Lanna Rose said:
I think people are worried about the fight till you're bleeding out thing is cause of healing spells. I think that if a few NPCs were sent out as tourny healers then it wouldn't be such a problem. the way it wasa this last tourny was that the PC's were the healers giving us lett heals for the event. I personaly liked the 1-1 this year. I thought it was pretty fun.
The issue is generally more of an IG one then an OOG one.
There are characters who view any use of actual resources (healing or otherwise) outside of REAL combat as a waste or even deplorable.
Depending on the character it could be anything from "put that time and energy into defending farms" to "when goblins attack later and we have no spells left because we participated in tournament, we will be less prepared to defend ourselves so it's not worth the risk".
Using a quick HQ example: Last year many people bowed out of Spellcasters due to not wanting to waste the resources. Then the participants agreed with each other to not recast protectives during the combat to further limit resource drain. All that being said... many participants were still "hated on" by some CHARACTERS (not players) for choosing to participate or in what way they participated.
I think if you're looking for the IG perspective you should ask IG and you may have more of those voices speak up. Asking here OOG you will get more of the OOG perspective of the mechanics of tourny. OR you may get mixed signals as people may, as a player, prefer combat based on body points and beating people to a pulp, but their characters may view that as a waste.
My 2 cents.