
Wait Wait wait.....

The person who wrote this was not in favor of Blythedale... well not me anyway. Because the Articles I wrote, and more accurate accounts of certain events I sent in, WERE NOT EVEN PUBLISHED OR MENTIONED.

Allow me to add some corrections, for this drama causing editor.

FIRST, my name is Ithica... not Ithaca.. I know i have only been around for 7 years, and have not done much to have my name mean anything or stick out. But its ITHICA... not Ithaca... Commander Ithica to be exact.
SECOND, While i appreciate the boast of my abilities in combat. My other Teammates in 3 man, Sir Daniel and Baron Drake helped carry us to a 1st place victory against the other 3 man teams. It is only fair that they be given their due credit. It was my honor to fight with them again.
THIRD, I called Leona and Armani Archer... not Elf ( i know i still got it wrong... but lets be accurate)
FORTH, The removal of my belt was no Scandal. A Paladin made a decision, it is what it is, there is nothing scandalous about it i understand what he had said, and his interpretation of protocol, while i may disagree with it, i fully understand. But you are incorrect on why it was removed. It was removed because it was said my liege Baron Drake was not tutoring me or teaching me enough... The Squireship was offered back on 3 separate occasions within 24 hours however. With support from Paladin Nevin Kendrick, Sir Eros, Baron Drake, and even his Majesty, King Broomis. I would of graciously accepted, but I felt compelled to say that on a certain day in question, I would not of done anything different. And it was determined that i did not follow an order that certain day, which i still humbly disagree with. But never the less by not following the order I was able to stop the troll armies assault on the town, get them to agree to a parlay after they had a very big advantage. Beat the troll champion in honor combat, preventing about 20 resurrections, stopping the complete plunder of the town, stopping the trolls from raiding the next town and forced the troll army not to attack for 1 full moon. YES, i would do all this all over again, i would do it happily and willfully. I would not change anything. But in doing so, in some eyes I would be disobeying a nobles order. The thanks and support from so many of the commoners and adventurers forced to fight that day re-affirms I made the correct decision.
FIFTH, i did not walk away from an honor combat...... After hearing the terms, I was in shock and then Laughed with about 10 others, and THEN we all walked away, still laughing i might add.... I mean no insult to Regent Ulthoc. But to me two warriors, two people raised with Vansir, 2 champions who carry a sword should use that sword in something such as an Honor combat, perhaps my time as slave, fighting combats and Honor combats makes me have a different view. But to me the terms were a complete insult to the nature of a duel, and even more comical and shocking to think of myself and Ulthoc casting spells at each other, this is just a statement of my opinion, why I could not retain from laughing. I must say I understand why Regent Ulthoc set the terms he did and wanted to avoid a sword duel, and he understands why i rescinded my challenge after hearing his terms. ( I do not believe I could ever look upon my own wonderful face in a mirror, after all MY life, doing what i have done, if i myself ever used a spell to gain victory against another warrior while fighting something as precious as honor combat). Never the less that anger and dissension between us has passed, but if your gonna slander me in your comical articles please get the correct information and tell the complete story.
SIXTH, You speak ill of my Dearest friend Sir Ignatious... Don't do that...

As far as you little "who wants him as a noble"... you are clearly being paid to try and goad me... When, if ever... I decide to return to a gathering I would be happy to share about 40 letters from, Adventurers, Lords, Pure Lords, Guild masters, Knights, Barons, and even a Prince, and then you could ask that question. I would send them to you, but you never seem to get the articles i write for your paper, you probably would not get these either.

-Sincerely IthAca.. I means Commander Ithica *chuckle
Lieutenant Ithica,

You are deliberately misrepresenting a meeting held in confidence by His Majesty, myself, and the Nobles of Ashbury.

You are hereby dishonorably discharged from the Royal Army and barred from holding military or noble rank in the Kingdom of Icenia.

Sir Nevin Kendrick
High Paladin of Icenia
With all due respect, this is a serious error in judgement.

I would make the recommendation that you rescind this order and allow calmer heads to prevail in daunting times. From my understanding, your lands are almost at all out war with the trolls as well as Galanthia and you have lost two prominent nobles in under a year as you beat yourselves against this oncoming storm.

Ordering this man out of military or noble rank seems to be a poor choice over what sounds like an issue of pride, especially with his skill set as a tactician and leader.

Ithica - if you seek a place of refuge for you and yours, you are always welcome in my company.

