Tournament at the Keep


Greetings, fellow adventurers,

Alchemy is a talent that many possess but few have mastered. It is a dangerous, volatile, and capricious art that can be both an asset and a hinderance on the battle field. In my experience in Icenia I have attended 3 tournaments. None of them have had a competition of alchemical prowess.

I propose a competition. The nature of said competition is simple. You are to poison as many people Ducal tournament as possible. Before the tournament begins, you must send me a missive telling me of your intent to participate in my competition. There is a 1 gold crown entry fee and you must bring your own poisons. I will not disclose the names of the participants. You will operate discretely.

This act is clearly illegal, and to assuage the concerns of the nobility I offer a secondary incentive. Any and all who wish to participate in the competition on the side of the ones being poisoned may come to me before the gather and state your intent. I will give you 5 silver and a strip of orange and black cloth that you must bear on your person the entire duration of the tournament. This orange cloth will signify to the competitors that you have willingly stated your desire to participate. Additionally, no illegal substances may be used on the victims.

Potential competitors: You will have the duration of the gather to poison as many of these subjects as possible. This must be done covertly. You can not be detected administering the poison. Your poisons must not induce death, harm to the target, nor the harm of those around the targets. You may only target a victim once. When a target is poisoned, it must be done publicly. This will allow me to administer the victim an appropriate curative in reasonable time. You must declare your targets to me before you administer the poison. Once you have successfully administered the poison, you must inform me in some way that it was in fact you that did it. Many will target the same victims and you will not know the other competitors. I will keep a tally of the poisoners and their victims.

To the victor will go half of the pot. The rest shall go towards the cost of antidotes and hiring willing victims.
Contact me here with questions.

Master Alchemist
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Aren't you a squire, Vox? "This is clearly illegal," indeed.

... I jest, I jest. And hey, for half a gold and the promise of immediate healing, I'll take a Nausea or a Laugh or two.

- Ketemycos Sunwald
Illegal to willingly poison someone who has no idea it is coming, yes. The legality comes when people volunteer to participate.

(( OOG just edited to note that no illegal substances can be used ))

This competition does not sound like it has anything to do with the skill and craft of creating alchemical substances as much as it tests how well somebody is at being an assassin. I feel like this could go terribly wrong, and potentially end up harming a non-participating bystander. I would not see any citizen of Corrheim unwittingly harmed in any way as a result of this contest.

I'm sorry to ruin your fun, but as Lord Captain and present commander of the Martial Law in effect in Corrheim I declare this competition be cancelled. I urge you to find another way to test one's Alchemical prowess.

In Service,

Lord Captain Flint Boulderback
My Lord Captain,

I humbly request you hear me out and my intentions behind such a contest. You use the term assassin to describe the skill set required for this event. I agree that this is an appropriate use of the term. However, I urge you to consider the following.

During the last gather, a number of the adventuring community assumed the identities of common folk in an attempt to retrieve information out of the enemy. They went down to the enemy's camp and took drink with them. Once the liquor had been consumed, they proceeded to invite that same enemy into the tavern to continue to draw information from them. Once there, I was approached for whatever stores I might have of intoxication elixers. It is unfortunate for my purse that I did not have the elixers on hand. However, during their stay I was witness to a number of such elixers poured into the drinks of our enemy during a time of war. Does this not seem similar to a contest I propose for the tournament?

The skills required to covertly poison our enemies in order to achieve our ends were not only required but encouraged by the nobility. I do not know if you, yourself, were present but I can assure you. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that this course of action was required.

My contest is not an attempt to encourage or train assassins to do harm to unwilling participants in the lands of my family's keep. This is why I have asked a number of volunteers to step forward to play at victims. I saw a set of skills put to use last gather and I believe that a contest to see the extent of those skills is not only a matter of entertainment, but to hone those very same skills for future use for the benefit of Icenia.

I would be most grateful, as would those who have stepped forward both as competitors and as victims, if you would reconsider your position.

Squire Vox.

If I poison a drink meant for someone and the server takes a sip, or someone reaches for the wrong flagon at the table then I have just committed a crime. I think this is the sort of thing the Lord Captain fears. I don't say this just because it is possible, but because I have seen these exact things happen.

-Dorgun the Venomous Osprey
Squire Vox,

Not that my opinion carries much weight, but I personally love the idea. Both parties, the poisoner and poisoned have agreed to terms of a competition and agree that they want no legal action to take place. Should a helpless bystander interfere and get poisoned from drinking what is not theirs, then they get a free cure from you. It is a shame that people of your skill can not take merriment like the rest. Perhaps the Captain should teach you to use a sword, so you can be just like him. Maybe everybody should be just like him, because he obviously knows what is right for everyone...

The only person who should be banning this competition should be his Grace, his noble Seneshal representative, or the Lord/Lady of the keep.

Yet, as I said before, what does my opinion matter eh?

Good luck my friend, I'm sorry I will not be attending. I hope nothing.. dwarfs your attempts at bringing fun to a tournament.

- Izer, Seneshal of Storms End.
Now, I 'avent got a horse in this Alchemy race so I don't actually care if it happens, but it's awful brave of a fella to spout a bunch of bollocks at a chap and then bugger off to who knows where. Taking pot shots are we? After the good Lord Cap'n was all proper nice 'bout it? Takes a brave man to that. Oh wait, no it don't. Someone save good ole Rup a seat at the feast table though, cause I'll be there.

