Town Box accounting per this last market.


Adventurers, as promised here is the updated town box. I will begin with what transactions were made, and then a full list of everything inside.

-10 gold pieces to make up for lacking funds for the town auction. IE we had 51 splits (the town box was not included) and had 41 even stacks, leaving us 10 gold short.
-10 gold from the box, and OWING another 10 gold to Lorelei and a further 30 gold to Eve, to purchase a large chunk of the ore that is used to make a permanent Spirit Walk item to allow us as the adventurers a way to travel where we need to go in a timely fashion.
+The Writ of 500 gold
+The Writ to speak with someone at the users convenience
+Endure Elements Ritual Scroll, donated by Adlao upon seeing the current state of the box
+Ritual of WoE Ritual Scroll, donated by Adlao upon seeing the current state of the box
+ A piece of the technology used by the bad guy whos name I don't remember that is used to suck out and destroy people's spirits

Total Accounting

1 Endure Elements Ritual Scroll
1 Ritual of WoE Ritual Scroll
1 Mark/Unmark Ritual Scroll
1 Extend Battle Magic Ritual Scroll
1 Gift of Life Ritual Scroll (And it's Catalyst)
1 Investiture/Divestiture Ritual Scroll
1 Whispering Wind Ritual Scroll
5 Gold, 42 copper
1 Black Ichor of a Greater Undead, 2 Essence of a Hunter, 2 Dust of a Jade Skeleton (These are tied to the land crafting components)
1 Potential Spirit Walk Rock
1 Planar Asylum Elixir with what appears to be 14 doses remaining
1 Writ of 500 Gold
1 Writ of speaking with someone
1 Piece of the technology used by the bad guy whos name I don't remember that is used to suck out and destroy people's spirits
1 Crown of Victor Hook
1 Copper Tankard that is a 2x a day recharge prowess for those under 100 exp
1 Wooden doll that will act as a sacrifice ritual for the carrier, but they must have already gone through the circle twice
1 Black Hoop Bangle that is a 3x a day Healing Potency
6 Jetsam, 6 Pyrotis, 3 True Silver,12 Cariosus, 2 Penna, 6 Feyander, 5 Ley Ore, 3 heartstone, 2 nightshade, 5 Fangtooth (All tied to the land)
1 seemingly mundane pebble whos presence in the box makes no sense to me but was in the bag of components
1 pile of various production that isn't sorted at all and I don't feel like spending an hour separating unless someone genuinely has a concern about it.

The 1 Black Ichor of a Greater Undead, 2 Essence of a Hunter, 2 Dust of a Jade Skeleton (These are tied to the land crafting components) should have expired. Perhaps Petyr Raxis can still do something with them otherwise wise they are not functional.
Greetings friends,

I would like to upgrade the Box itself if you would accept the gift. The current box appears to have more than it can hold with the Crown itself being rather large.

This is a box I crafted to sell as a “Ready to Go Guild Box” I think it would serve better as gift to the town on behalf of the Merchants of Merchant’s Row. The box has an organizer for reagents, various storage compartments, and maps of Gavaria and Prademar.

Also, we merchants are convening soon to see what support we can provide to and for the Town Box and it’s stewardship. Once we have decided how and what we might offer, we will present it to all of you if you wish to accept our help and support.

In good trust,
Housemother Adlao- HM


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I would also add that the town box ought to also Contain the artifact known as the Savant’s Foresight. Matron Isabo and I donated the powerful spell book to the town box as a communal resource [[EDIT]] under the auspice of her most radiant Ladyship, The Baroness Fallingstar, given its epic nature having all Earth Spells from every age, past and future, contained within its leaves.

The book might be in the safe keeping of another for the time being, but it’s intended resting place was the Town Box to be shared by all.

