To the people of the Realms

The land can't survive without balance.
I am the preserver of balance.
Ask yourself why do you seek to battle with me?
What do you hope to gain?
Are there those among you who would side with me in the preservation of the balance?
Rewards are there for those who would turn the tide for the sake of balance.

Though I do see our conflict not being resolved through the recourse of words.
I will say that I will not battle unworthy opponents.

If you wish to battle me,
you must battle with me first,
then we can truly battle.

I move my pieces into place,
I have already made my first move.

Your turn.

Why are we attacking the dragon of order and stone? It seems like a really bad idea. I believe there will be ill effects of leaving the dragon of ice and death the champion.

Terror was a threat and caused great harm to the land, he was rightfully culled from the land. Omnus is not the threat. Void is.
The only good dragon is a dead dragon, and even then you probably have to find some way to keep the damn thing from coming back. In all of my travels I have yet to meet a dragon that doesn't cause troubles to the people of the realm. Helping rid the world of Terror was one of the best things I have done in my entire adventuring career, and I regret I can't stick Omnus a few times. Once it was in I would twist the polearm just to give Omnus some extra special pain. However, I can't be there this market day. I wish you all the best of luck. Let's rid Fortannis of all dragons, even if it is one dragon at a time.

How many other good goblins you meet besides Gob'lingy? I worry we attack first and question our judgement second. I think one must evaluate their enemy before assuming they are good or bad.

I agree with you that Terror was a blight and dealt a terrible loss to the elves and many more of the realm and it was right that he was removed from the realm.

I am looking for why we should remove a dragon of order and stone when a greater threat lays with Void. It doesn’t make sense why we would pursue Omnus and leave a Elder Dragon who represents Death and Ice.

I mean no insult with this inquiry, but I am trying to understand the reasoning.

No insult taken. I say we should kill Void too. As far as I am concerned we should just line dragons up and knock em down. Personally, I believe the only reason Omnus is public enemy number one right now is that he was out-smarted by Void. Whichever one goes down this market day should get rid of the whole lot of them. I call that a win/win. If that is truly the case maybe it is better to go after Stone and Order? It might hurt less and still gets rid of Void.
Tell me young Dryad, would you the living never die? Let the old and sick linger on in their feeble state? Keep those you think evil around you? I serve my purpose for the balance as well. You cannot comprehend the delicate string that the scales reside on. You believe good and evil are two seperate things when in truth neither exists.

It is all about balance.

To exlain the situation simply:

4 dragons, whose natures balance eachother, decided to play a game. Each dragon selected a champion. The winning dragon's champion recieves a "prize". The "prize" is often more profound than the mind can handle, leading to ill effects. The object of the game is to be the last dragon in the realm (from among those playing). The dragons cannot directly attack eachother.

Thus far:

Rex, dragon of fire and life, left this world, resigning the game, to save his champion, Redd, from death.
Omnus, dragon of stone and order, lost his champion, Karsh, to permanent death. However, he refused to withdraw from the game.
Terror, dragon of lightning and chaos, was weakened by his champion, Ahlana, via an artifact undisclosed, before being destroyed by the town.
Void, dragon of ice and death, waits patiently.

There is no balance to stone, as lightning is gone.
There is no balance to order, as chaos is gone.
There is no balance to ice, as fire is gone.
There is no balance to death, as life is gone.

Omnus spoke of balance. And was asked if he would leave willingly after his nemesi, Terror, was vanqished. He declined an answer. Immediately upon Terror's defeat, Omnus dragon-napped Cerulean. Causing much heartache. He toys with us, and dishonors his champion in doing so.
Void has volunteered to leave when all is finished.

In a more poetic sense:

Is not death final?
Doesn't all eventually end in death?
Is not that the TRUE order?

Speaker of Truths
Elder Void

Pleasure to meet you. I am glad you know me well enough to know what I know and believe.