Rupert Pike
Squire Vox,

I suggest you carefully consider the following Tenet:

'Thou Shalt Respect the Weak and Thou Shalt Constitute Thyself the Defender of Them.'

My declaration stands. I would be happy to discuss this further when next we have the opportunity to meet.

Thank you gentlefolk for your feedback and cooperation. I look forward to entertaining the Good People of Corrheim with you all soon.

In Service,

Lord Captain Flint Boulderback
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Lord Captain,

I am surprised to see the vehemence with which you so thoroughly choose to selectively adhere to your morals.

I question your use of that tenant of the code. Would you consider members of the adventuring community among the weak that I need to protect? I merely proposed a business arrangement. They came to me asking to participate. Would you consider the desire for one of their number to accept coin in exchange for providing a service by their own free will under no duress nor compulsion to make it against the Code to which I have sworn my allegiance? Would you consider it harming the weak and going against the Code?

I would ask any of the nobility to interject at this point. Clearly I am misunderstanding the concept of free will and law in these lands. Lord Captain, you may not know this about me but I come from Seribdis. In my lands we have no law, nor nobility and therefore the concept is relatively new to me. I could be mistaken in my position.

It is your prerogative as the current leader of the military in a time of martial law. I will not be petty and request that anyone with more knowledge of the code and its true intent to overrule you. I would instead urge you to put aside your emotions. I have known you for long enough to know that you among all of the adventuring community are driven to extreme bouts of anger and grief. You recently went through a traumatizing event. I saw you in your chains. You are not thinking clearly.

As of right now you are passing judgement without having examined prior cases, without acknowledging the free will of those involved, and by siting a portion of the Code that in my opinion does not apply to this situation. I will not ask again. Please reconsider.

Squire Vox.
I would remind the squire to remember his place. The Lord Captain has made his ruling. Making public statements questioning his emotional well being and judgment like this is tantamount to mockery, regardless of how true you believe it to be.

If you disagree with the Lord's interpretation of his duty in this matter take it up with his liege or with him in private. Do not presume to lecture him in public about how he handles his emotions. You have not earned that right.

Sir Amaranthus Landcharmer
The same goes for Izer. Sarcasm and barbs in public to a Lord of the Kingdom are not acceptable.

Sir Amaranthus Landcharmer

It took me too long to learn to read to let this go.

Unless you mean "we live in the Code's house."

Which we kind of do.

My apologies, you may continue.

Dorgun the Pedantic Osprey
Wait, I'M ignorant of Icenian culture and often baffled by it too! Can I be a squire?

Dorgun the fine paying Osprey
Woa woa woa.. Rupert.. Are you implying the feast is part of the competitions... I could be into that

Sir Marcusagrim Anvilstrike
Naw mate, just a clever turn of phrase.

Rupert Pike
Squire Vox,

Frankly, I'm shocked and disturbed at the audacity you've shown. You are not only bringing shame on yourself, but your House, and perhaps most grievous of all your liege lord by behaving this way.

As a Squire, your display of ignorance of the Law of the Land is astounding. Allow me to take a brief moment to explain to you what martial law means and how it applies to Corrheim.

Martial law is the imposition of military power over designated regions on an emergency basis. As Lord Captain, I am the highest ranking military officer stationed in Corrheim by Lord General Gondric Windwalker, and have been appointed the person in charge of the region of Corrheim in which this tournament is taking place by your liege Lord, His Honor Count Ulthoc Crownsmith. This means that, for lack of a better phrase, my word is law. I have done my best to be a fair and benevolent commandant of the region.

I was going to save this for our meeting, but since you persist in questioning my authority I will state it here. I believe your idea to test the adventuring community in the way you've outlined is an exceptional one. Subterfuge and stealth are both extremely important tactical skills. However, not only have you shown yourself to be ill-informed of our laws, but also in our Kingdom's traditions. A contest of this nature is best suited for a controlled environment in which no innocents can be inadvertently harmed. I don't care if it's a mere Intoxicate effect; it is a trespass upon a citizen of the Kingdom. Traditionally a tournament is held to boost the morale of the people by showing them the prestige and prowess of their protectors. Us. Your proposal does not coincide with this long-established custom.

In reference to my citation of the code: people can be harmed. It is your duty by your sworn vow to see that they go unmolested. By hosting a contest such as this you put those people at risk. That is unacceptable.

You have insulted my Honor. You have made a feeble attempt to undermine my authority. You have failed to present yourself with the poise befitting a person of your station. I hereby challenge you, Vox, to honor combat. If you accept we will duel before those gathered at the tournament.

In Service,

Lord Captain Flint Boulderback
Defend the weak, indeed. A very honorable challenge.

I will see you on the field, Lord Captain.

These things are not my realm of expertise. I have just been informed that as the challenged I have a right to choose the weapon of the combat. I chose Alchemy as delivered by gas.
Better hope your opponent knows how to t'row gas globes den. Unless you plannin' on committin' a murder instead'a havin' an honorable battle.

Also, him bein' a dwarf an' all, dat's prolly about da dumbest t'ing I ever heard of. You ain't t'ought much of anyt'ing t'roo before you said it today, did ya?