~with humble deference,
Housemother Adlao- HM
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I believe we had it last because we used it a few times for our banshee fight. I believe Glenn was the one who had it last. I will poke him for it.
Guildmaster DeSylvia,

Would you please offer a bit more insight into this line, "1 Piece of the technology used by the bad guy whos name I don't remember that is used to suck out and destroy people's spirits". That seems--- problematic.

In addition, Elder Victor Hook's coronet should be sent to the Golden Leaf Crown in Anret. King Hook almost assuredly wants the artefact in his vaults for historical purposes. I expect that any magical properties could be removed and placed in a more appropriate vessel.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Guildmaster DeSylvia,

Would you please offer a bit more insight into this line, "1 Piece of the technology used by the bad guy whos name I don't remember that is used to suck out and destroy people's spirits". That seems--- problematic.

In addition, Elder Victor Hook's coronet should be sent to the Golden Leaf Crown in Anret. King Hook almost assuredly wants the artefact in his vaults for historical purposes. I expect that any magical properties could be removed and placed in a more appropriate vessel.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
As much as I see where you are coming from, as someone that has held that crown in their hands and felt the impending doom that flows from it, I rather we find out what it does before we hand it off. King Hook knows we have it. I think once we figure a way to neutralize the evil from it, we can give it back. I am looking to research this over the time till next market.
Guildmaster DeSylvia,

Would you please offer a bit more insight into this line, "1 Piece of the technology used by the bad guy whos name I don't remember that is used to suck out and destroy people's spirits". That seems--- problematic.

In addition, Elder Victor Hook's coronet should be sent to the Golden Leaf Crown in Anret. King Hook almost assuredly wants the artefact in his vaults for historical purposes. I expect that any magical properties could be removed and placed in a more appropriate vessel.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
My Dear Dramthin,

The Technology referred to here was from a Magi-science Lab. Smugglers were raiding it for magical items and treasure, and we halted their ransacking. I do not recall the name of the Villain in question either, but this is similar if not the same technology that can turn spirits into raw power, as per the ancient ritual that delivered the Ark of Atupal from the calamity. The object appears to be a hexagonal pillar embedded with wires and nodes. Its nature is beyond my skill to assess.

Housemother Adlao- HM
As much as I see where you are coming from, as someone that has held that crown in their hands and felt the impending doom that flows from it, I rather we find out what it does before we hand it off. King Hook knows we have it. I think once we figure a way to neutralize the evil from it, we can give it back. I am looking to research this over the time till next market.
In addition, If I recall correctly King Hook was there when we were discussing the crown's disposition and he told us that we should be the ones to safeguard that item. I highly doubt the magic upon it would be safely transferred to a new vessel but even if possible, I don't believe the risk is worth it in order to gain a trophy (no matter the historical significance it may have).
I find it interesting that neither Housemother Adlao nor Guildmaster DeSylvia can remember the names of these tomb-raiders. Does anyone remember their names? When you confronted them, did they introduce themselves? Should we read anything into this strange lack of exactitude? Is this simply poor note-taking or have memories been rearranged?

To the point, who is investigating its properties right now?

As for Elder Victor Hook's coronet, I will trust Scholar Beinae-Stormwolf to dipose of it properly. The object does belong in the royal treasury as it is the birthright of King Ractor Hook, but he certainly has more than enough time to await a more thorough investigation of its properties. I simply hope the despair from Elder Hooks Spirit does not seep forth and spread miasma through Gavaria.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
I find it interesting that neither Housemother Adlao nor Guildmaster DeSylvia can remember the names of these tomb-raiders. Does anyone remember their names? When you confronted them, did they introduce themselves? Should we read anything into this strange lack of exactitude? Is this simply poor note-taking or have memories been rearranged?

To the point, who is investigating its properties right now?