-Zehnyu Shanshi
Royal Tracker to her late Majesty Queen Saroba of the Veldt
Privateer to his Late Grace ArchDuke Aaron Valintar
Captain of the Snarky Wanker, Laerthan
Brother Ithica, you and any Immortal under your command that wishes to follow are welcome in Sadeen Moore. I can always use an excellent military officer such as yourself. If your current superiors fail to see the obvious advantage you bring them then they very clearly do not deserve your support. Or if this unfortunate turn of events has freed more time for you to dedicate retaking your home land of Tusnia, I will lend support to you in this endeavor as well. Whatever course you may choose know you will always have a safe and welcoming haven among people who truly value your worth, publicly.

Pure Lord Drenten
Council of Sadeen Moore
This seems a prime example of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Ithica is, and always will be, an amazing example of a soldier, leader, tactician and strategist. He's always used his strengths to benefit those who deserve it, and his skills to defeat those who threatened that which he held dear. Even Ithica will admit he's arrogant, but it's justifiable considering his accomplishments and skills.

I can only pity the people who will be left to suffer because of what I can only politely term a temper reaction.

If this is the new leadership for Ashbury and Icenia as a whole, I can only wonder at the example being set. I can't tell from the stories and rumors if these temper tantrums and dishonorable decisions are making their way up or down the ranks, considering Regent Ulthoc's decision to set the terms of honor combat in the least honorable way I've ever heard for two sword-wielding fighters. I call the terms of spellcasting in a fighter's honor combat dishonorable as a woman of an almost purely scholarly bent. Even I have willingly participated in combat with only a sword. Actually, come to think of it, the way the Rak Shasa fought and defended his honor in that fight was more admirable than this ridiculousness. That monster, at least, had the decency to eventually show his true face and honest intentions.

Hopefully that day is coming for the Icenian nobles.

-Phedre Shanshi
Sir Nevin Kendrick,
I say with calm head and full sincerity, with no intention of being argumentative. That I did not misrepresent any facts, and it certainly was not my intention if it came across as such. I actually felt I was sticking up for you and even lending credit that I did not feel there was anything "scandalous" about losing my belt, I went as far to say and openly admit I fully understand why it happened, which I thought would lend credit to the abolishing of any rumors of a "scandal". As far as a meeting held in confidence, I did not state anything that was not already public knowledge to most people who were present at that gathering or those who have taken time to gather facts. I would think that stopping a false representation of fact, or a lie said in a paper was doing the correct thing. Please tell me what I misrepresented, and I will stand corrected.
Or am to understand that not only after losing my belt for 'disobeying an order', (which in returned saved about 20 from resurrection, and sent a troll army packing and heading home for 1 full moon), but after losing my squireship under those circumstances, which is still a tough way for myself to come to grips with after my time "in". But I am also expected to allow slander and false representations of fact to be spread about me. I am to sit by why rumors and articles are written by others in a paper, while my letters are ignored and disregarded....
People deserve to know the truth of accounts and events that transpire. Its the least that can be given back for the sacrifices and services adventures and commoners give to us.

Also Please let me make it clear, I mean no offense nor ridicule to the terms of combat offered by Regent Ulthoc. I was merely stating what my interpretation of a duel would be, and this has much to do with how I was raised and my own past. I meant nothing disrespectful towards Regent Ulthocs terms, he was fully entitled to offer under the rules of Honor Combat. I would of preferred to have left the whole duel thing out, but the paper made it sound.. well sound so BLACK and WHITE and there was certainly more to the story the article/rumor lead to believe. How could anyone who knows me even think I would not respond or set the record straight.

Arandin, Caldaria, Sadeen Moore, Syraandor... All places I turned my back on to bring my efforts to Icenia, how silly I was and now it ends like this on top of that. Losing a squireship for refitting Armor before charging into battle. Then having a military Rank, which was Commander not Lieutenant I humbly add, stripped liked this... and Dishonorably of all things? I say with full humility, good luck convincing the people of Fortanis of that.... With full sincerity, I am saddened above all else, truly dissapointed... Ashamed I dedicated so much to a place that would allow such a coarse of events like this to transpire, ashamed I turned my back and efforts away from so many others he called for my hand so many times, to stay in Icenia instead and follow what i felt to be the "right" coarse . I do not regret what I was able to do here, and certainly do not regret making the great friends I did. But to feel this is my reward, this is my thanks for all my time and dedication.... Let others learn from lesson i guess.

