Tournament Participants of 608


Thank you for such a wonderful experience. I shall carry memories of this competition, and the beautiful ball for the rest of my days. I had a really great time.

Lord Knight Koshinara must have been real impressed lookin' down on all o' us from his place in the land of Heroes. I know he had to be smilin' seein' his friends work together and have fun even though he weren't there. I wish I had got to know the man better. I look forward to knowin' yall from the great Barony of the Ash Forest better, and hearin' more tales of courage and bravery about Lord Knight Koshi.

Wherever it is you all go from here, stay safe, and please come back next year for what's sure to be another grand Ducal Tournament!

Your friend,

Man-at-Arms Flint Boulderback
Might I suggest that everyone announce who was on which team and who participated in each challenge so that the Ashbury Times can accurately report it?

I'd also love to see the Top Ten lists announced as well.

Here are the results:

[table=tablebg table1][tr=1][td=#FFFF00,1,1][/td][td=#FFFF00,1,1]Ragnars Legacy[/td][td=#FFFF00,1,1]Blythedale[/td][td=#FFFF00,1,1]Nordenn[/td][td=#FFFF00,1,1]Stormblades[/td][td=#FFFF00,1,1]Trellheim[/td][td=#FFFF00,1,1]Ash Forest[/td][td=#FFFF00,1,1]Dockside Rats[/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]Colors[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]3[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]5[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]1[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]Combat[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]5[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]3[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]1[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1][/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]Spellcaster[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]5[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]3[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]1[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]Entertainment[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]1[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]3[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]5[/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]Trivia[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]3[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]1[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]5[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]Archery[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]1[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]5[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]3[/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]Race[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]5[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]3[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]1[/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]Hero[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]3[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]5[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1]1[/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#CCFFFF,1,1][/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]Hunt[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]5[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]3[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]4[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]1[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1]2[/td][td=#FFFFFF,1,1][/td][/tr][tr=1][td=#0000FF,1,1]TOTAL[/td][td=#0000FF,1,1]28[/td][td=#0000FF,1,1]24[/td][td=#0000FF,1,1]20[/td][td=#0000FF,1,1]20[/td][td=#0000FF,1,1]20[/td][td=#0000FF,1,1]14[/td][td=#0000FF,1,1]9[/td][/tr][/table]

Sir Eros
Can I give them a noble order not to report I had to do 3-man.

Ash Forest Tournament Team 608:

Sir Koshinara Murakami (deceased the night prior to tournament, knighted posthumously)
Ezri Silverthorn
Kerrigwen Mellite
Qualinthalus Brightoak
Amaranthus Landcharmer
Although I'm probably not the one to be posting this and don't count on me properly spelling the names...

Norden and Allies

Dreamingfurther said:
Although I'm probably not the one to be posting this and don't count on me properly spelling the names...

Norden and Allies

Gloriana Wyndancer Nordenn - 3 man
Elryion Nynious - Race
Aubry Darksun - Mistress of the Hunt
Raven Nevermore - 3 man/Race
Riddick Dale - 3 man/race/Heroes
Eldarion - Casters/Race/Archery
Ah, I missed the part about which competitions we did:

Ash Forest Tournament Team 608:

We all did Colors, Trivia, Entertainment and the Hunt of course...

Sir Koshinara Murakami (deceased Champion)
Ezri Silverthorn (Casters, Archery)
Mischief (Team Combat)
Kerrigwen Mellite
Qualinthalus Brightoak (Team Combat)
Amaranthus Landcharmer (Team Combat)

Ash Forest did not participate in the Hero's combat, as we would not replace Sir Koshi as our Champion, and as such participated in the entire tournament one person short.
Ezri said:
Ah, I missed the part about which competitions we did:

Ash Forest Tournament Team 608:

We all did Colors, Trivia, Entertainment and the Hunt of course...

Sir Koshinara Murakami (deceased Champion)
Ezri Silverthorn (Casters, Archery)
Mischief (Team Combat)
Kerrigwen Mellite
Qualinthalus Brightoak (Team Combat)
Amaranthus Landcharmer (Team Combat)

Ash Forest did not participate in the Hero's combat, as we would not replace Sir Koshi as our Champion, and as such participated in the entire tournament one person short.

Nordenn understands your pain. We too lost our Champion the friday of tournament weekend.

We too did not replace our champion, and our heart is heavy with the loss of Garuda to this day.

We honor your bravery in continuing to participate in tournament, and in doing so honoring Sir Koshi.

Redcloud said:
Ragnar's Legacy

Gilwing- 3 man, race
Garaa- 3 man, Heros
Redcloud- Archery, trivia and hunt genius
Auric- casters, race
Lyle- 3 man
Air Raksa -race
The once and future Trellheim:

Obadiah Pyrite
Sophia Dawne
Flint Boulderback
Sun Li Kai
Tinder Boulderback

Combat was myself, Sophie, and Obadiah. The Heroes Battle was fielded by myself. The race was me, Sun Li, Sophie, and Obadiah. We all worked together on all the other events. Sevaria sung a real nice song with her friend Irina during the crafter's competition I do believe. His Grace also deemed me worthy of the Duchess' Champion prize, I'm still blushin'!

Thank you all so much again for such a great, challenging, and friendly series of contests!

In Service,

Man-at-Arms Flint Boulderback of Vex Squad
Oh boy, my head must still be rattlin'. Sun Li Kai also fielded the spellcasters battle for Trellheim!

Gosh I hope I don't have to clutter up this fine series of dreams with no more of my forgetfulness!

Redcloud said:
Ragnar's Legacy

Gilwing- 3man, race, trivia, entertainment, colors
Garaa- Hero's, 3man, race, trivia entertainment, colors
Redcloud- Archery, hunt, trivia, entertainment, colors
Auric- spellcasters, race, trivia, entertainment, colors
Lyle- 3man, entertainment, trivia, colors
Air Raksa- race, entertainment, trivia, colors
Gee-Perwin said:
I am very excited to see that my friends continued the tradition of losing in Colors. Winning the tournament is even sweeter. Congratulations Gilwing, Auric, and everyone else on the Ragnar's Legacy team!

Thank you Perwin...its funny we go from the always 2nd place team to winning first two years in a row. I wish you were there man.
Baron Ivan Drake - Champion's Combat; Race
Sir Daniel Grimsby - Team Combat; Race
Squire Aven - Team Combat
Squire Garathon von Storm - Race
Telokh Amdo - Spell-caster's Combat; Archery
The Dockside Rats

Nathan Westwind - colors, race, spellcasters, trivia, entertainment
Leona Tinuen Tel'Arda - colors, race, trivia, entertainment
Leara Falsanio - colors, 3man
Wynter Rose - colors, 3man (sub), race, trivia
Mattock Lightfoot Ironleaf - colors, 3man
Khorwyn Brey - colors, 3man, race, trivia, archery, hero

-Wizard Nathan Westwind
IvanDrake said:
Baron Ivan Drake - Champion's Combat; Race
Sir Daniel Grimsby - Team Combat; Race
Squire Aven - Team Combat
Squire Garathon von Storm - Race
Telokh Amdo - Spell-caster's Combat; Archery

I was also in the Race. I believe your Excellency was also in the Team Combat.