As for Elder Victor Hook's coronet, I will trust Scholar Beinae-Stormwolf to dipose of it properly. The object does belong in the royal treasury as it is the birthright of King Ractor Hook, but he certainly has more than enough time to await a more thorough investigation of its properties. I simply hope the despair from Elder Hooks Spirit does not seep forth and spread miasma through Gavaria.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove

On account of my inability to recollect the name or specific details was more due to circumstance- I was drafted to join the party venturing forth at the last moment, and never caught wind of background details. Another adventurer was the leading the effort, but I’m not sure again if it was Vaelin or Guildmaster Franz.

Housemother Adlao- HM

((silly O-‘clock Last Mod of the Night at 3am we just want to hit stuff)).
I know I am not an Elf of Prademar but I am an Elf of Gavaria. I would be happy to inspect this crown to see if anything nefarious has entered through the mist. That should be within my ability.

If not, no harm done.

The Tempest
Anivia Amberheart
Court Wizard of Cinem

Ross Rodan is the one who wrote the book divulging the way to reverse the magics and technology used in Atupal. Roy is currently imprisoned. If you desire to meet with him: Vaelin, William or I can arrange a meeting with Duke Alice to obtain permission to visit him.

Roy used a (possibly the only) copy of that book to reach our lands initially. Miggs has been scouring the archives in Skain looking for that book.

During a recent raid of a Golden Clank Conglomerate tower we uncovered a lot of paperwork from maps to partial contracts and, importantly, messages about a dagger. Vaelin is in possession of those files intends to share them to the dreaming.

This dagger has been passed around the black market. Thanks to Miggs findings we were able to determine this dagger uses Ross' 'reversed technology' (akin to a life leach but more of a spirit leach). I do not recall if we know the exact location of this dagger (i.e. if the Clankers have it or not) at the moment.

However, Jarajj came across a hidden Golden Clank Warehouse in his travels through Skain. Margrave Cheshire of the Mauve Tigers a group of 'bandits' (Enemy of our Enemy is our friend, but also super complicated please ask if you want clarification). Helped us lead a raid on said warehouse. It is in this Clanker warehouse where we found this tech. So it is likely that Desylvia and Adlao don't recall the owners of the tech because we don't know who in the Golden Clank Conglomerate built it. We have some names of leaders and movers within the Clankers but not enough to say this tech belonged to this person.

I hope you find that beneficial. In addition, if you would wish to help fight back against the rampant privatization of knowledge and industry please reach out to William, Vaelin or Myself. We are working to promote change and the three of us already have significant targets on our back. (William and I are co-owners of 400 acres of land that the Clankers were looking to buy).

Rise Up,

Greetings Friends,

The Merchant Row Association and Merchant League Guild held a joint meeting to explore if we might be of service to the Town’s Resources as per the Town Box. After lengthy and thorough dialogue, we have elected to not take an active or direct role in managing or contributing to the Town Box, mostly to avoid perceived conflicts of interest; however, we have chosen instead to submit a handful of suggestions to the Nobility and Town in order to support the Town Box and address some of the issues individual members of the group were made aware of in this discussion and in other numerous conversations.

