Town Box


Greetings friends . . .

At the last Market Day, Squire Ragnarok saw fit to entrust me with the Town Box. It currently holds a number of ritual scrolls, a small number of components, a catalyst, a few supplies the crafters among us would find useful, and some coin leftovers from the town auction splits. In an effort of complete transparency, I will have a complete inventory available for those who wish to see it.

My goal is to stock the box with useful items every adventurer should have. Firstly, I'll be gathering roughly 30 to 50 "5 Healing" potions. Then I shall work on stockpiling other curatives - Cure Disease, Awaken, Cleanse, Antidotes, Purify, Enslavement Antidotes, Euphoria Antidotes, etc.

Any adventurer in need will be taken care of.

I welcome ALL of your thoughts on this.

~Zihr of House Husky
Honorable Zihr,

I have the Cures available they are not phys reped but I have the tags. I will seek you out next market day.

To my knowledge, the box should be various scrolls that would benefit anyone inflicted with something that requires a cleansing. The catalyst set should only be used in absolute certainty, as it is the most powerful ritual available. I believe there are also crafting tools that people can use to make solid useful items.

Regardless, it’s enough where the town should be good to remove or seal with any necromancy threats caused by ritual.

Good luck in these new lands, and stay safe.

Lord of Gaden long ago

It may be wise to focus on collecting cure disease potions. The blighted undead we encountered at the last gathering afflicted those who touched them with a disease that worsened over time. I'm uncertain if it can be treated any other way and I worry that it could be fatal if left untreated.

Zen Mallowbrooks

I would be interested in the full list, one of ritual scrolls contained in the box proved very useful this last market so it would be good to know what might be available.