I must say now with heavy heart, i feel this was meant to be. I brought factual material evidence to my "trial" among peers, and when my evidence proved true it was merely dismissed and the words "He is Knight and therefore can not lie" were spoken. When I had fact backing me up, it seems code and belts were shields to hide behind. So i ask this now, If Nobles can not lie then what about all those that rebelled against and committed treason against the crown not to long ago. "Thou shall not lie" , not "thou can not lie" with all respect. With all do respect I have seen Knights lie, I have even witnessed a Knight command a squire to Lie and hide the truth from other Nobles....... But I really had no chance in that trial regardless what I said, no matter how many letters I had from others, no matter how much evidence I had. I believe i was meant to break, there were pre-determined words I was expected to speak and if i did not break, if i did not speak what you wanted to hear i would lose my belt, and so lost it was.
When trolls attacked, and the "peers" of nobles left, after the second request from townfolk to come help was pleaded, I was forced to stay behind... forced to be taught a lesson it would now seem and then have my belt taken away. While having 2 life spells that could of saved people; my sword, shield, along with my healing was better served by being held behind. And Now I carry a heavy heart for not disobeying the order to "stay" in that room, running out instead, cutting down trolls, and using one of those life spells to save someone I loved so dearly from permanent death. Then my articles do not make it into the paper, instead lies are allowed to be spread, falsified evidence and down right slander no doubt spoken to try to piss on me after already being what felt to be spit on, and when i try to set the record straight.. a boot to the face.... So... I dare say a certain amount of events which now seem to me, were to be orchestrated in order to achieve a final result.

Very well then, So be it, you no longer have my sword or my defense... I rescind my oath of fealty to Icenia, to His Majesty, to Baron Drake, I am no longer to be considered an Icenian citizen, and after 6 years of military service I still have no land nor even a house nor bed to sleep in, so there really is not much paperwork needed on what to leave behind that I can not take with me. I have no military pay to return, since I never took any military pay. I have no uniform, since i took none. I have no weapon or shield belonging to any military since I have had always used my own. I have no resources belonging to any Military division since I always used my own. I do have my Commander Sash that will be returned via carrier. The armor and weapon and resources I have given my men, is freely left behind along with my teachings. Any military personal whose terms of service is coming to an end, be it a week or 10 years from now, when your service is up you may find me in the lands of Syraandor, now known as the deadlands. Travel the mist and seek me out, i will have station and position awaiting any who served under me these past 6 years.

Scribe Alexander Willowwhisp, burn my will and last words ordered to be read upon my permanent Death. Nothing mentioned in that will has any bearing or purpose anymore.

I do Thank you Baron Drake and Baron Rorii for all your guidance and company through out the years. Thank you Sir Eros for your council. Thank you Duke Frost for your teachings and lesson while sitting at your Squires and Nobles meetings. Thank you Your Royal Majesty for your kind words you offered at the last gathering, i will miss our 'pep-talks'. Thank you to Sir Daniel and the court of Blythedale for everything, when myself and my army reclaim Tusnia you will have to come visit.. Until then I will miss our time traveled together and our conversations. And to the adventures I have met and friends I have made, i will see you soon hopefully, if you travel to any other Lands.

I also thank you Duchess Sonia. You were always very kind to me, and at times put a lot of faith in me to accomplish many things. However In good conscience i can not take my leave without sharing some valuable information with you, should you see fit to send missive I would know where to respond. It has to do with Sir Bryce Sinclair, one of the finest men I have ever known.

Brother Drenten, Phedre and Z, I thank you for your kind words and support. There is so much more to this. If you could forgive my absence of all these years I would meet with you and share some history. Also Purelord Drenten, my Immortals were moved to the deadlands months ago, it seems i should of made that permanent journey myself instead of staying behind to fight a predetermined fate.... Never the less beside them i have raised another army and we have begun our move with the full intention of reclaiming my home land of Tusnia from the vile withering. Your offer of hospitality is still gracious and well received.

-Commander Ithica of the Immortals and Tusnian Army

Those people who give their blood for your kingdom can't even defend themself' from the faceless attack' of the newspaper. If the meeting was held in confidence, then which one of you told the newspaper about the detail' of it?

Eric Wolcott congratulation', you've done it again.