  1. We humbly suggest the establishment of a Town Treasurer- an administrative position to help manage and document the Town Box. This position may be delegated or appointed by the Nobility and Guild Masters to adventurers who have the time and talent for such tedious clerical work.
    • This could be one person or a group of people who take initiative to be the Checks and Balances of the Town Box resources and advocate for Town Needs and make those resources be used regularly to benefit the town.
    • This role would also know and make public where the Town Box is at any given point in time, and be responsible for its security, transport, accessibility, use and advocacy.
    • They would report Directly to any Noble or Guildmaster of consequential rank.
  2. We humbly suggest the institution of a Town Box Log to record the Ins and Outs of the box, and to be referred to when posting publicly on The Dreaming as Guild Master DeSylvia and the Fates pawns have done so generously in the past.
    • ((This should be phys-repped as an item in the box as a journal, and exist as a Google Sheet for organization and transparency)).
  3. We humbly suggest that the Town Box’s equipment and container be upgraded to accommodate its contents for safety and organization.
  4. We humbly suggest the official codification of Town Box receiving a share of Town Loot in order to maintain its ability to support town endeavors.
  5. We humbly suggest that a Set Par be determined for coin, as well as various needed items and supplies, be created, fulfilled, and maintained as part of the Town Box Log.
  6. We humbly suggest that the Town Box's Magic Items with Durations of Use be assigned to an Adventurer so that The Winds may account for the remaining magic stored within them
    • ((Determine who Pre-Regs those items to make sure LPs are spent correctly)).
  7. For the sake of Justice, we humbly propose that past uses of the Magic Items be accounted for with The Winds.
    • ((We need the Magic Items Numbers so that we can submit them to Logistics for Reference))
  8. We humbly suggest that the Town Box be kept secure at all times in such a fashion that it can easily be located and accessed by those who have need of its resources, but also prevents its theft or pilfering.
We submit these suggested reforms with the utmost deference and good will to whomever is of Rank to adjuicate and decide which and how to follow through on them, if at all. Though The Merchant Row Association and Merchant League Guild will not participate officially, individual members, such as I, Housemother Adlao, are willing to be of service and perform any tasks required to aid in this much needed and important collective resource.

In all humility,
Housemother Adlao- HM
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Housemother Adlao,

While the University has no official status in Gavaria, it supports discussion and ratification of this submission by the Merchant's League Guild and Merchant's Row Association.

In furtherance of this submission, I suggest formalizing the position of Town Treasurer. It should receive a mandate from the local nobles and population as a vouchsafed person of status with according respect thereof. Similar to a Sheriff or Magistrate, the Treasurer should hold a position separate from the standard order of process so it cannot be influenced, coerced, or tempted by municipal or worldly concerns. In addition, I feel this position should be compensated and endowed with a stipend by the community to further insulate it as well and reimburse it for time invested. I would suggest it receive either a flat monthly stipend or an additional percentage from any Town Split.

To show my personal support for this submission, the University will dedicate resources and personnel to its execution if that is the will of the people. To wit, once, or if, a Treasurer(s) is established, the University will support ongoing creation of a Limited Circle of Power to protect the Town Box until a permanent protective space can be created. In addition, if the role is created but the community decision is not to fund the office-holders, I will personally commit one-half my own proceeds from any "town-split" I receive as remuneration to the Treasurer(s).

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Thank you, Keeper Dramthin. Your support and contribution is most welcome.

I would also like to amend something that I did not make clearer in my earlier letter:

Those who have taken it upon themselves to Steward the Town Box, namely among them Guildmaster DeSylvia and members of Fates Pawns, have already been carrying out some of these reforms within the last couple of years.

Our recommendations simply ask for the codification and recognition of the best practices they have laid down as the foundation, and then build upon the work they have already done, as well as provide substantive support to continue this work as we refine it.

As of right now, the upkeep of the Town Box is a fair amount of work that doesn’t receive adequate resource, appreciation, or compensation. Our proposals seek to remedy this by providing lasting infrastructure and support for the work carried out by Guildmaster DeSylvia and others.

Housemother Adlao- HM
Dramathin, Adlao
Whereas the adventure capitalists have in the past regularly casted our limited circle of power for the protection of our resources and have across markets held space for items to be stored for the town auctions and town box. we are willing to continue to provide this service to the town as our circle is normally in an accessible spot that can be seen from the town for transparency and limited of those invested. That being said I am still a critic of the town box at least one at the level we are moving towards but if there is to be one I will continue to provide protection and access as needed.

Sir Captain Roff of Picheston
Thank you, Good Sir Roff, for your offer.

These ideas are laid out and are open for anyone to pursue with appropriate parties. I am willing to help and support Guildmaster DeSylvia or whomever is so inclined to make whatever suggested updates to these systems as outlined above or elsewise.

Until I am called upon, I will humbly defer further involvement.

Housemother Adlao