Tournament at the Keep

Hello Angrag,

I don't believe we've ever been formally introduced. You may not know this about me from hearsay, but my profession is that of an Artisan. You speak of murder if my opponent cannot throw a gas globe, but I have seen no objections to a man of supreme military prowess challenging a Merchant to honor combat. Were I to stand in my capacities as a pugilist, I may as well arrive to the battle unarmed and naked.

I am familiar with the resistances of Dwarves, thank you. As for my words today, the dream realm is fickle when it comes to delivering the intent behind words. Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding in the meaning behind statements previously made. It is unfortunate that words of challenge such as the ones presented by Lord Captain Flint can not be misconstrued.

Lord captain flint
I would like to chime in here on just one fact, the area around flameheart keepbhas been put under the control and protection of the gilded claw by both count ulthoc and his grace duke nevin. As long as his Grace is not canceling this competition and neither has Lady Darksun it's fine .


When I was a young man I let my mouth run away with me and it damn near ruined my life and the lives of those around me.

Do yourself a favor son. Bind your tongue until it is time. You will not help your cause here.

One Shield; Meaningless Without Others,

Riddick Dale
Lord Captain Flint,
Lady Darksun and esteemed members of the Gilded Claw,
Squire Vox,

Allow me to suggest that perhaps these conversations should be had over private messengers or some other means that is not before the massed eyes and ears of the dreamers here? I believe no one here is of ill intention, but little more productive will happen in this venue.

Captain Neville
Court Wizard, Ash Forest

I will have words with everyone involved here at the Tournament gather. If I see more fighting in the dream realm, I will be very disappointed.

Sir Nevin Kendrick
Duke of Ashbury
Citizens of Corrheim,

By the word of the law of Icenia,

" ... freehold commoner groups are still obliged to pay all taxes and obey all laws of the Barony in which they reside as well as the laws of the Duchy." (Ashbury Player's Guide, p. 123)

As Lord Captain, Flint Boulderback carries the authority of the law as permitted by the declaration of martial law within the military state of Corrheim over any subordinate military personnel, judicial position, or common person. Only a superseding authority, be it military, judicial, or noble, may overturn his orders.

As such, the "Alchemy Competition" in question is cancelled by the word of the Lord Captain. His Grace, Sir Nevin Kendrick, Duke of Ashbury, would like an audience with certain individuals involved in this debate at the upcoming tournament.

Thank you for your concerns. Please, go in peace.

In loyalty and service,
Despona Garrick
Ducal Seneschal of Ashbury
Vox, I am rather relieved that your "Alchemy competition" has been avoided, as it would have caused me great discomfort in safely providing service in the Tavern, and may have been in mildly bad taste due to the recent Poisoning Incident in which a death elixir was used. As to the Incident involving the Intoxicate Elixirs, I was personally involved in this incident, and the drinks containing the Alchemy were closely monitored by me, to avoid unnecessary casualties, as would be impossible during your competition.

I hope your dispute is settled in a calm matter.
I may be just a lowly adventurer. But couldn't this whole thing been handled more peaceful? I understand the potential of this going wrong, but couldn't we have had something for alchemists to paticipate in? I mean not to offend anyones title or rank. I just rather us work together than fight one another.
-Artalon Dragonflow