Commander Ithica, you know my door' are alway' open to you. It has been my great pleasure to fight by your side.

Death Factory

Some simple perspective from a friend.

The Ashbury Times has always been dung that's only purpose is to start a fire. Do not let that fire consume you.

Nobles come and go. Armies come and go. Wars come and go. The only constant should be serving the land and the people. You need no title nor rank nor belt nor pointy hat to do so. You only need a strong heart and perhaps some friends of like demeanor. And in both our cases, sometimes we need a leather skirt.

Forget the nobles, forget the ranks and titles. Remember the land and the people. Do not forsake those who deserve your shield and sword, even if you forsake those that believe they own the lands. We are merely humble caretakers of the lands. And we need no titles or rank to be such.

Drak DarkTalon
Once I have reclaimed the Halls of Fizzlebeaf you will always be welcome as a most honored guest. I have always enjoyed fighting by your side. You still have many friends in Icenia that are willing to fight by you whether you hold a title or not. Do not forget that.

Castlebur Fizzlebeaf of Clan Whiterock
These dreams fill me with mixed emotions, but the most prominent is sorrow. Ithica, my brother, I shall miss you more than words can express. I am shocked, disappointed, and angered by how so many things have occurred in the recent months which have dishonored you and your will to protect the people of Icenia. I shall always welcome your company, friendship, and wisdom, and will miss having your sword by my side in the battles to come. I can only wish you the safest of travels and the most peaceful heart a warrior may come to know. I loathe "communicating" with you like this, through dreams, and so I encourage you to send me a letter when you have time, and the peace of mind to do so. Be well, my Commander. Glory and honor.

- Khorwyn
Remember than words unto honor is akin to mud thrown onto brass. The metal is as it was before wholly unchanged. The metal, if it was ever cared for at all, will be shined again shortly. The stain is temporary and the truth will be evident again soon, as it is even in that moment for the one who looks but a short bit below the surface.

This as much as the bodies left forever upon the fields of late, is the price of the life so many here choose to lead. Losses from circumstances such as this make holes in our lines as certain as death. Divisions of the heart can rend as surely as a charge of lancers, and none of us here can afford to forget any of this.

Ithica, I beg you listen to the counsel of your peers--you don't need a white belt to have the adventurers of Ashbury listen to your words and know who will turn the tide of battle, who is a better tactician than those that do wear white belts and crowns. You have stopped death in its tracks many times over, in the past gathers and years.  Had you not been there to fight for us, there would have been many more resurrections in the past few gathers. Nobles don't always know as much as they think they do, don't give them the benefit of giving up everything you've fought for - the people of Ashbury. No matter what some would have you think, we follow your lead. It will not be an easy task to find someone to fill your shoes. I know that you wanted that white belt, and I have no doubt you would have worn it well, but don't give up on the rest of us because that dream was stolen from you. 

I'll see you soon in the Deadlands. Until then, with a heavy heart, your wife, 

I am not leaving these lands because I did not become a Noble or wearing a white belt, yes pursued this corse and path, i willfully did it and would do it again. My leaving has nothing to do with me not being a squire or Noble. If that was the case I of would of left last gathering. I have always said people follow the person not the title. This has nothing to do with being a noble or not. It has to do with protocol, fairness, and the right to breath, and a matter of honor.

I could stay...But to what end I ask? Until the next time I decide to refit armor before rushing into combat and then be brought up on charges again? Executed? When people follow me and my order is different then a Knights, what then? Treason? I would rather not put people at risk....Oh no im afraid, when fairness is not even considered and insults and slander is allowed to pass and is to go unchallenged. When Knights do not even know the proper pronunciation or spelling of my name after 8 years of dedication, and Paladins do not know my military title after 6, when simple questions in ones defense are asked and then ignored, how much impact does one truly feel they made or simply how much respect does one fell they have? IF nothing else it is the support of the people and the letters of thanks, and kind words, and willingness to follow over the years that makes the true difference in all this.

I apologize if the people see me as walking away from them, but I know most if not all will not blame me, its clear decision many would make if in my shoes. The decision is tough for the mere fact of those I love and hold dear here, but the true calling is to take my leave fight my war with my New Army for Tusnia. I fully understand there is war in Icenia now.. I will not partake or raise a sword to a nation or Army in the name of Icenia after being so Dishonorably treated and spit upon. If i return at all, which is slim but perhaps to pay some final respects to a loved one, of coarse I will defend every person I see. But as for the wars let them fight there own battles without my Leadership, and when they falter let them moan and beg, let them openly and publicly admit wrong doing to bring me back to fight their wars and lead their soldiers for them, or simply let the pride they protect save them from the bloodbath, miseries curse I say.

