Expect a couple of these in the near future. I am trying to work out good ways to run tournament both quickly and entertainingly. In many cases, I don't need to change anything, but in some cases, slight or major changes are in order.
Last year, for the individual combat, only one weapon combat was allowed. It sped up fights, but obviously it prevented people from using preferred styles. In team combat, speed is less of an issue (not no issue, but definitely less of one). Most likely this year the tournament will simply hold multiple combats at the same time (hopefully halving the length of combat).
That isn't what I want to discuss here. One of the major complaints I have heard in recent years is that the blood sport of combat is not in line with the noble deeds of heroes and I understand that it is a major in-game issue. Here is my proposed solution and change to tournament.
New rule: All tournament fights are to first blood. Tournament combatants are allowed and encouraged to wear armor (actual armor, arcane armor is not allowed). The first blow that deals any body damage ends the combat.
Expect a couple of these in the near future. I am trying to work out good ways to run tournament both quickly and entertainingly. In many cases, I don't need to change anything, but in some cases, slight or major changes are in order.
Last year, for the individual combat, only one weapon combat was allowed. It sped up fights, but obviously it prevented people from using preferred styles. In team combat, speed is less of an issue (not no issue, but definitely less of one). Most likely this year the tournament will simply hold multiple combats at the same time (hopefully halving the length of combat).
That isn't what I want to discuss here. One of the major complaints I have heard in recent years is that the blood sport of combat is not in line with the noble deeds of heroes and I understand that it is a major in-game issue. Here is my proposed solution and change to tournament.
New rule: All tournament fights are to first blood. Tournament combatants are allowed and encouraged to wear armor (actual armor, arcane armor is not allowed). The first blow that deals any body damage ends the combat.