While you do make valid points, I highly doubt that you simply pry on the elderly or the evil. You are not so powerful that you rule death alone, it is going to happen with or without you. I believe it makes no difference to you in what lives or dies.

And I disagree with you about good and evil existing, to put in terms that may be understood easily to highlight my proof, is doing good is doing something to your neighbor that benefits them at the cost of yourself. Evil is doing something for yourself at the cost of your neighbor. There is plenty of greys, and to be honest most mortals dance in the grey areas. Living so far away from others, I can understand why it may be hard to decipher good and evil.


You as well make many excellent points, especially about the balance. However, you are missing many facts. Omnus is willing to leave peacefully, if everyone abandons the fight against him. I am more willing to trust a dragon of order, then any other, to follow their word. If he does not leave, I will take full responsibility.

Master Verdias,

I don't know you. If I do, I don't remember you.

Yet, I hate to see someone struggle with a moral/philosophical conundrum, so I have chosen to respond to you and clear up any misconceptions you might have.

Durk, Tenacity, Alabastar, and I are killing Omnus because TadRon said to.

You are going to help kill Omnus because Durk, Tenacity, Alabaster, and I say to.

Glad I could clear that up; let your mind be at ease, Master Dryad.

A. Runebeard
Ordo Tempestus
Good sir

If you helped Tadron dispatch Terror, then I was amongst those numbers. But I am in the same boat, that if we met I do not remember, perhaps a face will help clear things up.

I do respect Tadron, and I am glad that you have come on his behalf. I consider Tadron a friend as well.

But I am free to explore every option, if one can prevent deaths, one should. Do you agree?

May your travels be safe and swift.


You know I value you as a companion, and you also know that I do enjoy and listen to your wisdom quite often. I no doubt trust your instincts, and wisdom but I have vowed to put an end to this game. A couple of years ago when I got involved in this game I vowed to take out Terror. I could have cared less what happened past that back then. However, since then I have become way more invested than I had ever hoped or imagined into this "game". The original deal made between Ominous, Ahlana, and I was that if we got rid of Terror, he would leave, and then Void would win and leave. This meant we only had to dispatch of one out of 4 total dragons and that meant the bloodshed would be at a minimal amount.

We then did what we needed to do and dispatched of Terror. Then Ominous showed his true colors and changed the deal because it was not to his liking. He then kidnapped Cerulean and slapped us all in the face by doing so. He was supposed to leave peacefully and chose not to. He never voiced his concern about leaving before Terror was dispatched and therefore I cannot trust him. One of the big reasons we didn't lose a ton of people in the Terror fight is the deals we have made with people for help. All of this help hinged on making sure Ominous went next. I have made tons of deals to help make what has happened so far happen. I have sworn oaths to friends and guildmates that Ominous will be next no matter what. Even if logic says this is the wrong move it will still be the one I make because I have made promises. Those promises...I intend to keep. A man has nothing if he doesn't have his word....


P.S. - Thank you Ashnar

P.P.S. - Thank you all in advance for the help

P.P.P.S. - If anybody feels strongly enough about this fight that they don't want to take part, then I urge you to sit out. I will hold no ill will or hard feelings. I only want people on the battlefield that want to be there.
TadRon said:
P.P.P.S. - If anybody feels strongly enough about this fight that they don't want to take part, then I urge you to sit out. I only want people on the battlefield that want to be there.

True enough. But...

TadRon said:
I will hold no ill will or hard feelings.

I will.

I will hold much ill will and hard feelings if you do NOT help TadRon.


Thank you. I find your words make sense. I would not like you to go back on your word, as you would not ask the same of me. I would like to speak privately to you tonight as well, if possible about this matter. I have some responsibilities of being involved as well, and would like to discuss the matter. If Omnus is willing to leave peacefully, is that an option?

Sooo I still get to kill another dragon. You know the jerks that alwys think they have the right of it but just like to play with the lives of us mortals.

I like ill feelings, they keep me warm at night.

Alabaster the Terrible