My doors are open to all, I make the rocky Tusnian terrain my home, and all are welcome. And when the undead is pushed out and towers are complete, when New Tusnia rises from the ashes all will be welcome there as well.

I humbly thank everyone for their words and kindness, but i would ask to only please not use the word "Nobles" as a general consensus. There were and still are many great nobles in Icenia. So it is unfair to say "Nobles" as a whole as much as it may seem the only appropriate way of saying it.

But there are few. And i realize now that the truest and purest of my enemies are the cunning, the deceivers, those with hate and envy, those bent on the will of domination and control of others instead of simply earning it through deeds. They walk among you and smile to your face, congratulate you while at the same time formulate a new plan on attempting to knock you down. Its the perfection of art and Cohesion to seem like the purest of person. How cunning and sly to publicly say just enough of the right thing, draw just enough of what they feel is the right logic and conclusion to lend credence to philosophies and policies on codes of conduct and 'protocol', if when examined by itself, separately and carefully would not hold up to anyone who has a true understanding of Honor, Duty, and 'Right'. They mask untruth and own opinions with a covering web of truth. And then excuse immorality by claiming urgency of hiding behind CONVENIENT position, and manipulated views and interpretations of laws, and the Code. That when broken down and investigated hold no logical purpose or reason for the actions spoken against.
Oh there are answers, always they have excuses and answers. But when truly there is a need for what is simply morally correct and it presents itself then there are no answers, when fact of law and material fact is brought forth there are no excuses.. At that moment all the justification called forth by those same traditions or some general consensus of what is right and good, the philosophies and untwisted views: Then and only then all those CONVENIENT positions, and manipulated views seem to melt away. Exposing themselves for what they truly are, that which is cunning and sly and deceitful and with little honor, and with the willfulness to stoop so low to use such shameful tactics in order to hurt someone.

-Commander Ithica
Furthermore Sir Nevin, I would still like an answer for what exactly i "deliberately misrepresented", just for peace of mind before I leave.

Also if i may ask on who's authority do you strip my Rank and position in the Royal Army? Last I checked you were a Commander yourself, therefore not of authorized rank to strip me. Paladins over see nobles, so the fact that your a paladin should play no part... So i would just like some clarification, it seems there are a lot of "military" things going on that were not in my Military papers given to me upon entering Ash forest as Lt., nor in my military papers given to me upon entering Blythedale Baronial forces as a Commander. Nor anywhere in this book from an Icenian book store I have, that has a specific section about Military ranks and protocol...

So please, i ask humbly, clarify on who or what authority this is being done unless you feel I am not worthy of answer in which case i'll report this to the proper military personal and make strong recommendation to Have you thoroughly examined and possibly put on leave from duty until we can be sure you are not under any kind of effects, or influence from potions or troll hive minds.

-Commander Ithica

Four years ago you came to my call and fought by my side during the Wasting War. I knew your potential and your heart. I asked you to come fight and champion by my side, but your heart was in Icenia and they gained a grand champion. It is no fault your own that they do not see it. Take no long time wondering when you have a home in Odenis. A room waits for you in New Ravenwood keep. Just in time for another storm.

The Kingdom awaits a champion such as Ithica and I await a friend and brother in arms.

You are much loved Ithica, by many.
I look forward to reclaiming Tusnia by your side, shieldbrother.

- Ria Sevaria of Goshawk
You think people would learn after loosing so many great peoples, Ashbury looses yet another great asset. Ithica constantly defended the people of Icenia and Icenian Nobles, weather traveling the mist and defending and preventing slander, or lashing out in the dreams when anyone spoke ill. Ashame this is his reward for such loyalty and sacrifice. He is the most honorable of Nobles always staying neutral, including when he is investigating injustice. Ironically this is a great injustice. Wow Ithica, stripped of your belt and title for saving numerous lives. Wonder what would happen if you just stood back, hide in your ward or tavern and allow them all to die? Maybe a promotion? It's a sad day that Ashbury lost a great warrior and leader. I'm not worried about you Sir, you will find a place and make a great home and surround your self with great people. I only wish that other nobles strive to be more like you.

Be safe,