To Those Who Travel Through Ashbury


NEPA Staff
Hello, people of Ashbury!

We here at the Ashbury Times are proud to announce that we are now under new management! The Times will be undergoing many exciting changes in the near future, and we are looking for some help to make them.

First, we are looking for information that our readers want are interested in! We want to be in touch with the wants and needs of the citizens of Ashbury, and the best way for us to accomplish our goal is for all of you to write in and let us know! Want coverage of the war effort? Baronial politics? Which taverns have the best food in the duchy? We can provide all that and more, but with the sheer amount of notable events, we don’t know where to focus without your help!

Second, we are looking for reporters! For too long our only sources have been unreliable, and our office in Ashbury City could not find proper evidence to verify what they wrote. We’re looking to change that, and are willing to pay well for articles and information from those who are in the thick of it in the Duchy and the surrounding lands. Are you a scholar, a soldier, or an adventurer looking to earn some extra coin? You might just be what the Ashbury Times needs to make this paper great in the coming year.

We want to help you, Ashbans! We are living in an age where the distribution of information literally saves lives. We’re turning a page in the history books of Icenia as a whole, and we need your help to record what comes to pass in this tumultuous time.

If you want to offer your input or services as a reporter, please send a missive to our office in Ashbury City ((OOG: We look forward to hearing from you!

Proserpina Glaedwine,
Editor in Chief, Ashbury Times