to the slavers


Frist i would like to tell the Mystic Wood Elf's how very sorry i am for not being able to help them when they frist called out for it.I was delayed and was unable to come when i thought i could.I will be there to your service at the next month,one way or another,and i will once and for all take care of the slavers that raid your home.

Now to the slavers them selves.Your days of raiding the Mystic Wood Elf's are number.The day will come when i will be there with my dagger in your back.I don't care how meny of you there is,i don't care where you are hiding at,and i don't care what i have to do to put your corpse on the ground.Be sure of one thing scum ,that i am coming with a vengeance,do you know what is more dangeres then a angery Dark Elf.......NOT A DAME THING......

To the leader of the slaver's i don't care who you are,be sure that when i am done with your scum bags...I will be coming after you next.
You say that you are a dark elf, yet you apologize to mystics wood elves who could not save themselves, and you stand against slavery? Crow, are you sure that you are a real dark elf?

Durden Thunderhammer
Let me put this very clear to you Mr ThunderHammer....I am a real Dark Elf I am just different from the others. has for apologizing to the Wood Elfs it was a n
matter of my Honer that I tell them what was going on and why I was not there when I said I would be.And finally...You bet your butt i am ageast slavery and I will fight it has long has I am alive,I never belive in it nor will I ever.Dose this anserw all your qustions or is there more would need to know,if there is save it till the fellowing month and meet me in person,maybe there you get all you want to hear.
Crow, allow me to correct you. You WISH to be a real Dark Elf. A true Dark Elf would rather their spirit be weakened to permanent death 1000 times before they would degrade themselves by publicly walking around as anything other than what they are. Every time you claim to be a Dark Elf while walking around as a human, you dishonor yourself, and your house if you have one. Worse yet you also dishonor every true Dark Elf that walks this realm.

If you wish to right this abomination to your race, you must first publicly perform the rights of Seppuku. I will volunteer my services as your second in this ritual if you have no other to assist. Second you must kneel before your matron, and throw your face to the ground before her. You must admit you have shamed yourself, you have shamed your house, shamed her, and shamed all of your race. Third you must undertake whatever torturous task she asks of you in order to regain the trappings of your race as well as correcting your shameful choice.

Once complete you will once again deserve the right to call your self Dark Elf. Until then you are not worthy. The following I say only once so mark my words wisely. Pray that I do not hear of even the whisper from your lips claiming to be anything other than disgraced until those steps have been met. I AM a Dark Elf and will not allow such shame or dishonor to be cast upon me or my race by disgraceful choices of others.
I am working on a way to trun me back to my normal self,it took me some time to find a way but i finaly found it. I want nothing more then be a Dark Elf again. Then again.....what I really want is the son of a oger who trun me to a Human in the frist place.My heart is full of hate and anger,and all I want now is revenge. So excuse me that i don't do all that you sugest I do. Has for my are right i don't have one,at lest not one that are Dark Elfs.My Clan is the town of Horn's End and the people there. I tried to go to the Dark Elfs there in Valdanis,but because I came form another land they said I am a outsider. So I do what do,but at lest these people have need of me and make me feel like I belong,that is more then my own people gave me.
Go yo the battlefield with confindent of victory and you will come home with no wounds.Engage combat fully determined to die,and you will be alove.Wish to survive in battle and you will surly meet death.When you leave home determined not to see it again,you will come home safely.When you have any thought of retruning,you will not retrun......These are the words of my Clam back home.These are the words that are taught to all Dark Elf children and are pratice. I live these words,that makes me what me has i am.A warrior.Not just a warrior,but a Dark Elf warrior. I am not out to disgarace anyone or my people,I am out to get back what was takken from me.
And to you Slavers...your day is coming soon,when you will face real fear.Cause I am coming for you,and i will do more to you then you
will ever do to another.You will beg me to kill you before I am done with you.To your master,he will get far more then you will ever get.These are not just words,it's a promise...from you.
Slavers are in Horn's End! My cousin was taken, and my nephew was left to send the message. The slavers blame Crow and Jehan for having to come into Valdanis. This is supposed to be a warning to stop sticking your noses into places they do not belong. Their words, not mine. Please, help me find my cousin Laradin.

Yelt, Farmer of Horn's End
Yelt....I saw your cry for help and I will do all I can to find your cousin Laradin,and I will end the slavers that are in Horn's End at ALL cost. Slavers you have cross the line now.You come to MY home and take people from MY clan.There is no where you can hide that I won't find you.There no amount of men you have that I won't roll over.You want a fight....I'll give you a war.
They took my PaPa too. Poor PaPa.

Daughter of Rick
Farmer of Horn's End