Tournament Combat

Would you enjoy fighting to first blood?

  • Yes. That makes allows me to balance armor weight against protection.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Yes, but only for team combat.

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Yes, but only for solo combat.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. It gives too much advantage to the bigger guys.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. It gives too much advantage to out-of-game wealth.

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • No. That entirely ignores my body points.

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • Undecided.

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters


Expect a couple of these in the near future. I am trying to work out good ways to run tournament both quickly and entertainingly. In many cases, I don't need to change anything, but in some cases, slight or major changes are in order.

Last year, for the individual combat, only one weapon combat was allowed. It sped up fights, but obviously it prevented people from using preferred styles. In team combat, speed is less of an issue (not no issue, but definitely less of one). Most likely this year the tournament will simply hold multiple combats at the same time (hopefully halving the length of combat).

That isn't what I want to discuss here. One of the major complaints I have heard in recent years is that the blood sport of combat is not in line with the noble deeds of heroes and I understand that it is a major in-game issue. Here is my proposed solution and change to tournament.

New rule: All tournament fights are to first blood. Tournament combatants are allowed and encouraged to wear armor (actual armor, arcane armor is not allowed). The first blow that deals any body damage ends the combat.


that is fencing not combat. Ignoring IG body and weapon skill make no sense. We might as well just roll a d20 and the highest numbers wins.
Octaine said:
that is fencing not combat. Ignoring IG body and weapon skill make no sense. We might as well just roll a d20 and the highest numbers wins.

I agree it ignores IG body, but why do you think it ignores IG weapon skill? Your damage number still matters (for tearing away armor), your weapon style still matters, and your advanced weapon skills still matter (slays, parries, stun limbs, etc.).

Unless the tournament officials are willing to provide armor for PCs, you're putting the players who do not own armor at a disadvantage. A part of being a more experienced warrior is more body, and that is something that cant really be ignored (although body is an OOG term).
I think we should make head and nut shots legal and fight until only one person is left that can physically move.

Can we combat MMA style with gloves instead of weapons? I throw a mean roundhouse kick
Ok guys let's stay on topic here...

Changing tournament combat... yes no maybe?
I'll be honest, I was hoping for responses from some of the people whose concerns I was specifically trying to allay. There are a group of players (who may choose to speak up if they wish) who have expressed concern that the concept of fighting with naked steel until a combatant is dying is way too bloodthirsty for a tournament. This idea was born of trying to come up with a solution for that concern.

In all honesty, if this were entirely an in-game decision, I think this would be a likely solution. But, since out-of-game enjoyment matters as well, I definitely wanted to poll players.

I do hope some with the above concerns will post and express their opinion.

my oppinion: i hate tournaments and will be NPCing thos events and will play crunchies all weekend to harry the players who also dislike tournements and want to play the regular game. my two cents.
I haven't voted yet but a few things come to mind. I don't get the too bloodthirsty thing. Even if I did get it, though, if the combat is no fun OOG for whatever reason there's the entertainment, the hunt, etc.

Getting people to wear armor would be cool but there are problems with doing this to first blood. Someone already mentioned it ignores body points and rewards OOG money. It makes the combat more luck-based (because it's shorter there's less time for OOG skill to matter).

I don't like the idea of no shield or one weapon only as it puts too much emphasis on fighting style (sword and board guy being screwed while someone with a 2 hander either has a huge advantage or can not play at all if it must be a 1 handed weapon).

At the moment I'm thinking maybe we should leave the two combats as they are and incorporate a new combat event to first blood. And I still like my combat archery idea from way back.
In order to provide purely statistical support for the last post, here are some numbers.

The maximum armor that any character can wear is 40 points, though a fighter can only wear 35 points without taking the Wear Extra Armor skill. A 40 point suit is basically full plate (some portions could be heavy chain with mastercrafting and in period bonuses).

The APL of HQ has consistently been 17-18 for the last year or so (and looks to be holding steady). Thus, the average fighter in the game right now has 38-40 body points. Of course, the highest level fighter in the game has something like 70+ body.

Scouts would have about 3/4 the body of an even level fighter and templars about 60% of the body of an even level fighter (both classes which might fight in combat).

Not counting arcane armors, the average assessed suit of armor is usually around 20 points (give or take).

In short, up to approximately level 10, this rule would provide more "body" for fighters on average. Up to level 18, the rule could potentially provide more "body" for fighters. At higher levels it will always provide less "body".

I hope those numbers are useful.

Allowing this hugely favors the big guy with the expendable cash flow that can drop down the cash for good armor. If speed is an issue (funny because most people want to slow down combat ;) ) then have more then one fight going on at the same time. Having a round robin style makes it the most fair. If you think its too slow, don't watch or Role Play during it.
the only slow part of the toruney is riddles or trivia or whatever they are calling it now. Oh and since we r on the topic of change lets get rid of colors since it is slow. :D
You should not limit a characters fighting style. The tournament rules shoud not limit how many weapons you are allowed to use. If Joe fighter is a sword and board and is matched up with Jane fighter who uses 2 weapons they should fight it out in their standard combat styles.

Also multiple fights at the same time would speed thing up. There are more than enough marshalls to assist in the combats.

if you want to get crazy in tournament.... for combat... each fighter gets a random opponent they will get bonus points for defeating. and do a mass melee fight with all the fighters. each defeated opponent gives a base point value. But your designated target is worth more. just a crazy idea...

Octaine said:
the only slow part of the toruney is riddles or trivia or whatever they are calling it now. Oh and since we r on the topic of change lets get rid of colors since it is slow. :D

Dude you just want to get rid of them because we suck at those Hehehe (well minus Red for riddles, he's great at that)
Gilwing said:
Octaine said:
the only slow part of the toruney is riddles or trivia or whatever they are calling it now. Oh and since we r on the topic of change lets get rid of colors since it is slow. :D

Dude you just want to get rid of them because we suck at those Hehehe (well minus Red for riddles, he's great at that)

I have to say colors is pretty boring. We talked about having multiple fights going on at once - why not have a few teams do their colors march at the same time?
James Trotta said:
I have to say colors is pretty boring. We talked about having multiple fights going on at once - why not have a few teams do their colors march at the same time?

Jim its easier to judge 3 1-on-1 combats at the same time (just have 6 OOG marshals because it is real DMG) then the same judges look at 2 groups. Don't worry Jim, we will make colors go just a little bit quicker this year by not event marching ;)